138 Reviews
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Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow - 9.2
30 June 2023
Usually I don't write reviews for shows like strange new worlds, but this episode was quite different than the others. For once, writing was actually good and it wasn't slacking like it did on other Star Trek episodes or series. Another thing I would like to comment on is acting. Acting has improved this season and finally the series feels like a good production instead of a cheap comedy show. Direction was also good, the scenes were beautiful and unique as well. No more of that boring, cheap CGI exotic utopia or 80's themed starship of the 24th century.

However there is a slight issue that they need to address somehow: The camera. It is shaking in so many parts of the episode. It's like the cameraman has Parkinson or is trying to hide their laugh. Personally, it's quite annoying, trying to focus on the actors because the camera is vibrating for a big part of the episode.

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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
An "Honest" Review - The Iron Throne - 806
10 April 2023
So this is how it ends. Well, I could join the trend and go on a rant about how D&D ruined the series, but I got better things to do.

Yes, the script was rushed. Yes, bad writing started from early Season 7 when the "End Game of Thrones within two Seasons instead of Six" plan was put on course. But let's put that stuff behind and focus on other highlights of the series finale.

(Writing was undeniably a 2/10). There where some good moments like the Iron Throne scene with the destruction of the Throne and Dany the Tyrant's fate. Brienne of Tarth writing down Jamie's story. And the final scene was good as well. Continuity of the storyline was a total zero. So lets sum it ip. 2+0=2, 2/2= 1/10 (40%)

The score was legendary. 10/10. Respect to the creators. (10%)

VFX effects were really beautiful. 8.5/10. It needs some improvement even though they did a huge improvement this season. (15%)

Acting was very well even though there were some dull moments. 9.2/10 (20%)

And finally, direction and camera shot was an 9/10 (15%)

Taking all of the above into account we get the following vote.

1/10 (40%) 10/10 (10%) 8.5/10 (15%) 9.2/10 (20%) 9/10 (15%)

The total 5.825/10. Rounding it up to 5/10 because it is the series finale and it doesn't deserve anything above 5.

So I guess that's it. Let's go watch House of the Dragon.

PS: Turns out I did go on a rant about how writing ruined the series finale and the series in general after all. I call it the D&D effect.
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1899: The Ship (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
1899: Episode 101 "The Ship"
17 November 2022
After years of rewatching Dark and being amazed by it's perfection, the new breathtaking series is finally here. Upon watching the first episode I quickly fell in love with the storyline and the actors. I love the fact that there are many foreigners on the ship which means lots of languages. I also adore the soundtracks; they remind me so much of Dark but they sound corrupted. Direction and the scenes are wonderful. Acting is above adequate level but it's too early to be a judge of that. Though I cannot really say there is lot of action that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Same again, it's too early to say anything.

So, summing up, we have

Writing 19.2/20 Direction 19.6/20 Acting 18.6/20 Graphics and Scenes 19/20 Plot and Action 17/20.

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For All Mankind: Stranger in a Strange Land (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Stranger in a Strange Land [9.7]
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We have finally reached the end of a rollercoaster season and with few spoiler-less words I have to say: Oh My God!

This season finale was easily the best episode of the series. Packed with powerful and breathtaking scenes! Really loved what they've brought to us, after a bunch of not-so good episodes.

There were times I was seated, with my heart beating fast, not knowing what could come next, and also moments I was laughing out loud. This is the show we all love, right?

However there is a slight problem. The second part of the season had unwanted drama, and now when drama and emotion was necessary at certain scenes, they skipped it! They could have created remarkable scenes if they stepped up on their emotion game.

But still, this episode is by far the best "For All Mankind" season finale for me, with also a no-context time jump for us to take wild guesses of what could happen in the next season of the series.
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For All Mankind: New Eden (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
New Eden + Drama + Fun on Mars
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was quite unexpected to be honest. After watching last weeks episode, and read the synopsis of this one, I thought this episode would be astronauts racing to build stations on Mars before it gets cold or something. This would be an amazing episode of the two teams racing each other as the night falls. But they chose to go with the unique way.

