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One of the best new films I've watched in 20 years
18 December 2023
Obviously no one reading this knows me but I am a huge movie fan. I do have a particular taste but these types of films are right up my alley. I woke up this morning at like 10:30 with plans on going right back to sleep because it's my day off. I happened to pop on Facebook and read someone on a friend's page say that this film was every bit as good as the original jaws. Considering Jaws is my second favorite film of all time and has half of a room in my house dedicated to it, I would not stand for such blasphemy. So I decided to go on one of the pirate sites and watch this film so I can come back and tell him how wrong he was. I will never be able to compare it to Jaws because I've been watching Jaws 28 years, since I was 6-7. But this movie was absolutely phenomenal. I do agree with the comparison to Jaws because Jaws is a great movie that happens to have a shark in it and this movie is a great movie that happens to have Godzilla in it. I'm someone who does not cry very often. Especially not to a movie. I have not cried during a movie in probably 25 years at least. This was the closest that I have come in a very long time. And while I didn't shed a tear I know many will. This had the feel of an old school film with modern updated graphics. The effects were fantastic with the exception of a couple shots where you could tell that they intentionally had Godzilla practical effects that looked a little less than stellar. But you could tell that they did it as a tribute to the original films. This movie is Godzilla mixed with saving Private Ryan mixed with Titanic all rolled into a ball of perfection. Do yourself a favor and go see it in theaters don't make the mistake that I did because I will never be able to watch this for the first time on the big screen. I'm definitely going to watch it again in theaters tonight but I wish I had done that from the beginning. Do yourself a favor and see this movie. Anyone that tells you it's anything other than fantastic doesn't know sh....
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Very impressed
15 August 2023
Fair warning there is a slight flight spoiler at the end of my review. Nothing that gives away like specifics just something that you should already know if you know anything about the story and just things that I personally would have done if it was me in the story but I didn't put yes the spoilers because it wasn't anything that really gives anything away. But I do want to warn people reading just in case.

Ok so, I was very pleasantly surprised by this I thought because I know what happens due to it being a story derived from Dracula but they were able to keep the suspense up to a high level and there were portions that were quite disturbing but in a great way. And it wasn't quite as predictable as expected which was great. The acting was very very good and having practical sets and effects is always going to be better than CGI in my opinion. Now I don't doubt that there was CGI in this film and I don't have a problem with CGI I have a problem with overuse of cgi. You can tell when people are constantly in front of a green screen. You can tell when people are acting with a computer generated animal or monster or person or whatever. No matter how good the CGI is it still looks like CGI most of the time and when we do what we used to do in the early stages of CGI and only use it to fill in parts that can't be done well with practical effects I think that it can be fantastic. I forget the lead actor's name unfortunately but he was in walking Dead and skull Island and I've always enjoyed his work and he was fantastic yet again. There were portions where I was like hey you know you see these people burning up in sunlight why not go and empty the cargo hold one by one during the daytime? But at the same time I have to suspend disbelief because the story has to end a certain way and obviously doing that would not work for the story haha. But overall I thought it was great I was very happy with it and I honestly would love to see them make a Dracula movie next to continue the story with a retelling and I'm not sure if that's the plan or not but even if it's not I'm glad I watched the movie.
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Slightly better than the first... somehow
5 August 2023
Now I will say that had I never read the books and just watched the movies I probably would enjoy them the same way I enjoy piranha 3D. But the first book was awesome the second book was even better and the third book is my favorite although it's not quite as good. Book four is all right book five and six are terrible but I was so excited when I heard they were finally making a movie out of it and I hope that they would take it serious. Jonas Taylor is such a complex character with a lot of PTSD and could have been played by an actor that is an antihero that shows all of his trauma but instead they decided to make a ridiculous Blockbuster half comedy. The first one was absolutely nothing like the book and although I wasn't expecting it to be the same because it never is with the novels, it was almost nothing like it besides a couple of names. This movie had at least a little bit more from the book. Although it's just as ridiculous. I don't understand how they spend so much money and the CGI can be so bad. I mean it's just absolutely awful. Nothing moves naturally. Jason Statham is definitely the best part of these movies and that's not saying much. He is one of the most horribly miscast characters I've ever seen in any movie. It's not that I don't like him but as Jonas Taylor he is nothing like the character in The book. The best thing they could have done with this novel series is turn it into a two or three season miniseries. Six to eight episodes per season. It really could have allowed them to tell the whole story and dive into the characters. Hopefully someday the story will be told right cuz the movies sure as heck don't do it. I mean it was better than the first one and it was worth watching I guess but I suggest not reading the book before seeing either one of these because it will ruin it. But I do suggest reading the books after and definitely listen to the audiobooks because the voices that they do for all the multiple characters are amazing. And it's much better than any of these movies will ever do.
