
24 Reviews
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The wolve rider
29 October 2022
Well the description is misleading says he makes a deal with the devil just as he is being decapitated...decapitation is not even on the radar with the main character. He just gets shot like a zillion times, but the main protagonist if you notice is wearing a wolverine bomber jacket in the beginning and then gets a claw similar to wolverines and then of course the flaming pumpkin head and motorcycle which is obvious a ghost rider knock off. So he is wolve rider or the ghosterine, take your pick. Having said that it was just insane to hold my attention for the entire run time and not be resentful. Oh and Jaime from the progressive commercial is in it. He's a crack junkie bad guy which was quite strange to see him in this role.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Now that's a horror movie
10 October 2022
Oh my, well done. Griping horror done right and grusomely satisfying down to the very last second. Definitely a remake that does the originals proud. Enjoyed the new morphing twists to the box and its goals. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but just to say if you're a fan of the older ones this will not disappoint. I thought i would be turned off by the new pin head but i found myself not caring once engulfed in the depths of its suspense. Very creepy and keeps you on edge, your heart rate will be fast through this whole movie except for maybe the first 10 or 15 minutes of setup but after that it'll have the hooks in ya.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Can you hear me now?
7 September 2022
So those phones may not get good service but the battery life on them was amazing, 3 or 4 days and still had power? Sign me up. Few other things I thought were peculiar and annoyed me but made sense once the big reveal happened. And the light bulb thing, that a real thing? I might try it but I doubt it'll go well, better have a fire extinguisher ready just in case. Anyway all in all it was a thrilling movie that had my heart rate up. Tik tok theme was a plausible ploy to initiate the stupidity and the whole relationship subplots were good to fill some gaps and make the big reveal that much more dramatic. Lots of layers without convoluting the story and very entertaining, and it has JDM aka negan in it lol definitely a good way to spend a couple hours, this movie will not disappoint. And to conclude, just a personal PSA announcement and some may disagree, but engaging in risky life threatening behaviors for the sake of recreation is really stupid and a great way to take life for granted so i don't agree with the movies motto of, if you're afraid to die don't be afraid to live. I agree if that means not risking your life in ill advised behaviors.
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Anyone calling this fiction is a liar
24 June 2022
If you watch it you don't even need to wonder if it was stolen or not plenty of proof and facts, video, testimonials etc people who say this is fiction are pure 100% liars.
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Confused gif with a twist
3 March 2022
I'm not sure what to make of this series, just finished the 7 episodes. One thing is for sure I've never seen anything like it, definitely unique. I mean I guess I liked it, I gave it a 7 like a possessed idiot but isk it had so many elements to it and unconventional events and things you would never expect. Lots of cool animation fast paced scenes and violence gore in real shot and animation. Got a little woke in places, still unsure which side of the aisle it leaned kinda had pokes at both. Idk there's just too much to digest and breakdown about this series. I'd say definitely give it a try and see if it's something that intrigues you enough to finish. I personally am waiting for season 2 oddly enough because it did leave an open ended story line that makes you want to.see how it plays out. It's just a crazy show lol.
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Project stay awake
1 March 2022
I'm shocked that I was able to finish this movie, I nearly dozed off bout half hour into it but jolted awake at the last moment like someone had just yelled "clear!" I quickly went and ate a couple of brownies and was back in the game. It actually picked up its pace bout half way through and the big plot reveal was interesting. The alien referred to as the trojan, was just interesting enough to keep you watching... i guess. Special effects were good, cgi etc. Although it was dark in places with that red flash look which I personally hate but it is what it is. The score was absolutely horrendous and was like I was watching a resident evil video game cut scene most of the time, they must have just stole it from the game and ran it on a loop. Just didn't match the scenes right. Can't really say much for the acting, it appeared the actors were moving their mouths in English but yet sounded like it was dubbed by other voice actors who were terrible and matched it up with the original video even though it was English to begin with. I thought maybe they didn't have the budget for microphones on the actors or something and had to add the audio back in on top in post production. All and all its about a couple notches just below worth a watch status. It was rough but the visual effects and alien as well as the plot reveal are entertaining enough to keep you reluctantly in your chair I suppose. I'm being generous with the 4, its more like 3.35628 out of 10 for me, so I just rounded up to the nearest Yolo rating cuz those brownies were freaking good and left me in a good mood.
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Immanence (2022)
Very creative tale
17 February 2022
I enjoyed the creative idea of extraterrestrials combined with Satan. Sad that some are so quick to say horrible things about our creator and God over just a movie that isn't even scripturaly accurate in any way shape or form. The ignorance is astounding in some of these comments and why it's rated so low, people hate anything to do with God for some reason. The only fairy tale is the one where God doesn't exist but having said that in relation to the movie, they weaved alot of different fun genres into one entertaining film. The acting was decent a bit rough in some spots but passable. I believe anyone with a shred of moral character and a flare for interesting topics will thoroughly enjoy this movie. And to the people who screen the comments, if my comment isn't allowed then those of opposing view should not be allowed either. Fair is fair. Their comments are highly offensive to me just as this one is im assuming to them.