The episode kicks in with pointless lines that could have been useful in the alternative version of the episode I mentioned above. We have a new main character now right? Will. Will likes men. Good. Nice actually. Will lives on Mars in 1994. Ok. Sounds good. Will likes men though. Many turn evil after this announcement. Wowowow. Helen is reminded of her deep secret, and has to make sacrifices. Danielle Poole (my mars queen) carries the episode. And some other stuff goes on at the same time.

The writers wanted Nasa and Russia to turn againdt each other both on Mars and on Earth, without having time to develop bonds with each other. So they thought of a way to delay all important stuff such us getting the station online as Danielle said, and went with the "come out" way. Bad move. Didn't like it at all, ONLY because this is a space drama series that has to provide their audience with space stuff and not personal drama.

This new storyline has caused some problems.

1) in addition with the misleading synopsis, ppl are confused as the only thing that is now shown in the episode is astroanuts building stations and rushing.

So here is my synopsis: Nasa and the Mars mission goes haywire after an astronaut makes a controversial personal announcement. Ed parties, Margo makes a discovery and Danielle has back pain from carrying and owning everyone on the red planet. Oh and also, Danny continues to be a shitty character.

2) the side-storyline replaces many useful storylines.

A) helios contacting Mars about the water deal

b) station building race

c) inspecting the broken engines

d) margo trying to save his friend and herself from the soviet union.

Before I conclude I have to say that some parts of the episode were really good. I loved the graphics and the music. Will's acting was really good and I want to see new characters being introduced to the show since the next season will most likely have another time jump. Will's come out opens new pathways and makes plot twists, but the way they chose to show it was really wrong and of course NOT woke.

For me it's an 7.0 but since ratings have gone mad I'll give it an 8 to boost it.
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[9.5] The Piggyback
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Ahead!!!



Edit - July 8th

It was quite obvious that shock factor played a huge role when I gave this episode a 10.0 which I usually avoid. After rewatching the finale, I feel unsatisfied by the fact that they had a time jump of two days.

It literally served no purpose at all. They lost two of their own and then out all of a sudden *DARKS OUT*. Two days later. They should have made scenes of them leaving the upside down and Eleven telling the others they lost their friend.

Also, what happened to the Russians? What about Murray and Enzo. They straight up disappeared. Even though the ending was a bit of a letdown the episode was amazing. And now, you are free to head down below and see my first review while I was under the influence of Stranger Things.


The movie-length season finale with an "Ozymandias" level of quality is the beginning of the end.

In this season, I really loved the fact that they separated the storyline into three different smaller stories: Russia, Hawkings and California. All of the cast nailed their performances.

I am sure that this season is the best of all. And this episode is the best episode of the series, even though the end is not a happy one. But we all know that all things, will, come to a good end at some point. Otherwise, it won't be the end...

I was left reeling after Eddie's death. He was a nice guy and a good friend for Dustin. I'm sure all of us will miss him.

Max's fate was literally gore. I was never expecting a teenage main character to end up like that. Not dead but not alive. I hope she awakes from her coma soon. But I guess it will provide a good aspect for the character in the next season.

Overall the episode was the game-changer of the story. The end is indeed here. But for now, we wait. See you all in 2024 - hopefully.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Eight: Papa (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
[9.5] Papa
1 July 2022
Spoiler Free Zone!!!

I just have to say WOW. The quality of the series has drastically improved. I was left speechless with my jaw on the floor at the end. The Duffer Brothers have created another masterpiece episode, with all of the characters nailing their performances.

They better give some awards especially to Sadie and Millie because they frickin carried the episode with their amazing acting skills.

This is indeed the beginning of the end.
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Robert Reborn (2019)
[0.6] Robert Reborn-ed just to kill my mood to watch films
23 June 2022
It is one of the worst if not the worst, horror movies I've ever watched in my entire life. I can assure you that I lost 90 precious minutes of my life watching this film.

Production [0.0] Plot [0.0] Acting [2.0] Graphic Effects [0.5]

Save your time guys. Do not watch this mockery of the filming industry...
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[10.0] The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
31 May 2022
The time has come and now we know how and why the Upside Down was created. This episode is Stranger Things' Ozymandias. Pure perfection!