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Tales of the Walking Dead: La Doña (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
23 June 2023
I love The walking dead. I even enjoy the down seasons when people did not. Fear The walking Dead has been pretty bad this most recent season but there were some really good seasons as well and I'm not in any way shape or form stopping watching, and a couple of these episodes were decent but this was absolutely horrendous. This supernatural stuff is garbage. I mean zombies are one thing but this and the groundhog Day zombie episode we're just absolutely awful. I mean there was so much potential with the stories. All they had to do is tell normal stories about people's survival for the beginning or middle or whatever it didn't have to be like this I don't know what they were thinking. But this episode is the worst. Not much better than the Parker posey episode. The episode with alpha and Terry crews episode where decent as well as the doctor episode but everything else was just terrible.
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Scripted cheesy trash
6 June 2023
Every line in this from the so-called scientist was so insanely cheesy and clearly scripted. They think that they could possibly figure out what shark did it because a shark that may have been in the same size range and may have been in the area around that time that means little to nothing. Sharks are constantly moving and there was probably another 10 to 15 sharks of that size in that area during that time. These sharks are so amazing on their own they don't have to do these scare tactic shows. Absolutely ridiculous. It's not as bad as the fake megalodon lives documentary that they did 10 years ago but it's up there. Pretty awful.
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Black Water (2007)
Much better than the rating shows
4 May 2023
Now I don't think that this is a nine but I rated it higher for the people that rated it a one. People who rate on these sites, something of one that clearly is better than a one. Let's say you gave this film a one but one is the lowest you can go. What would you then give a film that is clearly worse than this? Pretty much whatever Imdb says as far as a rating goes it's 1-2 points higher and that stays true for this film. Now there are some shots in the film that have been a little bit better like the crocodile jumping out of the water, but the practical effects look phenomenal, the crocodile itself isn't ridiculously huge like 30 or 40 ft like other monster crocodile movies. There is nothing unrealistic about this film. This has happened and easily could happen again. Saltwater crocodiles are very dangerous and the suspense in this film is fantastic. Sometimes not seeing something is much better than seeing it and most of the shots at the crocodile in this movie look real and this movie is absolutely worth a watch and one of the best crocodile movies I've ever seen.
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Rogue (2007)
Enjoyable, graphic, bye bye pup
27 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Far from perfect but overall enjoyable. If you like dogs and dog like seeing them literally dead and falling apart in the mouth of a croc haha, don't watch. But damn was that a siiiiiiiiick scene. Very realistic with the pup. Lots of suspense. Much better than your average monster movie. And with crocodiles it's a lot more realistic for multiple people to be killed. Biggest issue I had was the girl who is the main star getting grabbed and taken underwater and then it brings her back to like its cave where it has bodies stored. And I don't mind the fact that it has a storage unit haha but if it grabbed the girl in the water, she would be long dead before she ever made it back to where it puts the bodies. The first thing it would do would be to drown her. I mean it's not that big a deal but it's really hard to suspend disbelief on that part. But there are some really gory shots in the movie and a lot of action and suspense. Definitely worth watching.
