
2 Reviews
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Life changing, truly the movie of a lifetime
25 July 2021
To say that this movie made me feel again would not be an exaggeration. Everything from the complex character arcs to the life-like animation drew me in. The Song of Peace has become not only my ringtone, but also my alarm in the morning, and the only song I'll listen to in the car.

On multiple occasions, I nearly cried due to the complexity and sheer heart put into this film. I've never taken drugs in my life, but this movie gave me the most powerful high known to man. I would give anything to watch it for the first time again. I applaud all the work put into it, although it may have ruined cinema for me, as I may never watch anything as fulfilling as this ever again.
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Toxic Shark (2017 TV Movie)
Good for the wrong reasons
7 August 2020
If this were a comedy, the rating would be a bit higher. My family enjoyed this movie very much, only because we could laugh at the awkward transitions, the uncomfortably inaccurate conversation, and...well, everything about the toxic shark.
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