
7 Reviews
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21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Look up anticlimactic in the dictionary, this is it to a T. I was so dissatisfied watching this episode which is really unfortunate because I really enjoyed the rest of the season overall. Why did this episode feel so rushed? I don't know who, but someone needs to be fired because these sickening monsters deserved better than this. Mixing all the performances of the floor show together ruined the impact you felt watching them, & making them sing the song made no sense! I wanted three looks from each queen in the three iconic Dragula categories!! And poor Victoria, what kind of ending is that for your winner? She deserves better. I really hope there's a titans 2 but please never do a finale like this ever again, it's insulting to the performers & the fans :( my mom said, "The Boulet Brothers should've fallen down the trap door for this finale." & honestly, I agree.
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The Naked Brothers Band (2007–2009)
Loved this when I was a kid
2 February 2023
Wow, this show is getting a lot of hate! The show was made for children and we need to remember that when writing a review.

Personally, when I watched this as a kid I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to see kids my age being "rockstars." I would get so excited to watch new episodes with my sister, we both loved the music so much we bought the CD at Target and listened to it constantly!

As an adult, yeah the show is pretty bad, but it wasn't made for adults. I still think it's decent, and definitely doesn't deserve all the hate it's getting.

I'm grateful for all the nostalgia this show gave me and my sister! Because it made a lasting impression on me and my sibling, and provided so much entertainment for us when our childhood wasn't very pleasant, I will always look back on this show with fond and happy memories.
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The Quarry (2022 Video Game)
It's just so captivating from beginning to end.
12 July 2022
I really love when you can tell you like a game from the first few minutes, and this game doesn't fail to surprise you and it holds your interest throughout its entirety. They really did a great job with this, and I really hope we get more games like this in the future! It's so fun to play through it and make your own decisions that really effect the outcome of the story, and it's amazing how many different endings you can get from playing through and making different choices. I liked this game more than Until dawn, but just by a hair because they are both great games! 9/10!
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10 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, you guys lied to me. This movie was so disappointing, I was actually at a loss for words when I left the cinema. I am so confused, irritated, & disappointed.

Dialogue was not interesting or funny.

I did not feel emotionally attached to any of the characters, except maybe MJ & Andrew Garfield ( Who is my least favorite Spider-Man )

The ending is absolutely garbage.

I was really looking forward to this movie and I am literally shocked at how bad it was.

"There was no interpretation of what happened to the villains and their respective universes." (A note from my husband, who is also extremely disappointed with the movie.)
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
So much to take in.
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have so many mixed feelings about this movie, but I was so glued to it I couldn't stop watching. The beginning is a bit hard for a Shining fan to watch and I straight up had to skip a graphic scene that involves a young boy. The way that they tied the first movie to this one was well done in my opinion and I would purchase this film. I really wish they would have cast Jack Nicholson in this because that truly bothered me that it wasn't him, however I feel like the actor did a pretty good job it just would have been the most amazing thing to see Jack in this film. Overall this film was definitely worth watching!
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I love this movie!
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so fun to watch, I will definitely buy this one. The beginning was a little slow and made me doubt if I would like it but as it went on the more I liked it! My fiancé, my young brother, my mother, and myself really enjoyed it. I feel like so many people gave this movie an unfair review. Yes the first one was a masterpiece, but this is a really well done sequel. I died with happiness when Ozzy came out in his amazing little troll get up, wish he would've been in it more!!
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So cute!
27 September 2020
If you're expecting this to be EXACTLY like the older adaptations than this may not be for you. I love the older films/television series, and I found this to be pretty cute. There are a lot of things I would've done differently. But overall it was worth watching, give it a chance!
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