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Great story behind this horror movie
17 November 2009
Black Waters of Echo's Pond, directed by Gabriel Bologna, starts off with a flashback about an archaeological exhibition in Turkey that uncovers ancient plans to make a game based on Greek mythology, specifically the God Pan. The archaeologists decide to build this game on an island where "pandemonium" takes over and they end up killing one another. One archaeologist is left, but before he dies he hides the game where he thinks no one will find it. Flash forward to present day America and we find a group of friends who are going to stay the night on that same island. This group starts to party and literally stumble across Pan's game. At once, they start playing the game and this is when all their insecurities and sexual desires start to surface. The game mostly presents each of the characters with questions that they answer honestly. This starts a chain reaction that starts off as harmless but pretty soon, after the sex scenes, their eyes turn to black and they start turning on one another or as director Gabriel Bologna said "nothing is scarier than watching twins running at you with knives." Meanwhile, the mythical beast Pan starts to show up and is the catalyst for the chaos or "pandemonium" that ensues.

On the surface, this movie just seems to be an adult version of Jumanji with people playing a game and the game coming to life. Underneath the sexual tension (the very sexy Avellan Twins) and gore (several well done death scenes) of this movie is a well thought out plot about how people are very capable of doing great harm to one another, even to their friends, when things like envy and rage start to cloud the mind. There is a supernatural element to this story and that is Pan, but he only brings to the surface the carnal blood lust that is already lurking in all of us.

There are some great characters that make up this movie and one star shines brighter than the rest. Danielle Harris, who appeared in at least one other movie at the festival, gives a dynamic performance as the girlfriend whose brother was killed in a car accident involving one of her friends in the movie Dark Waters of Echoes Pond. This brings tension to the table and pretty soon anger flares and tears start to well up. It's when the tears come that you really feel the dynamic range of emotion that Danielle is capable of. She brings the performance with a sincerity that is recognizable as talent, not to mention the fact that later in the movie she does her first girl on girl scene (very talented). Even though you can still see a hint of Michael Myers little sister there, Danielle is perfectly capable of an intricate performance without the help of her cult status. She has even started directing her own films and is even starting her own blog. I think she can hold her own as a lead role and she is definitely one to watch.
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