
15 Reviews
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Door Mouse (2022)
Awesome Indie Noir
4 February 2024
I saw a trailer for this film, decided to give it a try, and thought it was amazing. Watched it a second time to enjoy it again and catch the parts I missed, since the dialogue moves quickly. It has a unique take on the film noir genre, with characters that span the range of economic classes, and a plot that involves some of the more disturbing aspects of human nature.

All the actors are top notch, and the lead (Hayley Law) proves that she can carry a movie and hold the viewers' interest. I was pulled in and couldn't stop watching from the first scene to the nerve-wracking ending. The script is compelling, there's some humor, and the visuals and music are interesting and artistic.

I'm giving this film 10 stars because there's nothing I can think of where it went wrong. Despite what the low-raters like to believe, I am not associated with this film or anyone that made it. I just appreciate good films. I have found that lower budget films with good scripts are often as good as, or better than, the blockbuster moneymakers. This film is one of those. (For instance, although I am not dissing the Barbie 2023 movie, I enjoyed Door Mouse more).

Highly recommended. Due to the subject matter and some raunchy/suggestive scenes, this is not suited for children.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
The Best American Zombie TV Show
30 January 2024
This is by far the best American zombie tv show to date. Constant action and dread, and not a soap opera like the Walking Dead and others. The drama here is important for character development, and not excessive. There's unending tension and you never know who will die, even your favorite character could go. Very realistic in terms of human behavior in extreme disaster situations. The only other equal, in my opinion, is the Korean tv show Kingdom.

I almost missed this because the first trailer Netflix had made it look like a cheap, average zombie show. I'm so glad I gave it a try. Highly recommended for fans of fast zombies, and I hope there's a third season and more.
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Annoying Zombie Film
13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The premise to Rammbock is okay, but the main protagonist is, as others have mentioned, very annoying. That's mostly due to his obsession with his ex, who he spends most of the movie pining over, even when it becomes clear that she has already moved on. The other characters, such as the young boy, are easier to relate to and more likeable.

The storyline wasn't very different from the usual zombie fare, although it has a somewhat unique ending. There are a couple of scenes with enough tension to keep the viewer interested and rooting for the characters, which is why I kept watching it. But overall, I was glad it was only an hour-long film.

Aside from the main protagonist, my major gripe is how no one makes any attempt to, or seems concerned about, saving the pet rabbit, and the viewer never finds out what happens to it. Very disturbing for animal lovers. I really don't like movies that treat pets like a prop that can just be left behind without concern. If you add a pet to the film, at least let the viewer know what happens to it, and make its owners (or someone, anyone) show some concern. Movies like The Birds and Dawn of the Dead 2004 got this right.

I give it two stars. It would be one star, but the young boy character was engaging enough to bump it up another star. I would advise to avoid this film unless you're one of those people that want to see every zombie movie out there.
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Zombie Island (2018)
Better Than Expected Zombie B-film
30 October 2023
I don't watch a lot of zombie films, because most of them are awful, but I do appreciate the few good ones out there. I give movies about 5 minutes to see if I will proceed to watch it or not. For some reason, I decided to try this one that was playing on Tubi, and it started well enough that I watched the whole movie. It doesn't have the highest production values, but instead has the well written script and acting that I value even more. It also doesn't have a lot of gore, which is a huge plus for me (and a reason I avoid the Romero films).

The movie continues to get better as you watch it, and the characters get more fleshed out. There isn't too much action until about the last half/third of the movie, and then there is an interesting twist that I didn't see coming. There are some effective emotional scenes and characters that I was rooting for. The opening scenario is somewhat confusing without any information about the characters' backgrounds, but it does eventually become clear what's going on with the different people.

Overall, I really liked this movie. I would compare it to something like "The Battery," which is another good B-film in the zombie genre. I would only suggest this for viewers who don't require the highest production values with lots of action and gore. When I watched it, only English subtitles were available (no dubbing).
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Area 407 (2012)
Found Footage B Movie
17 June 2023
I thought this movie would be really bad, but I ended up actually enjoying it. I like found footage movies, B-movies, and dinosaurs, so decided to give it a chance.

