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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Started Good, Ended Poorly.
16 April 2024
I enjoyed about the first three or four shows, after that the series degenerated into romantic tragedy which is something I didn't expect. The first part of the series really sets you up for something great, but the finale is one of the worst finales I have seen since Ragnarok.

The acting was pretty good except for the actress who played "Auggie". I found her performance to be canned and flat at best. The other actors covered for her most of the time so it's not too much of an issue.

I guess if I could sum up anything is that this is not a Science Fiction TV show. It's more a romantic drama which, towards the end, really pours on the schmaltz and sentiment.

The whole "Wallfacers" thing is completely incomprehensible and not flushed out at all. But at that point in the show it's a lost cause anyway.

I probably will not tune in to Season 2 because I really don't care what happens to the characters.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
17 November 2023
Season 1-2: The Good **********

Season 3-4: The Bad *****

Season 5-6: The Ugly *

When this show hit the scene it was groundbreaking. We got gems of comedy and writing that will endure for ages. Meeseeks. Pirates Of The Pancreas. The Lawnmower Dog. Season two was pretty good, enough to laugh and keep watching.

Then season 3 comes along. We are given the gift of Pickle Rick and the Vat of Acid, but that's TWO shows out of two seasons that were good. Not a good ratio.

Then comes season 5 and 6. It's sad to see a creator lose his muse. And it's sad to see the well of creativeness run dry. These seasons reduced themselves to crude joke, and references only the small pocket of remaining nerds watching the show would get endorphin rushes off of. Too bad Justin Roiland self-torpedoed himself in season 6. He could have done it in season 4 and salvaged his career blaming the downfall of the series on bad writing.

It was fun, but I can't see how I can possibly watch season 7.
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Lost Treasures of Egypt (2019–2024)
OK, except for these fools dressed in 20's costumes
17 November 2023
I like science programs about Archaeology and History, but the second these FOOLS showed up in their 20's costumes and were parading around Ancient Egyptian monuments made me feel like I was watching a History Channel monster hunter spoof show and not something scientific. Why would you add these buffoons? Are they really scientists? I watched a few shows of this and I get that scientists are affected by themselves and love being on TV and in the spotlight, but having Cosplay weirdos telling ME about Egyptian history is just too much. I have stopped watching the series and won't start it up again. If I can be assured these freaks don't show up again I will continue to watch it.
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I don't like romance movies or read the book.
17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was OK. I only watched this film because my wife read the book and wanted to see the film. I thought it was a bit too long for the content and could have easily been a 2 or 2.5 hour movie. We all know Nazi's were brutal in WWII, so the shock of their crimes in this movie is.... shocking, but not unexpected. I get the whole McGuffin thing with the jewel as the catalyst for the drama in the film, but it seemed secondary. They COULD have just wanted to kill the blind girl for telling the allies where to bomb. Seems like the Father's death over the jewel just minimized the sacrifice. Anyway, it was OK. I watched it through. I won't read the book.
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I usually don't like giving 10 stars to anything but......
21 October 2023
I have to concede, to my jaded, somewhat disillusioned view of entertainment these days, this one nailed it. The casting is perfect. The acting is phenomenal, the direction is spot on. You don't have to be a fan of Poe (although the references to Poe's work are amusing) but this is a complete horror tale that is both riveting and entrancing in its telling. True horror comes from a fact of both enjoying the misery on screen and being appalled by it and this works in both aspects to that degree. It's nice to see that writing and art direction along with casting and acting can all work together to produce art. I'd given up but this show rejuvenated me somewhat.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Would have been 8 or 9 stars, except for the final episode
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, this was a reasonably good show for about two seasons with the latter half of season three just basically throwing in the towel. Unfortunately a show that I reasonably liked throughout its run, was kind of ruined by the series finale, which basically said "This was all in his mind because the main character was having a dissociative identity disorder and none of it happened".

Which, is OK, and would have worked (albeit disappointing) but then I was VERY confused by the final scene where all the characters meet up and share champagne. But Wotan was seriously affected by dementia. If none of this happened, how is he totally cured now? Saxa and Fjor are there having champagne when they were not even in the same social circles at all with Magne in High School. They just "magically" became friends? How did the kid get shot in the eye if Ran was not out shooting arrows in the town? Where are the missing hikers if that whole thing was just in Magne's mind? How about the missing employee? How did Harry lose his hand if none of it happened? Where's Vidar? Did Magne REALLY kill him in a fit of dementia or was that also just all in his mind?