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The Lake (I) (2022)
Waste of a REALLY amazing monster
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The big monster looks PHENOMENAL. The smaller monster or monsters look cool too but the CGI is hit or miss. They showed the huge monster right off the bat in the first 5 minutes of the movie which I think was a huge mistake. The director did an awful job. The dialogue was terrible the editing was awful the score was crap. The movie was all over the place. There was a ton of Jurassic Park references like looking through the window with people in the car and the goat. The monster was so amazing looking especially in the rain and dark. I couldn't believe how great it looked for how bad the film was. The director has no sense of how to format a movie like this. They should never have shown the monster right off the bat. Show the point of view of the people and then show that they're missing or there are bodies but don't show the monster right away. Tease it and make the audience wait and let that build up and let the desire build and then finally when you show that big behemoth it will knock everyone socks off. The movie was all over the place it was really confusing. It's a shame because with a sweet monster like that and a good director with a quality script, and that could have been a really good movie. I would love to see Hollywood redo it with the same quality of the big monster, but with a director and writer that can tell a great story and actors that can do a much better job. I mean it was worth seeing just for the effects alone but everything else was absolutely horrendous.
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Scream VI (2023)
Decent but predictable
11 March 2023
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Spoilers be warned

I called the killer situation before the halfway point. It was gruesome and enjoyable at times but the last one was better. Still worth seeing and a decent entry in the franchise.but not killing any of the 4 or having ANYONE die in the second half was bad. And having Chad get stabbed like 20 times and survive if ridiculous. I called the father daughter very early on and when they had her die I called that it was fake and and that he made it look like she died when she didn't because he's a cop. Then when they were on the subway I put the last piece together and said that it was three of them which I did like. Was more than just 2 for a change. Overall it was average. Check it out if you havent.
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Better than a 3.9
20 October 2022
Don't get me wrong this is absolutely the weakest of one two or three. But the ratings on websites like this are just completely ridiculous. If someone doesn't like a film they just put one. I take ratings on things like this serious because can you talk about for example I feel like the Meg, I hated it. It was horrible compared to the novel. But I'm not going to get butt hurt over the fact that I didn't like it and give it a one because if that film is a one, what is a movie like sharknado? What is a movie like me straight to TV sci-fi movies? Is that a one also? It's just not comparable. If you gave this movie A one, what would you give the newest one? You can't go any lower than one but the newest one was way worse than this. Realistically this movie is probably like a six. Any movie that goes into the theaters is automatically at least a four my biggest issue with this and I think what really ruined this movie the most is the budget. If you give this movie a better budget and it had better graphics, I think this movie is much much better. The story is good the ending kind of sucks but it moves the story forward. Had they made a fourth film that actually had Trish Jenner come back, I think this would have been a good film to develop the story into that. There were definitely some potholes and bad graphics but it was very entertaining and there were some cool kills and we learned some new stuff. I would have changed the ending but aside from that and the bad graphic it was a quality sequel. If you watch the newest one, that was horrible movie. Unfortunately the fans of this franchise are getting punished by the doings of the director. The director's past made it so this movie didn't get a budget or get a full release. Dont get me wrong he is a monster and a horrible person but you can love the work of someone who is a horrible person. If Jeffrey Dahmer painted a beautiful picture, it doesn't take away from the fact that he's a monster but you're allowed to like the picture. I wish the director had just stepped aside and allowed someone to make a proper sequel with Trish Jenner any quality budget but like I said the only one really getting punished for the director's actions, is the fans of this franchise. But I think most people will agree after seeing the newest sequel that this movie wasn't that bad. And I will say one more time if you give this movie a few more million dollars to clean up the graphics and you change the ending a little bit you have a much better film. But even as it is it's much better than a 3.9.