It does have some issues, but the actors and script made it realistic enough for me that I wanted to see what would happen and how it would end. It's a B-movie, so I didn't expect a lot of great dinosaur imagery, but the glimpses were sufficient, and there was a lot of tension and enough action to keep my interest. The ending was well done too, with a surprise twist.

The worst parts were that the teenager was annoying (and had a whiny voice), and there was too much camera movement for my taste. I almost started to get nauseous, but managed to stick it out by looking away from the screen now and then.

I think this movie is rated too low; for a B-movie it's pretty good. There's no nudity, sex, or too much unnecessary gore, which a lot of B-movies resort to. It also has an engaging storyline and characters. However, don't watch this if you expect Jurassic Park level dinosaurs and production values. On a B-movie scale, I would give this 6-7 stars; I'm going with 7 to bump up the excessively low rating.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Trailer is Better than Movie
15 April 2023
I was misled to watch this by the trailer, which highlights some of the best parts of the movie and is overall better than the movie itself. It's seemingly trying to be a horror comedy, but those are tricky to pull off. The original Scream films are some of the best at this genre, but this movie is clearly no Scream.

The attempts at humor run from double entendre such as the park ranger's comment about her "dusty beaver" to scenes of people being mauled and torn apart by the bear, with excessive gore and body parts flying around. None of this was funny to me, and I think there were two times I actually appreciated the "humor" in this movie.

In addition to the flat attempts at humor, the script itself is just bad. There is poor character development and slow pacing, so none of the deaths are as disturbing as they should be, and the movie drags along while you wait for more bear scenes. Some early background scenes showing relationships before the main events would've helped, along with tightening up the pace and dialogue. Instead, we are thrown into scenes of people that don't make much sense and are boring and drawn out. As others have mentioned, the editing is jarring and confusing. And most of the characters are just not very likeable or believable.

The best part of the movie for me is the excellent CGI bear, and to its credit, the movie doesn't have the bear do anything really outlandish or goofy. The rampage is mostly believable for a bear that accidentally consumed cocaine. I also like the ending of the film (how the bears and human mom with kids are treated), and the actors are good with the script they have to work with, especially the child actors. Surprisingly, there's no nudity or sex, which is also a plus. For these reasons I'm giving this movie two stars instead of one. Overall, a waste of an opportunity to use an original and interesting concept, which is so lacking in movies these days.
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Unlikeable Protagonist Plays Music During the Apocalypse
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this two stars, instead of one, only because I thought the very beginning and ending were decent. Everything else was slow, uninteresting, and illogical. There is very little suspense or action of any kind, and it's one of the worst zombie films I have ever seen. I will summarize it to save you the time of watching it. *** Spoilers to follow.

The protagonist (Sam) goes to pick up his tapes at his ex girlfriend's apartment, and falls asleep before leaving. I thought this part was fairly good. He notices a closed door someone is banging on, which is likely the start of the apocalypse, and it got me hopeful that the movie might be okay. After that, he sleeps through all of Paris being attacked and (mostly) killed, which seems highly unlikely, as there would be a lot of noise. This is where the logic completely disappears, and the rest of the movie gets worse.

Basic things that anyone in his position would do, just never happen. Sam makes no attempt to get news on a phone, TV, or radio, or to call for help. Was it edited out, or are we to assume he did try? Either way, something that obvious should have been shown. He also makes no attempt to plan an escape, or to contact people, or to have an emergency bag on hand in case he has to run. He monitors his food and water, so he knows it will eventually run out, but he makes no plans to leave. None of this makes sense.

Instead, Sam just cleans, scavenges the building's apartments, mopes around, plays music (a lot), and talks to the zombie trapped in the elevator. These scenes are shown in excruciating, boring detail. Eventually, he starts going crazy and hallucinating.

