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Christmas with the Chosen (2020 TV Special)
2020 Christmas with the Chosen
2 December 2021
Excellent music! If you open your heart and really pay attention to what the words mean, it will bring you to tears. The monologs bring so much TRUTH. A great time to listen to our disobedience and God's Grace over and over as we are now in times of great disobedience.

Besides the musical performances, and monologs, they also showed the Pilot Episode for The Chosen called The Shepard. This episode shows you the birth of Christ though the eyes of a Shepherd. If you don't already know, shepherds slept outside and were dirty so they were seen as very low. When you think about that while watching these episode, it puts so much meaning and emotion to what you are seeing on screen. I highly recommend this Christmas Special as well as the 2021 Christmas Special titled The Messengers. And of course, the actual multi season show, The Chosen. #getusedtodifferent #peoplemustknow #comeandsee #thechosen.
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The Most Like the Bible Than Any I've Found
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has so much truth to it as well as so much of Moses' story!

Pros *Baby Moses in a Basket & explains why *Moses in Midian, saves women at well, marries, becomes shepherd *Moses and the Burning Bush (Moses in not confidant, just like in the Bible) *Aaron meets Moses in the desert *Moses & Aaron go to Pharaoh and Aaron is the one who throws down the staff that turns into a snake (Biblically True!) *Names and gives visual of all 10 plagues *God as pillar of cloud & fire *Parting of Red Sea *Water from a Rock *Mana *Quail *10 Commandments *Golden Calf *Tabernacle & Arc of the covenant *Wonder in the desert 40 years for not having faith in God *Moses puts Joshua in charge, Moses dies, people enter Promised Land

*Also, shows a lot of how the Israelite people kept loosing faith in God, which happened a LOT in the Bible, and how God continued to provide for them. No many movies show this, they all end after the 10 commandments are given.

Cons *Animation isn't the best, but the kids don't mind. And I'm used to it by now

Neither Pro nor Con *In the Bible it doesn't say how Moses found out he was Hebrew, so this is one persons perspective on it. Does it change the Bible? No. Does it give an answer for kids? Yes

My Bible study class learns about Baby Moses, the Burning Bush, 10 Plagues of Egypt, parting the Red Sea & the 10 Commandments, so to have a movie that stays pretty Biblically accurate is great so the kids can it it all together. I very much like them being able to see the Israelites lose faith time and time again in the desert.

This is story of Moses is by far the closest to the Bible that I can find (animated and live action).

"Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" Get over the graphics and look at the heart of this movie!
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Superbook (2011–2021)
Elem. Bible Study Foundation
21 June 2020
Every story from the Bible that Superbook tells, has a lesson to be learned and the lesson is applied to real life situations. Superbook keeps all of the kids in my Bible study classes entertained and wanting more. I uses this for kids TK-8th grade.

The start of most Superbook episodes is with Chris, Joy and Gizmo (the robot) and either Chris or Joy has a situation to deal with (making the right choice, helping someone, forgiving someone, etc.). Then Superbook takes them back in time to a part of the Bible that will help them with their situation back home. The kids and Gizmo interact with the people from the Bible and learn so much! The fact that Superbook can cram so much information in such a short time frame is beyond me. During the kids adventure in time, they ask questions and a lot of times Gizmo uses his inner computer to answer the question OR someone from the Bible answers it. After the kids have learned their lesson, Superbook takes them back home at the same time they left and the kids can now make a good decision and take action; for example, sharing their pizza with the less fortunate.

If you buy these DVDs, which I high recommend you do, they each come with a family discussion guide filled with questions, where in the Bible to find the answer, and prayers. I use the discussion guide to help me come up with questions for my middle school aged classes, really get them to think about how what happened in Superbook relates to life.

Overall this is an amazing series and I always look forward to what story they will release next!
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The Chosen (2017– )
The Chosen is for ALL
21 June 2020
WOW! This is the best show I have ever watched! After each episode I couldn't wait for the next day to watch another episode. A few weeks after finishng the 1st season, I bing watched (#bingjesus) the season and I can't wait for season two! It is so well made, not only the visuals and special effects, but the actors, the writing....EVERYTHING! It lets you see how things were in those times, in that country, in that culture. You see the disciples not just as men Jesus chose, but as actual people with lives before Jesus, people much like you and me. You get to see the reasoning behind why some people where so open to Jesus and why others put up a shield (it's not always black and white, which is how a lot of us read the Bible or hear the stories).

This is not word for word from the Bible, however, if you know the new testament then you'll pick up on some verses. Anything the writers add that is not written in the Bible, helps us to understand the how things were in that country and culture during that time, or what a person's life may very possibly have been like. They do not change the story of the Bible, the outcome of the Bible Stories, it does not change the character of Jesus, but the additions allow our emotions and feelings for each disciple and for Jesus himself, to be magnified. I found myself feeling more connected to Mary, Simon, Andrew and some of the others, because now they are not just names and side characters in a story, they are people with personalities and lives like you and me. #getusedtodifferent

If you don't know anything about the life of Jesus, it's okay, you wont be lost, you'll be able to follow along and each time you watch it you will learn more about Jesus and his disciples and there are funny parts too! If you know the life of Jesus, your memory on things will often be refreshed and you may pick up on some of the deeper humor such as "something good does come from Nazareth!" haha. You might even find yourself looking things up to see if it is indeed in the Bible. And if you really really know the life of Jesus and the history of those times, well then I'm sure you will enjoy and appreciate how well the writers take it all into consideration.

This is not a replacement for the Bible itself, but there are some people who will never try reading it, and hopefully, God willing, this show will reach those people and they will not only get to know Jesus, his sacrifice and his grace, through watching this show, but they will see that Jesus chose 12 imperfect, and with sin, people to follow him and spread his word; we too are all imperfect and with sin and we too are being called by Jesus.

I will be using this show for my high school Bible study class, and I am so excited to teach it as I know it will keep the attention of those kids and will leave them wanting more.

I've YouTube The Chosen and watched many of Director Dallas Jenkins' interviews and interviews with cast members and it amazes me how many times the cast or Dallas says a scene was supposed to go one way and it went another and it was better than the original plan, or how they watched a performance and were in awe. And the cast and crew! So many of the cast and crew members said they were in a rough spot in their life, they didn't know what was coming next and then the Chosen happened. Watching the interviews and listening to these testimonies made me realize how much the Holy Spirit is with this project and all these people making this happen.

Go to and watch for FREE!
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