So the problem... the BIG problem.. is the writers wanted to make this a Newhart Show or St. Elsewhere type ending but were unwilling to actually COMMIT to the idea that none of the events of the show ever happened. It's called lazy writing and completely angered me that this is how the show ended.
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The Platform (2019)
A simplistic morality tale
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately this movie and the script is not very original. Those at the top eat, those at the bottom starve. It's nothing that only psychopathic dictators can relate to, so it's an easy heart pull. If we could JUST work together we could all get out of the hell hole that is modern society. Well, good luck with that. It's called Altruism and it's been proven scientifically impossible. Humans CANNOT do good without reaping a benefit, so this whole story is rendered useless.

That being said the set direction was good. The acting was good. I actually FINISHED the film which is more than can be said for the films I watch these days. But the message is too simplistic and childish in its nature.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Left me confused about the message
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I watched the film. It's not hard core Sci Fi, but romantic Fantasy set with Aliens.

What I am confused about is why the Aliens landed in the first place. From what I gathered it's because in 3,000 years they will need help from Humans and in 2016 give them the gift of prescience which allows humanity to survive 3,000 years more to eventually help them.

What I am beyond confused with is why technologically advanced aliens, who live in a non-linear time line would need help from humans when they can just see their own future and adjust for a different outcome. If you can't affect the future then what's the point of knowing it? Also, I'm sorry but the gift of prescience by learning their language is going to UNIFY humanity? Please. Most of humanity would use the gift to win the lottery.

I feel that the message is to not have regrets in life because if you could go back and do it all again, you'd do the same thing. Which is bull crap. If I could go back 40 years and do it all over again I would pretty much do EVERYTHING differently again.

Only emotional saps will find this movie enjoyable.
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6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers

1) Made me laugh consistently throughout the film, except when Russel Crowe's character was supposed to be funny.

Cons: 1) Ripoff of The Exorcist.

2) Absolutely awful screenplay. Dialog was laughable and amateurish. I cannot believe that there are people in Hollywood making money writing like this when there has to be 1,000 starving talented writers out there making nothing.

3) Russel Crowe should be ashamed of himself.

4) Plot was unoriginal and has been done before. Nothing new to be added. I could write this story and I am not a professional Hollywood screenwriter.

5) CGI on the possessed boy was basically Gollum from the Lord Of The Rings and that technology is now 20 years old.

6) Art direction was sub par. VERY typical haunted house, with of course a thunderstorm.

7) Did I mention how terrible the writing was? Absolute Deus Ex Machina lame ending with an amulet pressed into the forehead of the demons banishes them forever. Why not do that 2 hours ago? Why not do that every time?
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Nope (2022)
Quit after the use of the word "N**ga"
29 May 2023
I'm not quite sure what's happened in films these days, but I understood the film up to the part where OJ was feeling despondent, and disconnected and kind of disillusioned in the family business of Hollywood horse training, but the UFO and paranormal aspect I had been promised didn't show up, and then the word "n**ga" was just thrown out and I felt that this was an inappropriate addition to the dialog and I couldn't quite understand what was going on since a seemly paranormal thriller started throwing around terms that would get me fired from a job or banned from any social media if I used them. I felt too uncomfortable to continue the film after that.
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Good, but slow paced
23 May 2023
I'm on the fence about this one. While the art direction and animation are quite good, the story is a bit too slow paced to keep me hooked. As with most Japanese anime shows the intro and outro comprises about 1/3 of the show which leaves not a whole lot of time to get story advancement in there and move things along. This is OK if you can watch three or four episodes at a time, but Hulu is dribbling this one to us one episode a week. Some elements of the story which were presented at the beginning (like the Institute or school or whatever it is) seem to have taken a complete back seat, and are no longer advancing at all. At eight shows in, Maru and Kiruko seem to be wandering aimlessly and I am not even sure what they're looking for anymore or why they are together. I think this show suffers greatly from only releasing one episode a week. I think it might have held my interest a little more if I could immerse myself in it more than 15 minutes a week.
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Disappointing in general
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, yes, I am a Tolkien lore nerd. Yes I expected them to deviate from the lore and create their own story with their own characters. I, in and of itself, do not have too much of an issue with this (since I expected it), but the fact remains that the show is boring. Three shows in. No movement. The introduction of characters that are flat and boring. Story moves at literally a snails pace when several minutes are dedicated to eating snails.

Look folks, anything Tolkien related is a slam dunk. Why they didn't do Beren and Luthien is beyond me as it has everything that a modern adaption could want. But this is about forging the Rings Of Power and three shows in we have nothing of that story.

