
3 Reviews
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Action-Horror in the DARK with TASTLESS violence in close-ups and the most BADASS Yautja ever onscreen!
8 December 2020
Actually, it could have been a solid, poor mediocre (5) show with generally mediocre plot, weak dialogues, characters and acting, even less story with some positives (restored THREAT-THRILL-FEAR factor of the title antagonists and the movie in general after the LORE oriented mediocre prequel).

But... and here comes the BUT! They went TOO FAR with the birthing room scenes! In fact, even the idea is SICK!!! If they had to put it in at all costs, there are still simple filmmaking solutions with which you just imply things and don't PUSH into the face of the people in complete fullness! In this regard, I am grateful for the indistinct, MURKY visuals! Which I think is more about disguising CHEAPNESS rather than increase tension.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 13: The Jedi (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Much Ado About Nothing...
27 November 2020
...that could be the motto of the second season! Someone here claimed the first season was cheap. What would you say after that? Anyway, is this really the Ahsoka who defeated Maul in a duel? And Mando shows less and less from episode to episode. Everyone criticized Bryce Dallas Howard for the Chapter 11 and cried after Filoni, that he will know and then he will show! Actually, she's directed the only good episode so far this season and we're already halfway there!
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 12: The Siege (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
A BIG SLAP for those who thought they could FORGET the sequels with this series!
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes after the previous episode! And NO, not because of Ahsoka Tano! But let's start with the basics. Although the role would be fitting, but Gina's acting was weak in the first season and now it is even more obvious. With Chapter 11, I hoped that the series returned to the path that the first season had begun to traverse, but NOT! The episode 4 is definitely not a filler, however the plot is weakly reasoned and take the story forward randomly through weakly related events. This seems to have become a trademark of the second season and this show somehow always becomes far-fetched when it wants to be overly significant and too big too fast! Furthermore Star Wars still can't grow out of portraying the Empire as a congregation of utterly dilettante idiots except for some evil masterminds. Perfectly childish representation of the antagonists, which kills all kinds of tensions! But my main problem are those little dried out Snoke-like something in bacta tanks with the Palpatine's Teachings playing in the background. I guess I wasn't alone with the idea that the sequel trilogy was a historical violence against good taste! I was hoping Disney recognized this and wouldn't bring The Mandalorian anywhere near it, but they failed! Again!
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