Acting, cinematography and CGI are top tier. I am left speechless. Looking forward to watching the final two episodes of this season, this July!
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: Dear Billy (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
[9.8] Dear Billy
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a cinematic masterpiece. Especially the last 15 minutes! I was left speechless. The acting, the agony the action, the soundtrack...all PERFECT!

The story of the old man was truly amazing but it still lacks in depth of what happened after the death of his family. A 80-minute long episode should include more, than just a quick "storytelling".

Jason and the revenge storyline has gone boring, and it's useless. I understand that he is grieving for his lost girlfriend but he acts like he is some type of Indiana Jones. The season has more interesting stuff to cover for example Eleven's past or the origin of the other dimension. (-0,2p)

Sadie's performance is Emmy-worthy. She's amazing this season. This episode is definitely dedicated to her. As I mentioned before, the last 15 minutes were "Ozymandias" type of quality.

Amazing work to the crew and the cast who worked for those last scenes!!!
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[8.8] The Monster and The Superhero
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ohh here comes the fun stuff. Finally, after three episode, our heroes realise that something is wrong, and the upside down is back.

El faces the consequences of her actions but crazy events happen along the way. The hopper storyline now gets really interesting with. Joyce and Murray are hilarious together.

The enormous budget is obvious this season. We've been to Hawkins, to California to Alaska, to Russia and in the middle of the desert. CGI has improved a lot as well.

Overall that's a good episode, I'm just waiting for something that will leave me speechless.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Two: Vecna's Curse (2022)
Season 4, Episode 2
[8.6] Vecna's Curse
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline kicks in the second episode of the season with mysterious stuff going on. I might be the only one who has this problem; I can't understand who's in California and who's in Hawkings. Both sceneries seem eerily familiar.

The bullied Jane story is weird and it lacks in something I can't explain. It just doesn't make any sense. El is strong regardless if she has her powers or not. But when she's bullied she just takes it and cries like a crybaby. She's been through stuff, that could have costed her life but she gets sad over this? I have to be honest though I really like what she did to Angela at the end. It satisfied me.

The story of Hopper not dying from the explosion is really dull. He fell 30 feet after a strong blast and stood up like nothing happened. Then they took him to Russia. Common stuff right?

Generally speaking, this episode is better than the previous one. It is more interesting to a fan who hasn't watched the show in 3 years and wants to see something good out of it. I'm sure the next episodes will be better.
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[8.1] The Hellfire Club
28 May 2022
It's been 3 years since the previous season aired and finally Stranger Things is back. Despite the fact that the episode was mostly a dull filler, it contained a few good scenes.

Personally I believe it is a wrong idea to make long episodes because many will get bored along the way, just like me. Still, the premiere episode is promising and it is the beginning of something huge. I hope Season 4 is worth the wait.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Memento Mori (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
[9.0] Memento Mori
26 May 2022
Nice episode with many action scenes along with much destruction. Really happy Strange New Worlds is getting to it, and hasn't become a new STD.

Episode 4 is the best at date and I'm looking forward for more.
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[7.4] Ghosts of Illyria
19 May 2022
Star Trek classic infection episode. I kinda liked it but I feel I'm forcing myself to like. Perhaps I could be wrong.

Despite the flawless graphics and the good actors, writing is so lame; it just makes the plot a plain comedy show. The only thing that is missing from the show right now, are those recorded audience laughs and applaud. Beyond that I really liked Una. She's way better than Burnham the "whispering and crying leader".

If only they made it more serious, intense and realistic. It'd be great...
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[8.8] Children of the Comet
12 May 2022
Surprisingly it was better than I expected. Filled with beautiful scenes and interesting plot twists. It seems Strange New Worlds will compensate us for all the trashy series of Star Trek.

If only the producers made it more scientifically correct (no sound in vacuum etc, low gravity) and less cringier it would be way better...
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Snowpiercer (2013)
[5.5] Snowpiercer: The Movie
11 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the movie was better than the series wow just wow... Where do I start from? Should I mention the fact that I actually get Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory vibes out of this? It just feels the same. The sceneries, the insanity, and many plot holes.