So, I'm out. Which is fine, since we all know "Comet Man" is Gandalf and that's the straw that breaks the lore camel's back.
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Had Enough
20 June 2022
This show is just a Mellissa McCarthy vehicle. And I'm sick of her. Yes, we get she's quirky, obnoxious, but oh so lovable because she can insult everyone and make it so cute. I watched only a portion of the first episode before I understood this was yet another Melissa McCarthy slapstick comedy with no plot, no point except to show us somehow a 270 lb. Woman can be a meek wonky cutie pie and carry a show. No thanks.
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Murderville (2022– )
No for your average TV watcher
14 February 2022
If you like MXC or Drunk History, this is for you. Otherwise you'll hate it. Understand this... the Guest whoever it is, has no script. Will Arnett's role is simply to screw with them during the whole production. The ending and story and whatever doesn't even matter. It's just watching Will Arnett screw with the guest star that's funny. That's the show.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Despite the reviews not that bad.
24 November 2021
I have watched the original anime show and I understand why hardcore fans of the series are upset. However as far as entertainment this show is pretty good and has all the elements I am looking for in a sci fi show. Action, Acting, somewhat decent story writing, good effects and choreography. I have no issues with the casting, especially of spike, as I always though the original spike was too young to be a seasoned Syndicate operative.

So, not bad. Not earth shaking, but certainly has my attention.
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Not for me.
17 November 2021
I'm really not sure WHO this is for, but it's definitely not me. Only tuned in because I loved Adventure Time, but this is like, nothing that even remotely resembles that. I think you need to be drunk and/or high while watching this when senseless babble becomes entertaining.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
Complete Ripoff Of Rick And Morty
17 November 2021
This animated series is basically a complete and total ripoff of Rick And Morty but not as funny. They just made it more P. C. Accessible. Lead female, all races and creeds represented, and white men are evil or stupid.
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I'm So Confused........
28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why would a Witcher Anime movie be given to a director obviously unfamiliar with the topic?

Why would a Witcher Anime movie be given to a writing staff obviously unfamiliar with the topic?

Why would a movie about Witchers be made which paints Witchers in an unfavorable light?

Witchers have hunted monsters to the point of extinction, therefore threatening their livelihood? C'mon.

Why would Vesemir loot a dead body for payment when he was not under contract, and then refuse the child help because he's not under contract?

Why was Geralt bald as a child? Was it for the ol' switcheroo at the ending? Pretty sure we all saw it coming a mile away.

Why would the Witchers go to all the time and expense in trying to create cross-breed monsters when they could just mass produce regular monsters?

Why would the Witchers throw untrained, unmutated children into a swamp for the trial of the "grasses" and THEN mutate them, possibly causing death.

Why did the summoned monsters not attack everyone? Surely if there's a trick to controlling monsters it would be worth more to the Witchers than just making more.

Why did a Witcher allow himself to be held down and beheaded?

Why was this movie even made?
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Out of Time (V) (2021)
14 August 2021
I'll dump a crap film at any point if I feel it's unwatchable. This was obviously a B low budg film, but really not too bad. Acting is OK, writing is OK, plot is OK (actually better than Avengers End Game). I actually liked it and that's saying something these days.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
A "B" Movie that gets an "F"
18 June 2021
It's the era of "B" movies. Funny garbage that we love to watch and laugh at, not with.

However, that being said there's a point where B movies go from being fun to being just bad. This film, no matter how it tried to be a kitschy B movie, was just bad.

First of all, when you're embarrassed for the actors in the film, it makes it uncomfortable. Had this film not contained Bruce Willis it might have been less cringe worthy. Bruce was just agonizing to watch. We know he's better. If he's trying to be bad on purpose, it wasn't working. Sorry Bruce, you're not a clown.

I was also really ashamed of Thomas Jane who I really liked in The Expanse.

I think they blew their entire Sci Fi budget simulating a worm jumping into a beer bottle.

Anyway, it wasn't clever or fun or laughable. It just makes you feel unclean by watching it.
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Hanna (2019–2021)
Season 1: OK. Season 2: Disaster
15 July 2020
Season 1 of this show was OK. Nothing spectacular but it was pretty good. It was an interesting take on how a piece of government owned equipment would feel if it were human and needed to learn how to become human and fit in. Fine. All good.

Season 2 is a complete and utter flop. For one, it's nothing but a teen angst drama. No action, no intrigue. All about teens and their feelings. For another, whereas the first season was played out across a wide stage, Season 2 is localized to one area with nothing changing. It's almost as if the producers halved the budget for the show for season two so they were regulated to filming at only one location. I may or may not finish the second season.

My advice. Watch season one, and at the end tell yourself "And they lived happily ever after......." and then move on to something else.
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