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Stoker Hills (2020)
Solid B movie
22 January 2022
Well I went into this not knowing what I was about to see but I found myself enthralled in the suspense. It kept me engaged and wanting to know the outcome. It was surprisingly well done, it had some throwback acting to the days of detective murder mysteries from the detectives but there was strong convincing acting in it as well mainly from the victims. Had some tongue and cheek moments regarding running out of time that made me smirk but well played in my opinion. I'd say to any who is reading this, I believe you will enjoy this and be gripping something along the way. Ending is fairly climactic with a twist. So kudos for that intelligent idea. Feelings may be mixed because of it depending on your taste but still worth a conversation after for a bit. And possibly and no way or ya got to be kidding me to follow while having a smile like you just been had or had you? ;) as I said solid B movie, way better than some I've seen for sure. Worth a watch. I found it to be creative and clever with a mix of several unique ideas.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Haven't laughed like this in a long time.
14 January 2022
I found the first 3 episodes to be hysterical, couldn't stop laughing. Love the chemistry with the characters, the slapstick fast dialogue and action, just bonkers lol some say it's woke but I think it's taking stabs at any and everything without apology. Sure its got a gay couple but seems you just can't get away from that no matter what you watch anymore. So unless you wanna be a monk and live in a monetary you're gonna have to endure a few things that are unsightly. Outside of that it's the thing I needed and didn't know it. Cena is cracking me up nonstop, its vulgar and normally I'd cringe at something so filthy, but idk how to explain it, the show is just alot of fun and good pace with alot of fast comedy. I'll be watching to the end I can already tell.
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Took me back to good times
6 January 2022
What can I say the movie had to be written by someone who was a kid at those times in the 80s. Rag tag bunch of kids fanatically conspiring to get their very own Nintendo. Funny, charming and nostalgic. I have to tell my account of this very topic when I too was this age. Nintendo came out in 1985 I was in the 4th grade roughly 9 to 10 years old. I remember going to Walmart and playing it on their displays everytime my parents would go. Obsessed. Well my principal brought in a new Nintendo to my spelling class and they announced that at the end of the school year the kid with the high average score of all spelling test combined throughout the year would win the Nintendo. Being one of most intelligent kids in school thought I got this and each week one after another I scored perfect 100s but so did one other, Darrell hart, believe it or not we paced each other all year long until the very last test he missed 1 and scored a 99 and I aced it as usual and ended up winning the Nintendo. I carried it home on the bus that day in disbelief and couldn't wait to get home to show my parents what I had won and to play it. It had the Mario and duck hunt combo with the gray and white gun. My parent's knowing I wanted a Nintendo for Xmas to my surprise, once they saw I had really actually pulled it off and won said well I guess we will go ahead and give you one of your presents early. They had already bought one for me but not just any Nintendo but the delux set with the orange gun and the robot for gyroscope dynamite or whatever it was called. I couldn't believe my life could get any better at that point but it did. Now I had 2 nintendos and back then Walmart didn't make you have a receipt to return things for refunds pretty archaic compared to today lol so we took the Nintendo I won to Walmart and requested a refund lol it was 99.99. So not only did I get a deluxe Nintendo set but 100 bucks to boot,as well as bragging rights and popularity at school it was just awesome. How I wish I could go back to that day and relive it over and over. Great moments in my life.
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Guess you got to be a fan of the old movie
28 December 2021
I'm gonna keep this short because frankly after watching this I can't remember anything about it. I was never a fan of dune, recall watching the old movie years ago. It was just as boring. The only thing that interested me about the whole movie was the sand worms and frankly the only thing I do remember but you only see them once when it swallows a huge tank like city or whatever it was. Don't understand the story or what they are all scurring about to do, just too far out there for me. It was like star wars in the desert and I'm not a fan of star wars either. The story is too fantastical and not remotely able to be grounded in any kind of reality 8000 years in the future or not. Idk big miss for my taste.
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Loved it loved it loved it!!!
