16 Reviews
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Locke (2013)
13 October 2022
I'm very guilty of putting movies on for background noise, and I figured this would be a decent one for that given it's a series of phone calls.

I was pleasantly surprised, and found myself very invested in actually watching the movie- even though it was indeed just Tom Hardy driving for an hour and a half.

It's so, so hard to find solid 90 minute movies these days, so hard to find decent and believable writing with real characters, and this movie had it all. It's a true gem.

I'm not sure how to fill the remaining character requirement (that's new, don't like that) so I'm adding this bit here.
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The Batman (2022)
Money does not make a good movie
9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Flashy production, big names, and long run times don't make a movie good. Character development and buyable plots make good movies.

The characters in this were so flat. None of them were believable in their roles, all two dimensional. Just because these are classic characters does not mean the audience has to immediately accept them and their "storylines." The villain was the only one with any developed backstory, and it was thrown together in the last thirty or so minutes. This was Robert Pattinson pretending to be Batman, obviously, but that's what I saw *on screen* - not Bruce Wayne as Batman. I just saw Robert Pattinson getting a fat paycheck. It was tough to swallow and grueling to watch for three hours.

The whole thing with Selina doesn't make sense - the movie takes place over a WEEK. Within this week, her girlfriend is kidnapped and murdered, and Selina goes from a murderous rampage over her grief to coming onto Batman and asking him to run away with her. In the span of a week. Sure, grief and trauma does crazy things to people, but...come on.

Then there's the fact that the movie takes place over a week...a few weeks, maybe - a few months, sure. Very difficult to believe this happened in six or seven days. It would have been utter chaos, even in a place like Gotham.

I was checking my watch continuously throughout this movie. When I finally thought it was wrapping up, they kept tacking things on at the end and I'm pretty sure I saw my brain stem from rolling my eyes so hard. If they had cut 45-60 minutes of it (because so much of it did nothing to develop characters or plot), it may have been a tolerable movie, but in no way does it warrant the 8.5 rating it currently has. I'm baffled, and I was genuinely excited to see Robert Pattinson's Batman, but then, y'know, he did say he would ruin it.

Save your money and watch it when it's streaming.
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27 February 2022
Watched this at home and more than once (honestly every five to ten minutes) my husband and I looked at each other in utter disbelief at what was happening on screen. Completely laughable. Save your time.
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The Future (2011)
Underrated (literally) and poignant
4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. I am always happy to find 90 minute movies that can hold my attention and leave me thinking and wondering about them after the credits roll, and this one ticks those boxes perfectly. Great little hidden gem.

I do think people in certain stages of their lives will appreciate this a lot more than others. Worth a watch regardless.

I am a bit bothered by the reviews here, so I'm gonna review the reviews, too. Spoilers ahead.

Most of the negative reviews here seem to stem from the fact that a) they use a fake cat and/or b) the fake cat dies. Maybe you should hop on over to Disney+ for some kids content if the fake cat dying off-screen upset you that much. Let's get a grip, folks.
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Awakenings (1990)
Like a punch to the gut
10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was ugly crying by the end of this so I had to knock a star off. Great acting, as if anyone is surprised. Devastating story.
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26 September 2021
I'm sincerely shocked at the bad reviews. I wasn't expecting much but this drew me in in ways I wasn't prepared for. Absolutely worth a watch. Fantastic cast. Costumes and set design are fabulous too. Blew me away.
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Irresistible (I) (2020)
Painfully real
15 August 2021
This has bad ratings because people can't stomach the fact that this is the way American politics actually works.
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Dave: Antsy (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
15 August 2021
I'm sure there's a reason. Surely. And as much as I enjoyed season one I can't sit through any more half hours consisting of thirty second clips watching Dave be either a pathetic loser or a raging a**hole followed by a ninety second ad (thanks Hulu). I'm sure later in the season it comes around. And resolves. But this is it for me. My husband and I tapped out ten minutes into this episode. Just can't stand it anymore.
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"Subplot" is better than main plot
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
And they know it. Ted's daughter is the most authentic actor out of the lot. Keanu lost it somewhere through the years and it's a little sad to see. Not awful like so many folks are saying. Not as good as the originals by a long shot.

Should have done a reboot with the daughters and had cameos with the OGs.
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It's a classic for a reason
24 July 2021
I watched this as a teen and recently rewatched it with my husband, who as a twenty something, had never seen it before. He was flabbergasted. He's still talking about it.

I remember thinking it was good, and thinking on this go around that it was a great female buddy movie. I was not prepared for my husband's response. He's ready to watch it again. Said it's a 10/10. He had seen the memes but still wasn't ready.

Sure, it drags a bit through the middle, but I don't recall wishing it would end, or getting distracted during it. It's fantastic. Entertaining. Never a dull moment. Great acting all the way through. Fantastic cast. I don't know that if call it inspiring, but it's fascinating for sure. So much you never learn about the characters and are left wondering, which is so much more than you get from movies nowadays.

And ignore the bad reviews. There are hundred of movies where men treat women like this and worse, and they don't get review bombed. Facts of life, baby.
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It's not a masterpiece but it's not a 1...
17 July 2021
I saw the OG Space Jam maybe once or twice as a kid, so I wasn't as distraught over the idea of a remake as some people seem to be. My expectations were not that high. I was pleasantly surprised.

It definitely starts off slow, but picks up eventually. I started off on my phone (watched at home) but actually watched the last 2/3 of it. The animation is worth paying attention to, if nothing else, and the crossovers and stuff are neat to catch.

The 1 star reviews are unwarranted. James's acting is really not that bad. There are a few scenes where you can really tell it's not his day job, but I've seen other movies, with "professional actors" who did worse and nobody is ripping them a new one in the reviews.

It is enjoyable. Appreciate the animation and the humor (there are indeed a few chuckles), and remember the fact that really, this is a PG movie and the target audience is like 8-13 year olds. You just will not get the depth and intricacies of plot that you would expect from a Scorsese, Spielberg, or Kubrick. I mean. Come on.

It is a kid's movie, folks. For kids today to relate to and understand.

This is a movie for children to enjoy. Not 26-35 year olds trying to relive their youth.

If you want to see the original Space Jam so badly, rewind your VHS tapes and watch the original Space Jam.
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Lansky (2021)
I can't believe what a mess this was
1 July 2021
It was so all over the place. It had so much potential, but it was put together so sloppily. The trailer was so promising.
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Barely held my attention...barely worth it
18 June 2021
Feels like an okay episode of a bad TV show that you would watch for the Pacino and De Niro cameos. The music. The lighting. The writing. The weird age gap between Gugino and De Niro. Just.....pass.
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If you're going to do these things you have to do them right
1 May 2021
You can't expect an A-list cast to carry a movie full of nothing. The pacing was horrible, the comedy wasn't funny (and I appreciate dark and deadpan humor, this just didn't hit the marks), they included things just for the hell of it, the fourth wall breaks were misplaced? Forced? Useless? And the monologue at the end made me want to die myself. Faux deep observation of modern society? That's definitely what I wanted from a "zombie comedy." Yikes.
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U-571 (2000)
Couldn't get 10 minutes in
18 August 2020
I've been casually into history films/series lately and thought that, and the addition of Matthew Mcwhatever and Harvey Keitel would make it worth watching, but I got literally less than 10 minutes in and the acting had me turn it off. It was rough. Then, upon reading further into the actual history, was very glad I didn't waste my time on it.
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The Crazies (2010)
29 July 2020
A surprisingly decent horror movie! Different premise, and shows you who the real monsters are.
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