
2 Reviews
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Malevolence (2003)
Infuriatingly underrated...
16 December 2006
Some horror fans are complete snobs...I just don't get them. On one hand, they'll praise a film like CABIN FEVER to high heavens, and then on the other they'll trash a film like MALEVOLENCE. Funny...I thought this was a great little horror movie, and far better than any of the mediocre fare that has been released to theaters recently.

Granted, the plot is nothing new: A bunch of people (in this case a gang of thieves and a kidnapped mom and child) are stalked and killed off by a hooded killer (in this case the demented disciple of a Satan-worshipping mass murderer) in a secluded setting (in this case an abandoned farmhouse in the country). Yep, nothing new at all.

But what I loved about MALEVOLENCE was its sheer refusal to play any of this for laughs. The truth is, this sort of thing has been done so many times most filmmakers would probably feel the need to poke fun at themselves while they're doing it. But the filmmakers here smartly go for the opposite approach and try to emulate the gritty 70's style of THE Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE. OK, so it never reaches that level of intensity, but there are some genuine chills here, and I absolutely loved the country atmosphere, which was suitably menacing.

Seriously, folks--lighten up. For a low-budget, direct-to-video (but shot on film--hooray!) slasher this is really, really good. I wish it could've gotten a theatrical release--it would've been panned by braindead critics (who automatically give these sort of films bad reviews anyway) but it still deserved to be showcased like many other, lesser horror films are. See it.
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Only mildly outrageous...
11 December 2006
High expectations can be a bad thing when it comes to viewing obscure exploitation films. The problem is, once you've finally seen the film in question, it's like all of the past descriptions and reviews of it that made you want to see it in the first place were for a different film completely. SEEDING OF A GHOST suffers from this very syndrome. While certainly odd and unique, I have to admit that I was disappointed by this. Don't be fooled by all the hype surrounding this in cult movie circles; it's not half as outrageous as you've probably been led to believe.

The plot is suitably contrived. A cab driver accidentally runs into a mysterious vagrant, who promptly scuttles off into the woods. Meanwhile, his wife Irene has begun an affair with a handsome married man; she asks him to marry her, he refuses, and later that night she ends up getting raped and murdered by a couple of hoodlums. The cabbie is inexplicably led to her body through supernatural means, and decides to take revenge. He goes to the aforementioned vagrant, who promptly digs up Irene's body and begins a series of black magic rituals that lead to all sorts of weird happening amongst the perps: one guy throws up worms over his dinner plate, another is tricked into eating brains, and the married man's wife is possessed. Without giving anything away, all of this eventually leads to a blood-soaked finale in which Irene sets out for a final revenge...

From all the reviews I had read about SEEDING OF A GHOST, I had been led to believe that it was an incredibly disgusting, disturbing and downright nasty little film. Well, only a portion of that is correct. This film is not bad at all, but it's hardly notable. It reminded me of an EC comic book like TALES FROM THE CRYPT: it's incredibly over-the-top and weird, but too silly to be taken seriously. And although not as comical as, say, MR. VAMPIRE or A Chinese GHOST STORY, this still has a sense of humor, albeit a very strange one.

One thing this film is is SLEAZY; there's an undercurrent of misogyny here that will not fly with a lot of Western viewers. All of the women are essentially dumb, slutty punching bags, and the film is packed with a number of leering, gratuitous nude scenes that are so blatant in their execution they're not even erotic. The truth is, by the one hour mark I was kind of fed up; I had been given nudity galore, sex, creepy atmosphere, explosions and multiple kung fu fights (!), but what I really wanted was some horror. This film's structure is totally disjointed; it's like the filmmakers were making it up as they went along.

Thankfully, there's the final ten minutes. As many other viewers have noted, the climax is worth viewing in itself. Think a more outrageous, blood-splattered Asian version of John Carpenter's THE THING, and you have the right idea. I wanted more of that! Overall, SEEDING OF A GHOST was hardly as off-the-wall, gross, and skin-crawling as I was hoping for. It's more in line with the rest of the Hong Kong films I've seen, in the sense that all it wants to do is please the viewer, not necessarily scare him or disturb him. Hong Kong fans should seek out the incredible (and very similar in tone) SEVENTH CURSE with Chow Yun-Fat over this one.
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