The worse scene is when he kills an innocent cat that wants to be left alone, and that's where the annoying/stupid protagonist becomes completely unlikeable. The next worse scene is when he accidentally kills the one person that makes it into the building by rappelling to the roof. He just assumed she was a zombie when she made a noise outside his door. He hallucinates that she survived, and they spend some time together (including playing more music!), but eventually realizes she was dead the whole time.

After setting his zombie "friend" loose to return to his apartment, Sam burns his cassette tapes, which causes a fire and sets off an alarm. He has to leave by rappelling to the next building, because the zombies force their way in. Then we have the end that I actually like, because the final scene shows a view of all the rooftops in the outskirts of the city leading to the inner city/skyscrapers. It gives some hope that he may be able to survive by moving from roof to roof and eventually find some people who also survived. But, by this point, I don't care if he survives; I just hope that there are others who did.

My final complaint with this no-action film is that the zombies don't make any vocal sounds. Are their vocal cords somehow destroyed, while everything else seems to still function? Again, this makes no sense, and it also makes the zombies less threatening. But, it does fit with how you are meant to sympathize with the zombie Sam "befriends." That's right; you're supposed to feel sorry for the zombies.

If you want to watch a good film of this type that at least has action and is more believable, try the Korean film "Alive" (2020). It's much better than this one.
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Offseason (2021)
Predictable and not scary
11 June 2022
There's nothing here that you haven't seen before in better movies. Maybe you can enjoy it if you're an HP Lovecraft fan, but I've never found his stories to be interesting, and this movie appears to be inspired by them.

The storyline started decently, but then became predictable and not at all scary by the halfway point. Add to that a poor script and mediocre acting. And then there's the music that only occasionally fit the scenes, but usually detracted from the intended tension. The actors did their best with what was there, but the dialogue and actions were just too unrealistic and the characters undeveloped.

I watched the whole thing for the laughter value of how bad it was, and it was worth it in that respect. The beach scene toward the end and the reveal of the "mystery" were the most amusing.

One star for the cinematography and eerie island setting, which were good for a low budget production.

No sex, nudity, or overt gore, but definitely not for young children.
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Long and Pointless
9 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers to follow!

I don't understand why this movie has such a high rating. This is not an interesting or exciting sequel to the first movie. I only made it halfway through, to where the first "twist" was revealed. I, and probably every other viewer, had already figured this out about 10 minutes in. I couldn't take any more of the boring, pretentious script, and slow scenes punctuated with overly dramatic music.

This film depicts humans as responsible for destroying the planet, and yet they are also considered "better" than the robots, which should be hunted down, even if they are just living their life and not harming anyone? And why aren't the humans smart enough to make robots that won't go rogue? It makes no logical sense, and it's hard to understand the robot obsession with human-style birth as being the ultimate form of creation, when humans are depicted so badly.

I read online what happens in the rest of the movie, and it doesn't get any better. A dull, pointless ending to a dull, pointless film. For those who care, there is also gratuitous nudity and violence.

The acting and production values are good, but I can't give this film more than 1 star.
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Not a Rom-Com
8 August 2021
If you are looking for a "rom-com," as the movie is described, you will be disappointed. This has little to no comedy, although the first part may have some "amusing" moments, depending on your sense of humor. However, the film fairly quickly goes into drama with a sci-fi element. The topic of a marriage falling apart, due to infidelity, just doesn't make for a light-hearted movie.

I don't want to spoil the plot, so will just say that this movie tries to straddle different genre, and ends up not working really well for any of them. It's not a comedy, and leaves so much unexplained and with plot-holes, that it doesn't satisfy as a family drama. People watching for the sci-fi will get more drama than actual sci-fi, and what there is will be mostly left open for interpretation. If you are okay with that, and not knowing exactly what's going on at the end, you may enjoy the movie.

I thought it started off well, but wasn't satisfied with the lack of explanation and plot-holes. It had an interesting storyline and kept me watching to the end, and the acting is good, especially by Elisabeth Moss. As a woman, I did find it hard to understand what she saw in her husband, and why she wanted to hold onto the marriage, but I accepted that as her personality. Ms. Moss was able to sell that convincingly. The husband's character was shown superficially, and was often unlikeable. More character development and less ambiguity would have improved this movie.