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Very pleasantly surprised
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So when the first of the three new sequels came out I enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect but it was enjoyable and I liked it. I incorrectly thought that people enjoyed Halloween kills as well and was looking forward to seeing it. When I saw Halloween kills I was amazed at how absolutely horrendous it was. I can suspend disbelief when it comes to stupid decisions made by characters but the level of stupidity that the director allowed in the film was mind-boggling. I thought it was horrendous. When I saw the ratings of this one I was bummed out because I was hoping it would be good but I think that this film is critically underscored. By no means was it a perfect film but it was hands down the best of the three sequels in my opinion. Spoilers absolutely coming right now so if for some reason you are still reading and do not want to be spoiled, I would suggest leaving. I have been saying for years that I just want them to put him in a wood chipper or something. When they actually have the opportunity to kill him do something that he can't possibly come back from. And for the first time in the history of halloween, when they had him they followed up. I enjoyed the side story of the boyfriend slowly going crazy as well. I love to how gory the film was and I think it was a good conclusion to an asinine amount of films. I mean we have basically three separate groups of sequels that take the film in different story lines. I like Halloween H2O despite its flaws and I hated Halloween resurrection. I enjoyed Halloween for and five was okay but not as good as for and six was horrendous. But as bad as Halloween kills was I think Halloween was really good and Halloween ends was a great conclusion. I know this is not a popular opinion but I personally do not care. I thought that this movie is exactly what it needed to be and was a fitting end to Michael Myers and Jamie Lee Curtis as Lori strode. I do not want to see any more with Jamie Lee curtis. I love her but I think this is it and needs to remain it. Not that they could really bring back mashed mush Michael but I think the Halloween franchise just needs to not be touched or a decade and if they can think of a way to reboot it in a way that it will be good then fine but this may not be a popular opinion but I really enjoyed this movie and I'm glad that they ended it the way they did. Definitely worth watching.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Never should have happened
5 October 2022
The first film ended perfect. It was a complete movie. A complete story. The problem with sequels like this is they're not needed they wait too long and even though the first was a Disney movie and was very campy, there was still an element of danger from the witches. This just seems like complete ridiculousness. And not in a fun way. I gave this movie a chance and was hoping I would be proven wrong but I said a long time ago that this is not needed and is a bad idea and sadly I was right. I'm sure some people are going to like it but it wasn't good. There's some nostalgia but not enough to make it worthwhile. I'm sure there's nostalgic glasses with the old one it wasn't perfect but it was still a very fun and good film. This was just trying way too hard. Everything seems so forced and cheesy and somehow more low budget. I'll stick to the original every year for Halloween.
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Animal (I) (2014)
Fun monster flick
1 July 2022
Let's face in this movie is not going to win any Oscars and it has many of the usual characters. There's always that one guy who's insanely psychotic out of nowhere. Although after seeing how people act during the pandemic it doesn't really surprising that someone might actually act like this. But this was a fun modern monster movie. The monster looked pretty badass and there was some jumpscares. Quality gore. I think it was very good for what it was and if you're into monster movies it was definitely worth a watch.
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10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really had high hopes for this film after seeing the first trailer. I didn't watch any of the trailers after that because they give away the whole movie in the trailers and the last two movies were completely spoiled for me by the trailers. But it looked very good. I was able to watch it a week before it came out because it was available online and we you turn down the opportunity to put it on my buddy's big screen out by his pool. I was extremely disappointed after seeing the first time. When I watched it in theaters I wasn't as disappointed as I was originally. First off I still think the third film is the worst. This is definitely not that bad. But even though the Jurassic world movies are not masterpieces, they are still very enjoyable. My issue with them is there's just way too much cgi. Although I will say that the CGI on this phone is phenomenal. The best I've ever seen. The giganotosaurus mixed with the cover of darkness, looks phenomenal. The detail of it all is amazing. Bringing back the old characters and mixing with the new was fun and bringing some old stories full circle was as well. Having Dodgson go down the way he did was perfect. I was really really disappointed that they did not kill Henry wu. No reason he should have survived. I don't care about character arc. But the story was very sloppy. They tried to fit way too much into this movie. My biggest issue with the new films is that if you look at the old movies there's action but they're not like cheesy action Blockbuster films. These films are. They have unrealistic technology and I'm not just talking about like cloning. That's understandable because of what the movie is about. But these people have like 20 trillion dollar facilities. It's just like in the movie The meg. In real life there aren't state-of-the-art facilities like that. I mean there's state of the art facilities but this looks like it's 70 years in the future with the kind of stuff that they have. Whereas in the original film the technology matched what the real world had. But there was just so much stuff that was unrealistic in this and it was a big let down. The dialogue was cheesy at times the story was just garbage. While I do think it's worth the watch and I will see it again and it's not as bad as the third film, it is not very good. I think fallen Kingdom was much better than this as well as Jurassic world but this was definitely the worst of Jurassic world franchise.