23 December 2021
Don't listen to all these people who obviously hate their lives and want to spit on everything. This was a perfect follow up to the trilogy. This in itself was fresh and new with nostalgic roots and is hyper self aware of its predecessors success and in no way knows it is going to out do it so it goes around it and gives us a feel that is new. Even has some tongue and cheek comedy that was perfect. It also gives us that happy ending the trilogy did not and reunites the love of neo and trinity. I couldn't have asked for anything more except for a part 5 and 6 because it sure did leave the door open for as much so go see it make it a success so we can get more of these 2 and the franchise. This story and concept are way too good to stop at 4, it was way to good to stop at 3, hence why we have a part 4 20 years later. The special things never die nor should. The story is modern and twisty showing us things the first 3 couldn't or never thought of, gives us the what happened next answer from the trilogy, just explores all kinds of questions we wanted answers to, the fight scenes are not as clean and polished as the original its more a mix of matrix and John wick but its still quality and engaging. Idk can't say enough good about it honestly feel so blessed that they gave us this movie. It deserved to made and the actors deserved this closure and quite possibly opened more doors to explore that are just as exciting.
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Deserving of a 10!
11 December 2021
I didn't read many reviews but I saw some asking why people were scoring this movie bad, but wow, this movie was amazing, a role that would have been less impressive without Sandra bullock playing it. There was so much to this movie, I mean its not sci-fi, or horror, or super heros flying around and action is minimal but my goodness was that a good story plot etc so many twists and not like gotcha twists but the story just kept compounding on itself in a great way revealing more and more complexities and dynamics in a way that I can't really say I recall in any other movies. Very original. Powerful someone called it and it's a perfect description. Idc who you are if you disliked this movie I cannot understand why? Watch this movie you will be glad you did, with all the trash that comes out these days this is what movies were meant to be. I dont ever give 10s, never but I was moved like I haven't been in so very long. Cinema has lost its way in recent years but this movie reminded me of what real movies were like.
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The I-Land (2019)
Trolls reviewing this movie
9 December 2021
I was hooked right from the beginning with intrigue, I dont understand the poor reviews other than its just people who can't stand their lives. This show was far better than most trash out there. Great mystery and suspense, action, several twists and turns, acting was great etc I dont know what more you could ask for except a season 2 asap. This was way better than lost and it dont waste years of your life getting to the point only to be disappointed of which THIS show does not. It's like a 3 or 4 hour movie of excitement and like a page turner so to speak with the end of each episode you'll definitely want to binge all 7 episodes. I enjoyed the premise and plot, finally some creative writing. I only asked myself a why question about one thing at the very end that didn't seem plausible, which was how in the world was she able to fight people like she did when she was....won't spoil it lol but that's it. Just over all loved pretty much everything about it.
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Haunted Trail (2021)
Best haunted trail ever!
5 December 2021
I see alot of references to it being a "black" movie, well im a white dude and I thought it was pretty good. Laughed pretty hard when they were running frantically and the one dude yelling "see i told you, this is white people s@#t." Funny cuz it's true, it's what we do. But the movie blended comedy and horror seamlessly and tapered the comedy down a little at a time til it was full on horror with some shock kills. The overall revealing plot was a little weak but forgivable given the nature of the show. They want you to take it seriously but not too serious. It was a solid flick imo. I guess the only negative I'd give it which is why I said 6 instead of 7 stars was the ending, it was kinda flat but final bit of acting kinda made up for it but not all the way. Regarding the acting overall, it was rather well done and believable which surprised me some. I think this is a movie that you either totally hate or kinda like til you almost love it but not quite. Aside from the movie though, even without real life murders, this haunted trail would be an awesome one in real life.
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This movie was undead as well but needs to be
26 November 2021
This movie was barely watchable, the story and cast was trash. Just the way it represents the franchise was a huge disappointment in so many ways. Really boring. The direction of the resident evil franchise before it was how it should have been done, may not have followed the game but it was better they did it the way they did for a movie audience. This game incarnation was atrocious and a waste of 2 hours of my time. Im still angry that they had me excited to see such crap. Idk I'd say watch it just to see how horrible it was.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Better than the original easily
21 November 2021
Well first any English speaking made movie is going to be better than a foreign flick if nothing else for the simple fact you don't have to read subtitles all the way through it and hear unfamiliar linguistics to match with expression which is distracting in itself. Plus it's stylization is much more polished and doesn't look like ...well a foreign film which seem to be about 20 years behind. Having said that, its a good movie, well paced and entertaining with quality progression. The little girl is very creepy and acting is solid. Its not a blockbuster but if you're looking for a movie to watch that you will be satisfied after watching it knowing you didn't just waste your time, this is one to consider.