5 stars for my rating. This film is suitable for older teens, but I don't think many of them would find it appealing.
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Cowboys vs Dinosaurs (2015 TV Movie)
Better Than Expected
27 December 2020
With the title, I thought this movie would be a comedy, but it turned out to be a halfway decent sci-fi drama/action flick set in small-town Montana. The storyline is silly, but they at least try to explain how the dinosaurs survived; although, the explanation is silly, too. I thought the acting was good overall, with the main characters doing especially well. Eric Roberts is great in a small part (even though his teeth are too white and pretty for the role). The CGI dinosaurs were convincing enough for me, and there was enough suspense and action to keep me watching.

However, there are some clichés and corniness in the script that detract from the movie. One of the worst parts is that the town is filled with young girls who all seem to be dating much older men. Are there no young guys in this town? Rib Hillis is the only one that seems fairly age-appropriate. Also, the mine foreman/foreperson is a 20-something girl dressed in a revealing top, which is unrealistic and detracts from the mine scenes. The characters are almost more unbelievable than the storyline that dinosaurs somehow survived in a mine. I will give credit to the writers for making the females end up to be smarter and more capable than they originally appear. In general, the drama parts of the script are not original, and you can guess how most of the characters will end up.

If you take this as a B-movie with decent dino action and effects, and don't expect more than that, you might enjoy it. There is a fair amount of gore, some sex talk, and girls dressed in tiny bikinis that make this inappropriate for young children. The music is good and there are some nice shots of Montana scenery at the beginning that add to the atmosphere. 5 stars on my B-movie only scale that does not include mainstream movies/blockbusters.
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Poorly Scripted Dino B-Movie
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are some spoilers in this review!

I watch a lot of dinosaur movies, because they're my favorite subject, and I also enjoy a good B-movie. Unfortunately, this movie is neither a good dinosaur movie, nor a good B-movie.

The main problem is the script. The CGI dinosaurs aren't the best, but I've seen worse, and I thought they were convincing enough. And, there were some cool scenes of dinos doing things I haven't seen before, like jumping at helicopters. So,the CGI isn't my main complaint. Although, it did look like they reused some dino footage more than once, which was funny.

The worst parts of the story are the plot holes and people doing stupid, unbelievable things just to set up a scene. I didn't buy the main storyline and a lot of what happened afterwards. Really, the reporter makes the helicopter pilot keep going lower toward the dino, which is clearly extremely dangerous? Are reporters that stupid? They can't see enough from where they are? Or, a senior-aged Treat Williams jumps way too far from a building to grab onto a helicopter, and can hang on with one hand and hold onto his daughter with the other (after she performs the same jump)? Dropped storylines are also an issue; I still don't know what happened to a couple of the main characters at the end. Did I miss it, was something edited out, or was it just dropped?

It's sad to me that top-notch actors like Treat Williams and Ronny Cox are in this mess of a movie. They clearly did what they could to make it work, but their acting can't fix the bad script. I give it 2.0 stars on a B-movie scale that doesn't include blockbusters. 1 star for the dinos and 1 star for Treat and Ronny at least trying; 0 stars for the script. There is gore and violence, and it's not suited for young children.
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Cute Kids Christmas Story with Some Adult Humor
26 December 2020
This is a kids-with-dog B-movie Christmas story that most young children will probably enjoy, and some adults might find amusing enough to watch. It's a typical animal in peril story, with minimal suspense and an unrealistic storyline, but it's not bad for cheap family holiday entertainment.

There is some adult humor that will go over young kids' heads, such as with the government agent dressed liked MCU's Black Widow, who is one of the stereotypical "evil" characters. There's also a school principle who talks like Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry, which most young people won't get. I'm old enough, and thought the adult humor was somewhat amusing. I did enjoy Lauren Parkinson's over-the-top portrayal of agent Sharp, but thought the excessive cleavage was too much and distracted from the family movie atmosphere. I'm guessing that was included for the adolescent and older male viewers, which isn't my demographic. Other than that, there was no profanity, violence, or other non G-rated issues.