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Extremely underrated
20 May 2022
The over critical reviews are a joke. Don't get me wrong this isn't an Oscar winner by any stretch. But it serves its purpose wonderfully. It's a fun funny heartwarming family movie. Yes bad guys get away, but it's an effin movie. Very enjoyable especially for kids. Definitely not one of the better Macaulay Culkin films but absolutely worth a watch.
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Was very frustrating
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't regret watching it but I'm glad I didn't see it in the theatre. It was fun and I've seen worse but mannnnn. Had the characters not been so UNBELIEVABLY stupid, prob would have been good. Not great. But that's a big if. I liked the idea of everyone getting together to stop him. I liked including Tommy and other older characters. However, if you're Tommy and you talk every year about how him and you saw him, even as a kid. And you have known Laurie for decades.... And you spend the entire movie going after him with a bat? They form a huge team with like a few guns? And split up? They sit in the car and let people go in alone? So many of these people know how dangerous he is. I could buy some of this perhaps, had it been the first time a lot of people had encountered him. I don't mind suspending disbelief but it's hard. I realize the end was the way it was because they have one more film in mind. But if I'm writing this movie, and I know we're doing another one, I'm not putting him face down with 40 people, granted only a few have guns, and just beating him for 10 or 15 seconds. Like he's face down. Don't get near him. Empty every gun you have into him shoot him in the head chop his head off. Or don't at the way they wrote it. Definitely disappointed but maybe they can finally wrap the series up in a decent way but who knows.
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Jersey Girl (2004)
Better than the box office it took in
17 April 2021
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I remember seeing this at 15 or so and it is the definition of "cute". The little girl is hey JD adorable and upon seeing what she looks like now, 2021 as of this writing, I'm in shock. She grew up to be drop dead gorgeous. I'm 32 now and I forget that I was quite young myself upon seeing this but wow. Anyway, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck put out crap movies so it's good that she does early on. There's a heart breaking scene with George Carlin especially knowing he passes away just a few years later. It's not an Oscar quality movie by any stretch, but as I said it is the definition of a cute movie. Family friendly, sweet comedy with the lovely, especially in 04, Liv Tyler.
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Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015 Video)
Just.. yuck.
26 March 2021
Coming from someone who LOVES Tremors and Tremors 2 and watches them at least once or twice a month, I wish they had stopped after 2. 3 was ok I guess but still wouldn't put it in the same league as 1 and 2. But this movie is just trash. Cgi is a huge reason the movies went down hill. When they used props for the graboids they weren't having them jump through the air fully out of the ground and having these ridiculous cgi snake tongues. They just break the laws of physics and it's all cheesy. The originals had some cheese mixed in but in a smart entertaining way. These sequels are just ridiculous. I hope the series is done until they can regroup and get a quality budget and good script/actors and do it the right way. IFFFF they have to make more. I also love jamie kennedy. Romeo and juliet and scream are 2 of my favorite movies but he just doesn't fit in the series. I watched 4 5 6 7 once. I give them a shot but none were worth rewatching.
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The start of the decline in the series
26 March 2021
Tremors one is a classic and would be very difficult not to place in my top ten favorite movies. It was a wonderful mix of horror comedy and action and knocked it out of the park. Tremors 2 imo is the best straight to video film ever made and one of my favorite sequels ever. Tremors 3 unfortunately started the sharp decline in quality both with the cheesy nature of the films and the poor cgi. It's defy favorite sequel/prequel aside from 2 but that's not saying much. The thing I enjoyed most was the nostalgia. Seeing old characters was a delight. But that's about it. I didn't mind the next phase in the lifecycle on paper, but the name ass blasters imo cheapens it and is just stupid. The blasting ass concept is also stupid imo. I pretend the series ended after 2. But after 1 and 2, which I watch once or twice a month at least, 3 is the only other one I've watched more than once. I give them all a shot but 3 I will usually watch once a year but it was just disappointing. But again still much better than everything after.
