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A bona fide treat....where's part 2?
4 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers======below==== Breakfast with Hunter takes us into the mind of the older HST, the more tamer if you can call it that, the less crazy and the more mature. Well sort of... There are no scenes in which he drops acid and paints his face white with makeup as there was in the first BBC documentary for instance. And there were no scenes of him chasing porn stars around his house. But the vitality, intelligence and spirit of the man is still in full force in this flick. We needed this movie. The man is interesting so in fact actors often stayed in character long after portraying him in film. This film is great, it shows HST in his surroundings with no preconceived notions or antics. He just is and you can get a feel for his natural self, something all good documentaries must strive for.

I agree with other reviewers that it is nice to hear others read his writing, but Jon Cusack was annoying. He seemed to have the rhythm all wrong and jumbled, playing it for dramatic effect perhaps after all he is an actor, but alas I digress, good insight into the pre-production stages of Fear and Loathing and the scene with Alex Cox was in good taste. Meaning that HST listened to every word these nincompoops muttered and considered them. "Maybe you can convince me," he said at one point. I thought he showed much resolve until the b-puckey was so sky high he had to bring out the bulldozer. Even Benecio says "Tell him to stay the F888 away from me," in reference to Alex Cox. They obviously had no idea about any of his writing and probably didn't even read the whole book....but many snippets of good fun and intelligent conversation that the mind is scrambling to recall them all...Fiddlesticks I'll have to watch it again...

The thing that hit hard after i saw this was I was even more saddened he died. Devastated, but I am sure he had some health concerns and was in some pain as others eluded to. Just wish the guy was still around. He could take you to a mountain top by way of the sewer and it was great great ride...

You will be missed Doc....RIP
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Why the bad comments?
12 June 2004
I saw this as an interesting well done horror flick in the vein of slasher classics, but the only difference is this was not cheesy. It had a lot of intercut edits from other horror flicks and an array of video composites and black and white that gave it a spooky undertone.

There were a lot of transitional shots from other movies and perhaps these could have been toned down justa tad, but for the most part, these grainy add in's were pushing the story along.

This was very well done and I don't see how people can say he ripped off Oliver Stone or TCM. The dialogue is fresh, smart, hip and creepy all rolled into one and the characterizations are right on. The naive kids, etc. I guess the guy with the fading long hair type wig, which should have really been a better wig, was Doctor Satan.

It's a great flick and some really disturbing images. The girl who plays the daughter of these demented people seems like just another party girl at first. It's a well done character.

GOOD flick. Better then a lot of the recent horro flicks.

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1 July 2003
AGENT 10 from Tucson put it rather articulately. The first film I couldn't watch 10 minutes of it, because I felt I was getting dumber and dumberer by the second. IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE FUN, yeah for 5 year olds maybe!!!

Lucy Lui is the only one I like.....
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Scarface (1983)
4 June 2003
From the opening scene we get a morsel of the dynamic of Pacino's Tony Montana. Being interrogated he straddles the pole of discontent for the process and irrevant thug. From this very first scene you are enthralled with this character. He doesn't budge from his instincts and does things his way. The way of excess, greed, corruption and street bravado. This character os one of the best in film history. Terry malloy, Coreleone, Travis Bickle, Hannibal, Superman. If superman were corrupted and from Puerto Rico he would be Tony Montana. The chemistry between Pacino and Steven Bauer as Manny is that of brothers looking for greener grass. The love they have deep down for each other makes the climax all the more hellish and speaks to the problems these characters go through.

Wanting success and getting it in ways that are ilegal and unmoralistic ultimately lead to death or something close. That's the message a good one. But these two actors bring the thing to lurid life.

At the pinnacle of all their exploits is a scene at a restaruant were Tony proclaims to the customers "This is gonna be the last time you see a bad guy like this again," it brings chills.

This movie is a classic.

We need another flick with Deniro and Pacino, doing more scenes together then just one.
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Throwback movie with great special effects
31 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
If you could take "It's A Wonderful Life" and add 50 million in special effects you'd be in the ballpark. Yes Jim Carrey is funny, yes Jim Carrey is self asorbed in the beginning of the flick and yes Jim Carrey somehow gets the powers of God and Jennifer Anniston to love him. BEAU-tiful. This is a really good film and Morgan Freeman is perfect for the role of the Almighty. Just watch it. SPOILERS.

There were a lot of great lines , like when Bruce asks God "how do you get someone to love you without affecting free will?" to which God replied "Now you know what it's like in my world, if you can answer that one let me know." Pretty powerful stuff. Jim Carrey represents most people in that they are searching for things that truthfully they can give anyways, like devotion and heart to their fellow man. But in the beginning he is most of us in that we would love to impress our significant other in out of this world ways when in fact if they truly love you this doesn't really matter. A lot of good messages in a very entertaining format. The script is really good in my opinion and any actor could have pulled this out as Bruce but Jim Carrey and his comic talent a plenty make this a tour de force that will be up there with the greats.......
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rip my eyes out!
31 May 2003
Ok I could only sit through the first half, weak, contrived, whatever...I ended up seeing the rest later for some reason of self loathing I dunno, but in my OPINION - Bruce Almighty is way better if you want to laugh. This script ain't too great. Acting even worse.

Put in some lesbian porn girls, a basketball fan, Jack Nicholson, Torturro and Sandler it should be a SLAM DUNK, but it's off the back of the rim! It pushes buttons rather then invent any and put Jack and Sandler with a known director and we have something, sorry but not impressed...I give it 2 out of 10.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
4 February 2003
I just recently found the show not knowing anything about it. Everyone says its like seinfeld, yeah whatever, Seinfeld's over get over it!

CYE is a different show.

Whats good about it is the realistic dialogue which I guess is ad libbed or well outlined, the believability (the spelling of that word always troubles me). It is believable and thank god more real then anything ever done in a half hour on TV. If your an impulsive carnage junkie, never get tired of dick and fart jokes even after 5 hours of them and can't get enough candy, potato chips and are looking for explosions and car chases go watch any other channel for the mentally deprived and don't sit here on your bulbus and say the show is boring!

This show has intellect, laugh a plenty, quirkiness, subversion, deviance and character. Not even Bill Cosby can act intellectual for an entire episode musch less 3 season. In other words this is smart.

Everything in the show has meaning toward the plot if you can call it that, which is why I love to watch nothing is fodder well mostly nothing. Rather then a simplistic sitcom plot it consists of subplots well lets just say there are payoffs to numerous ideas by the end of 30 minutes. Too many to mention but the Richard Lewis giving of his meditation mantra Jiha or is it Jiya? Is a great example.

All in all I am in the process of taping the episodes off HBO because I cannot find a DVD with all three seasons. *hint they show them in succession right now were still in the first season.

The first episode that hooked me was (which was the first epeisode I ever saw) the Christmas nanny which he gives everyone cash and they get a tree. The Crazy Eyed Killah Killah'd me and the Mother Grave thing was the one that made me get the tape to record.

The first seaon as I watch it is not as tight as the few of the third I have seen and about the third one in on the first season starts to get it's pace. (The tabasco one I think ) each one seems to get better which make me hope Larry pens a fourth season and gets this thing on DVD!!

Best SHOW on TV period!!!
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