The dog is cute, of course, and the music was also good. The acting overall was acceptable, with the kids giving some of the better performances. On a B-movie scale (not compared against blockbusters), I give this a 5. I probably would have given it an extra star if the director had left out the cleavage.
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2012 (I) (2009)
Bad Storyline and Script Trump Special Effects
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are spoilers in this review!

2012 is a high-budget Hollywood blockbuster with an all-star cast that had great potential, but is destroyed by the terrible storyline and script. To begin with, you have to accept a really implausible cause for the worldwide disaster, but I'm okay with that part, since it's a disaster movie; the main problem is the storyline and bad script that follow.

The storyline is riddled with clichés, 2-dimensional characters, plot holes, and predictable outcomes. For instance, there are cellphones that still work when there should be no infrastructure left, and situations that conveniently change just in time to help the protagonists. The special effects are great, of course, but are rendered ineffective by the unbelievable way the main characters escape, over and over again, from certain death. After seeing them escape multiple times, I eventually stopped being concerned. Of course, the people around them die quickly, as would be expected in these scenarios, and this only shows how ridiculous it is for them to always survive. For the most part, it's obvious ahead of time who will live (the "good" guys) and who will die (the "bad" guys or "sort of bad" guys). Some storylines are left incomplete, such as when one of the main (likeable) characters dies, and the family of protagonists don't even mention her death. They even end up with her dog, who she made sure to save before herself, but still no mention that it was sad/unfortunate that she died, or that her dog misses her, etc. I'm not sure if that was bad editing or scripting, but it makes no sense in the movie. There is also no explanation of whether the wild animals taken on board the ship (to maintain the species) survived or drowned.

The actors overall are (surprisingly) convincing, but there are times when they all seem to struggle with the poor script. The only scripting that seems realistic to me is the relationship between the kids and their dad (John Cusack), especially with the adolescent boy. The other relationships/characters in the movie follow the usual Hollywood formulas: divorced wife he still loves, new boyfriend she doesn't really love and is kind of a jerk (but improves as a person before he dies), crazy conspiracy theorist who is really right about everything after all, estranged parents and children who try to re-connect too late, etc.

The movie seems to drag on way too long, despite the non-stop action. It could have been a good movie, if they had spent less money on CGI and more on the script; as it is, I can only give it two stars for the special effects, for having a fairly diverse cast of good actors, and for the kids/dad relationship. John Cusack gives a strong performance as the main lead, but even he can't save this movie.
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10 Star B-movie with Dino Action
8 November 2020
Yes, this is not a Hollywood blockbuster level film, it's a B-movie. I rate it on a different scale, and for a B-movie, this has everything I could want and more than I expected, so it rates 10 stars. The people giving the lowest ratings seem to have either expected a top level movie, or don't appreciate B-movies. To each their own, but if you like a great B-movie with dinosaurs, this will not disappoint!

The pluses for me: Lots of dino action, including an awesome Kung Fu scene. Dino vs. dino (always a favorite!) The dinos and other animals look good and realistic enough to be scary. Good/original storyline with humor and characters you can care about. Good acting (not Shakespeare, but fine for this movie). Great music. Good production values (not the best, but still quite good).

An added bonus is that this is also a parody of Survivor types of shows in an almost dystopian society. There is over-the-top advertising (kids with toys, etc.), Entertainment Tonight type of news, and a cheesy/ratings obsessed host. You are supposed to find (dark) humor in the way the show will do anything for ratings, and it borrows from the Hunger Games in that respect (as well as in the game itself). The best part is the very last scene, which I won't give away, but was absolutely over-the-top hilarious. Despite the humor, there is still a lot of drama and tension, and they are mixed very effectively.

There is a fair amount of violence, but the gore isn't shown too much, which I appreciated. I also liked that there were no sex scenes or nudity. However, this is still an adult film, not meant for young children. Overall, a really fun, exciting, and enjoyable dinosaur action film!
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