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Surprisingly enjoyable
22 March 2021
I've found that whatever rating imdb has the movie is typically 1 star too low. Movies like jaws and jurassic park have 8 when they should be in the 9s. Movies that are 4-5 should be in the 6 range. People get butt hurt when movies are not what they expect and they give it a 1 when it's a 150 million dollar budget. That's just ridiculous. If a movie is a big blockbuster and you give it a 1, what would you give a movie like sharktopus? No matter how disappointed one is with a movie if you give a high budget film you didn't like a one, you have no clue how to properly vote. I HATED the movie the meg because I read the books and it was trash in comparison. Had I not read them I would have prob enjoyed it. But I'm not going to pretend it was a 1 when that's the type of rating I would give a made for scifi film with a 500k dollar budget and a terrible script with awful dialogue. So a movie like that would be in the 5 range. I've def given higher scores to offset the ridiculous 1 ratings. But as far as this film goes, when I saw 4.5 I was pretty sure I'd enjoy it. When my friends and I pick out cheesy zombie movies we look for 4-5 films. There's bad bad and there's great bad. This would be somewhere in the middle. The croc looked much better than I expected. The cave story was so so but overall it was very enjoyable. It's not going to be winning an oscar hash but the acting and dialogue was solid, the suspense was quality, the story was believable enough and it was def worth watching. Again I can't stress how impressed I was with the croc. It looked great for a film with a lower budget. If you like"monster" or animal attack films in the lower budget range this is def for you. Def deserves more than 4. 5.
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Cruel Jaws (1995 Video)
Absolutely amazing!!! Better than Jaws
16 August 2020
Hands down the greatest film ever made. Mini Hulk Hogan joins some of the planets best actors as well as a truly unique story and stellar visual effects. The fake shark makes the shark from jaws, and any other shark movie, look embarrassing. Beautiful score and brilliant screenplay/dialogue. If this movie came out first, none of the other jaws movies would have been needed. If fact Spielberg wouldnt have dared to even try to follow up that masterpiece with his movie. He would have never made another film had he even tried. I wish I could give it more than 10/10. Again, best film ever made.
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Casual fan I loved it. 8/10. Ignore the nerdy fanboy crybaby losers
26 December 2019
I am definitely not a Star wars fan boy. I remember seeing the original trilogy probably when I was in second grade in the mid-90s and I fell in love with it. I was Luke Skywalker for Halloween and the next year I saw the re-release with CGI and all that good stuff in theaters. But by the time the prequels came out I was no longer interested. I did not watch the prequels until the last two days. I saw the part where Anakin becomes Darth Vader because I wanted to see that but that's about it. And I enjoyed the prequels although I can see why there is so much hate. But moving on to the newest 3 movies and of course rise of Skywalker.I was really excited to see Force awakens even though I wasn't a huge Star wars fan anymore and I loved it. Then I saw last Jedi and I thought it was really really good and I could not understand the hate. maybe it's because I'm not a fanboy maybe it's because I don't care about the cannon and all that stuff. But I saw some early reviews for this and I read a lot of really good things and then the next day or two the movie still hadn't come out to everyone yet and I was seeing all this bad press. And I looked on here and it was already like a 6.4 and I know for a fact that most of the people voting did not see it.I decided to watch it for free on my firestick and if I enjoyed it then I would go see it again in the theaters. I really really liked it. It's not as good as the first trilogy of course but I thought it was a very fitting conclusion. I thought they wrapped up a lot of stuff very nice and for the first time in the Star wars franchise, these movies are actually giving us good CGI. I'm not a huge fan of overly done CGI but these three movies had some amazing CGI. I just don't understand the heat. No one will convince me that this was not a good movie. Is it an Oscar winner? No but I'm definitely going to pay to see it this weekend. I watched the prequels and rogue one and now I've watchedStar wars emperor and Jedi and now I'm on Force awakens. Tomorrow I will finish Force awakens and last Jedi and finish with rise of Skywalker in the theatres. I would give it an 8/10. I put 10 because I think it's pathetic that people vote 1 because they are cry babies. This not a one. Sharknado is a one. Jaws the revenge is a 2-3. Even if you hate this movie it's no lower than a 5. Ve realistic. Stop caring about reviews. Just go watch it. Have fun. Stop overthinking. It's A MOVIE. A fun movie. You'll never be happy no matter what they do. Star wars is the absolute worst fan base. Jurassic Park isn't much better. Jurassic world and fallen kingdom are fun movies and people whine and cry about those too. yet you'll shell out money over and over. You people will never be happy qne then you try to sabotage it just cuz you're babies. It's fun. It's good. It's worth seeing. Enjoy.