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Insiders (2021–2022)
Hate to love it, love to hate it
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First I'd like to start off by saying I don't believe for a second that this is an actual reality show. I believe this is a scripted show with actors perpetrated as a reality show. Having said that, I found it to be highly entertaining in a repulsive way. Absolutely could not stand all these toxic people. Laura and Peter were my favorite characters because they displayed the best character. Absolutely could not stand the winner, won't spoil it but this person is a true pos if in fact these are real people. Second place goes to estephania, what toxic trash she was. Ive had too many gfs just like her and she disgusts me in every way. Hugo was someone I would have punched almost immediately after meeting him. Outside of the other male lead Evan pronounced E-von, all the other characters or people even though you become invested in them to some degree are forgettable and practically have less importance. I'd watch a season 2 for sure, it was different and intriguing even if it is actually fake reality TV, im still not sure. If these people are real people it makes me worry for humanity even more because they all suck so bad as people in every way and just so ignorant and stupid. Again with exception to Peter and Laura. Only normal decent people of the bunch.
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Professionals (2020–2022)
Worth the binge
21 September 2021
Couldn't stop watching, each episode pushed me to want to see the next one. It's fun, comical, adventurous, action all through. The characters meld very well with one another. Frazier and welling have great chemistry as partners and friends. Welling kind of reminded me of Jack o Neil from the Stargate series which I loved but he brought his Clark Kent with him too. Frazier is just awesome in his role as you would expect. The story moves itself at a quick pace never any down time or boring segments, every item of action serves a purpose to move the story forward. Great relationship dynamics and whole mixed bag of antagonists to sift through. Just a great entertaining ride, the bad reviews must be from really young people who hate the world and can't appreciate a good nostalgic but modern mesh of a great series. Didn't have anything woke in it so thats probably a bulk of where your negative comments are erked about. It's good ole fashion 90s vibe cinema without an agenda aside from being a page turner so to speak.
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Fresh and different
1 July 2021
Lot of bad reviews for some reason but if you can handle sexual content and alot of profanity then you should give it a whirl. Im not uptight about it because it is clearly satirical and isn't really trying to be passed as propoganda. Least I hope people watching are smart enough to know that. I dont even think I needed to say that since its just so outlandish and mixes in alot of pop culture content with a colonial twist. Its fun, there was some funny stuff here and there, alot of fighting and cartoon gore. Have to say its better than some of the crap thats being made today. Just enjoy it and don't think too hard. Relax and take a couple hours to break from reality. You'll be entertained for sure.
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Oxygen (2021)
13 May 2021
Shortness of breath is what I had through this whole movie, not recommended for those with breathing issues but for the rest strap in to your umbilical connector. This movie keeps you guessing alot and when somethings revealed there's still more to ponder. Great suspense. My only gripe is that this woman wasted more time than she should have, other than that, fantastic movie. Acting top notch, graphics and production perfect, story gripping, it'll have you on the edge of your seat to the last breath of...Oxygen.
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A story that needs to be told grounded in our reality.
6 May 2021
Listen the movie isn't a blockbuster, or has good acting or good effects or any of that but the story is something everyone needs to hear and be aware if because this is our future in some respect. I just wish someone with alot of money could make this end time story current with great acting and effects that everyone will be intrigued to see and ground it in our actual reality at how this one world government is trying hard to be formed as well as how they will control us all with the mark which will most certainly be some iteration of an rfid chip. If you know Bible prophecy you can watch the news and almost piece it together how its coming to pass. If I were a millionaire I'd certainly make this movie and I'd probably be hunted and killed because of how many people and organizations it outs in opening peoples eyes to what they are doing. Low budget movies don't do the message justice and just makes people think its some fictional dravonian story. Its going to be real and alot more complex and involved than these movies can portray with such a small budget.
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The Special (2020)
Like wtf!
7 January 2021
This movie is crazy, its hard to talk about in detail because you really want people to feel the surprise of what it really is, someone described it as a sexual object, if that isn't an understatement. But not in the way you're thinking right now..well kinda I guess but sinister grotesque and dark. You'll just have to watch it. You will be appalled but you will love it. Youll be conflicted for sure but its alot of fun if you stick with it. Doesn't take long to get snared in though. I did not expect to throw this on and expect id be writing a review on it. I dont just do this for every movie I watch. Only the ones that intrigue me and assume others would be intrigued by as well and curious as to what they have to say, so I come on here. Seems most are in agreement. Anyway definitely recommend.
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Follow Me (2020)
Highly entertaining and intense
12 December 2020
Not sure what all these people on this post were watching but it can't be the movie I just watched. My heart was racing pretty much through the last hour of this movie. I thought the setup was fresh and believable and contrary to what these people in these reviews say, this was A quality acting. The theme was great. The traps were enteresting and even though I kinda toyed with an idea for a twist before it came to pass, you still don't really know until you do. Its a gripping rollercoaster ride of suspense and dread in ways that aren't necessarily familiar or overdone. I gave it 8 stars because I really wanted to see more post resolution but all and all I loved this movie start to finish, and im sure you will to despite all of these cheese and wine critics up in here lol
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