
10 Reviews
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
One of the best
23 September 2021
Season 1: 7/10 Season 2: 8/10 Season 3: 9.5/10 Season 4/5: 10 Season 1 didn't really grab me all that much but it was well worth sticking through it just based off the peaks.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 6: The Prisoner (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Would've been a 9.25/10 if this was episode 5
26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really believe this episode should've been what episode 5 was. I might be in the minority but I saw no problems with episode 4 it took a different approach had great tension and still moved the overarching plot forward. But they did the same basic structure with the next two eps. I really enjoyed myself for episodes 4-6 but it just felt like alternate realities of the same episode. I say they should've had the prison heist on mos eisly and not have the hunt on the sniper lady. If this episode was isolated it would've been so much better but the previous episodes were just so similar plot wise. Once you got into the actual job portion this is probably my second favorite episode. It's a bummer that what could've been a fantastic episode was milked just a wee bit dry from the prior episodes. But I enjoyed myself all the way through and they aren't really notable flaws it's just the timing of this episode could've been better.
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Game of Thrones: The Queen's Justice (2017)
Season 7, Episode 3
I want her to know it was me
18 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is one of the most underrated in the whole show. Along with mother's mercy and watchers on the wall both also underrated. I'm sure criticisms on this ep are just because of the fact it's in season 7. The hive mind that is "game of thrones bad" after winds of winter is just ignorant sometimes. The writing in this episode is still great. And it ends with somehow one of the most badass deaths in the series. And it's an 70+ year old woman.
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Teen Titans Go!: 40%, 40%, 20% (2015)
Season 3, Episode 10
28 October 2020
They did it they actually made a good episode. I can't believe it actually happened but it's not bad! It's like good!!!! What?!?! It doesn't make sense.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Greatest tv show I've ever seen
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I don't really get most of the complaints in season 8. I'd say my least favorite season was season 2 personally but I loved every season. Season 8 is no doubt a bottom 3 season for pretty much everyone but like I said I love all the seasons. Best seasons were 4,1,6 best episode was winds of winter. I just love this show and I'm rewatching it again already. After I I finished breaking bad I didn't really feel the need to rewatch the whole show despite being shorter. Game of thrones was a journey. One I feel will never ever be topped. I know it's hard to compare a drug drama to a fantasy show with probably 30x the amount of characters but that's the easiest way to compare. The only complaint I can really think of is the fact they didn't show Jon telling his sisters his true identity. And how the (bad worded) over Jaime Lannister. Does it make sense that he would go back to Cersei? Yes I see this as pretty realistic seeing as Jaime as a person is very dependent on Cersei for pretty much 7 seasons his main intentions involve Cersei. Does it make it less infuriating that he died in such a way? Not really. He had one of the best arcs in the show just for him to go back after having sex with Brienne. If ur gonna go back to Cersei why you gotta (offensive name for sexual intercourse) her bro. It just feels like his whole intention in the last 3 episodes was to make the audience feel bad for Cersei when she ends up dying. Which I would say they succeeded honestly I just which they didn't flush jaimes last episode or two on the show down the toilet. There were other ways of doing such a thing. She could've died after giving birth or something and then the building could still tumble on her giving off the same effect. Aside from that it's a perfect show and I still see the show as flawless in my eyes even thought technically it isn't. Just watch the show dude.
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My favorite movie of all time.
26 October 2020
It's just perfect. No flaws. I may be nostalgia blind from when I was a kid but I still haven't seen a movie better than this one.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Don't really see the problem
22 October 2020
I thought all the arcs fit together really well. Arya is where she belongs on the run, Sansa is where she belongs, protecting the stark name in winterfell, Jon is where he belongs with his brothers in the north, bran is where he belongs. The person who knows all about the past would be the best fit for the future. That's why you get taught history in school. To better the future, to not repeat the past.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
18 October 2020
Plot armor this plot armor that. I don't CARE. ITS A FANTASY TV SHOW ITS NOT A TRUE STORY WOW GUYS. I don't really have much to say in terms of the episode. Everything just works. I don't know why it being dark is a complaint for some people. One it goes well with the whole theme of the army of the dead and humanities last stand. Two I could see all the important characters just fine thanks to the fire swords the wood being burned and the dragons. Otherwise this is definitely top 4 battle episode for me. It could be number one it could be number 4 for me I'm not all too sure. It's with the likes of battle of the b*stards (really wants me to censor the title of an episode :/ ), watchers on the wall, hardhome, and black water 100% for me
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Game of Thrones: Mother's Mercy (2015)
Season 5, Episode 10
The most underrated episode in the whole show
26 September 2020
This might be the episode where the most things actually happen. The 9.1 rating as of now doesn't really make any sense to me. As of where I am now in the show (end of season 6) the only episode that comes close to this level of underratedness would be watchers on the wall (season 4 episode 9). This is probably in my top 5 episodes off the top of my head so far
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25 August 2020
Best episode so far. Lots happen and the acting is great action is great worth to watch the whole show to see this episode
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