Wilford character was displayed bad. The actor was really good but I think an old man locked for 18 years in a metal "circling" coffin with that yellow dressed worm would most likely go insane.

I have also to take into account that everything is bizzare in this series. The train looks really weird and ugly. The "humanity" lacks in differentiation. We have the brainwashed students, the old people and the drug addict (a drug that is also a dynamite) party animals.

I really loved the Korean father and his daughter. Their relationship was amazing and the way he discovered that the snow was melting. Chris Evans' acting was wonderfull. Loved all of his scenes.

There are tons of wrong parts about this movie but others have already covered them. The movie should be different. Just have a drastic make-over. The train seems badly designed and by the look of it, it cannot survive for 1 day let alone 18 years.

Expected more. Too bad. I will get my hopes up for Snowpiercer Season 4.
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[7.3] A Non-Doctor Strange Fan Rating
7 May 2022
This is my rating as a person who just watched Doctor Strange for the first time.

So, the movie was interesting and it grabbed my attention quickly. I loved the action scenes and the non-stop insanity. But I quickly came to realisation that this movie lacks in something.

Perhaps it lacks in characters. We see a total of 4 characters and some random ones who die the moment they step in front of Wanda. In addition to that, the movie lacks in... multiverses. Other worlds. I'd really love to see this movie with less action and more exploring.

Another problem is that the villain is more likeable than the good guys. I love Wanda. She's by far the strongest of them all and still she has emotion and she can feel pain.

Generally it is a good movie and it's worth watching especially in cinemas. The sound quality and CGI are god-tier.
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9-1-1: Defend in Place (2021)
Season 5, Episode 8
[9.5] Defend in Place
6 May 2022
I loved this episode. Finally 9-1-1 is back on the saddle. It is filled with action and emotional scenes. It was perfect!

And beyond that I don't think I have anything else to add on that.
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[8.8] Strange New Worlds
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting for this show quality since Star Trek Discovery went woke around Season 2. It feels amazing seeing familiar faces starring once again.

The plot is interesting; a proper way of demonstrating an exploratory ship unlike STD. Surprisingly animation and acting were drastically improved. I loved those sunset shots in the beginning.

Despite the episode lacked in action and had a few weird parts, I really loved it. And for that reason, I will give it an 8.8. Looking for to seeing what Star Trek is all about!
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9-1-1: Ghost Stories (2021)
Season 5, Episode 7
[5.8] Ghost Stories
3 May 2022
My excitement didn't last for long. Where are the ghost stories? This episode was bizzare. It seems production lost their ability to make actual horror stuff like they did, in the older seasons.
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9-1-1: Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1 (2021)
Season 5, Episode 6
[9.2] Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1
3 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing episode! Packed with actions and suspense. Im really happy 9-1-1 is getting back to it, after those boring episodes.

The episode was really good but the only problem for me is the fact that the two prisoners were caught so easy by the police even though 5 minutes prior to that, they were the masterminds who managed to walk out the front door.

But besides I have nothing else to else.
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Grey's Anatomy: Put It to the Test (2022)
Season 18, Episode 15
[8.2] Put It to the Test
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Bohica" Bailey. Hospital Crisis, once again. In a season full of nothingness.

It is so obvious that Bailey and Amelia are the only two reasons I still watch the show. The rest of the characters have become so lame.

However this episode was a compensation to the previous episodes that belong in the trash. I can still hope for a GC legendary comeback next month when Addison returns just to carry the show again.
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Grey's Anatomy: Road Trippin' (2022)
Season 18, Episode 14
[6.6] Road Trippin'
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It feels like it's the beginning of the end. A bad end to be honest. Meredith leaving Greys Sloan like it means nothing to her.

How can she even leave after spending some weeks or a few months with some people from the other side of the country? She's done everything for this hospital. She's become who she is in this very hospital.

But if her departure is really the case, please make it likeable.
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Grey's Anatomy: Put the Squeeze on Me (2022)
Season 18, Episode 13
[7.4] Put the Squeeze on Me
27 April 2022
Finally...FINALLY an interesting and funny episode, just like the old times. I really hope that they will continue making those types of episodes in the future.

Still character development, relationships and the writing need improvement.
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