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I enjoyed it
4 November 2019
Def wasn't on the level of the 2 but it was far better than any other sequel. It may have been a bit repetitive but I think it's definitely worth seeing. Personally I think the series should have just ended after the second movie but I really enjoyed the technology they have these days to make older characters look young again. Here's my problem with people giving movies like this a 1 out of 10. When I see straight to TV sci-fi movies like Lake Placid 4, that are absolutely atrocious CGI and horrendous acting, that in my eyes is a one. Even if you hated this movie and you thought it was terrible, there is zero justification whatsoever in putting that on the same level. You cannot compare a straight to TV sci-fi movie this made on a million-dollar budget to a movie like this. I can understand giving it a five or something in that area because it wasn't good, but if I give something on one it has to be one of the worst movies on the face of the Earth. Even Jaws the revenge isn't a 1. A 3? Sure. But even that is better than some of these straight to Syfy movies. But I'm also not going to give this a 10. Now there are some movies that I think are unfairly judged and I will over rate just to average that out, but I will easily give this a six and a half to seven. It was fun it was action-packed it was cool seeing some of the old characters, they brought a decent storyline and while it's not anywhere near the quality of the first two, I think it was a worthwhile sequel. And 1 out of 10 is pathetic and there is zero justification whatsoever of putting it on that type of level.
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7.5 really good sequel
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. Sometimes equals really fall flat and while I do not agree that it was better than the original, I thought it was a great follow up. There were a lot of throwback to the original movie but not too much to where they were relying on Old storylines to make it good. I didn't find the opening sequence to be as good as the original but it was awesome as well. More Metallica and slow mo. There was a lot of zombie action and some great special effects. I really enjoyed how they talk about walking dead and zombie movies. The Running gag with the van was very entertaining. I definitely predicted the peanut allergy although I did think she was dead and that was a nice surprise. One thing that I don't like about these movies is there's not enough human fatalities. The original one had Bill Murray getting shot and the opening sequence showing some deaths but even though it's a comedy I would like to have seen some more human getting eaten. Nothing crazy, but just some stuff thrown in here and there. I found the hippies to be really annoying and would have really liked to see a few of them die and get eaten. There was a lot of edge of your seat action and plenty of Comedy. The post credits scene was phenomenal. I didn't like the climax anywhere near as much as the climax in the original but all in all I was definitely not disappointed. I would put it a little bit under the original but I think it's definitely worth seeing and my only regret is that I watched it at home on my fire stick instead of going to the theater.
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Elf (2003)
Enjoyable but not a favorite for me
26 December 2018
I remember seeing this in theaters on my first date with my first real girlfriend at 15. I'm a Farrel fan and I LOVE xmas movies but this never was one of my favorites. I never really understood the love for it. I don't hate it. It's def not bad. I enjoy it but it doesn't stand out for me. At this point I'm sure most reading this have seen it but if you haven't, it's a good movie to watch around Xmas time, and worth a watch.
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