
35 Reviews
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River's Edge (1986)
Amazing however the kids ..
1 June 2024
Amazing movie unbelievably good acting. These made for tv movies used to be freaking amazing! Like everything else honestly the only thing I'd remove is the younger kids. Karate Joe and the dirty kid brother of matt. I mean Matt is actually a sweet person. So how can he have a ridiculously bad seed brother and a sweetie sister. To be fully honest it made it a 7/10 for me because of the kids. I liked the blow up dolls part more. Oh Ellie lol. Keanu Reeves shines in this particular role back than in my opinion he has a kind aura and even though he's friends with John and Layne. Chrispen Glover is honestly good in this role as well. I'm not sure how he developed such a damn voice though. It's weird. Anyway DEFINITELY RECOMMEND.
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Evil Things (2009)
Def worth a watch wouldn't way 1,2,3,4/10
29 May 2024
This movies not as bad as the really low reviews say and definitely isn't a 10/10 lol but as it is for friends recording a documentary at least these people get along. You don't get the immediate rage that comes when one thing goes wrong. Even Blair Witch couldn't get people who seemed to like one another or they just jumped into the "get that bleeping bleeping camera outta my face bro!" At the very least this movie has likeable enough characters who seem close in real life. It's watchable it's a little creepy I mean...who tf wants a van following them? Their just trying to enjoy the time together. It's good enough. I recommend just as a random watch more so than a popcorn movie.
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Char Man (2019)
Eh eh 10???
21 May 2024
It's not horrible but the 10/10 are from the director and associates.

This movie messed up on so many levels. The characters are pretty unlikable. A grown man acting like a little brat always bothers me. The other dude takes himself too serious. None of them actually get along which is awkward. Couple spooky scenes with absolutely nothing that comes from it other than "that's all?" Spooky images work of course but you can not just throw a few peeping window scenes and end it as stupid as it ended. Seems they had moore money than they used for it. Not saying this could ever be a 10/10 which imo is disrespectful of the actors , directors and friends. It's not and never would be a 10/10 most movies aren't but to think we're dumb enough to take 10/10 seriously is a insult. You all know this didn't work out a simple 7 would of been better.

I GUESS it's worth a watch.
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Malum (2023)
Ripoff idc what anyone says
20 May 2024
From the jump it's a rip off of the best movie Last Shift. They changed the color that's it. Even the beginning officer is COMPLETELY the same as the original (last Shift) guys freaking out and makes officer lady walk off. But nonetheless if you haven't seen Last Shift. Do Not waste your time on this. It's better you watch the original I keep saying that because it's absolutely necessary you don't watch this one first. I'm not gonna lie I thought this was a foreign version of the original but it's not it's somehow the same story but made to go to far. LESS IS MORE I cannot understand how the movie makers understand it.
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Goodbye Future
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is seriously just terrible. For anyone of us that really dislike children in anything horror related this one's the cringiest of all.

The youth is absolutely thirsty for attention and it's sad. The kids they use in this remind us of how absolutely doomed our future generation is. We got parents thinking threatening their kid is better thank a spanking (no) sorry but a spanking is momentary a threat lasts the fear lasts.

If you want to watch a bunch of children scared of their own shadows but wanting what they think is "fame" truly I feel bad for the kids in this doc . I'm not a bully but dang would I make fun of these kids!

This is why I'm happy my dumb brain youth wasn't captured on video 24/7. Cringed out.
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Live (IV) (2018)
Oh my a good time?!
9 April 2024
Yes indeed a good time. Much like a lot of (imo) good found footage movies this all takes place via FB live, it's always much clearer and easier to watch when they use TikTok or YouTube or Facebook stuff.

This was creepy good. Yes Linda's character is kinda cliche lil cringe but who cares?

You ended up loving her/ feeling sorry for her but either ways it's a good movie emotion!

It gets spooky throughout so it's not like a slow cringe burn it's not just her doing videos without something happening. It doesn't all show at the end only.

It was good and worth more stars. Found footage films are seriously never "solved* bc the footage was left behind therefore"found" I recommend it. 100% I didn't rate it a 10 cuz I didn't wanna be "BOT" status. It's a fun time. Especially curled up on eclipse 2024.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Heap of trash
6 April 2024
Another blumehouse movie on IMDb with a way to big of a rating. A 7.1 is laughable. These movies are so predictable and bad it's becoming annoying. They have the same sad story, a bunch of different genders to fit in and races of course with a tad of racism using some of the actors (you'll see) it's a terrible film a hour and a half I'll never get back. Once I saw it had such a good score on here I had to warn y'all. It's strictly bad from beginning to end. CGI effects done completely wrong. A never ending pool of CGI monsters just to put the crap icing on the cake. Not worth watching tbh just throw on any crappy blumehouse movie and it's the same crapola

Idk bout y'all but I'm sick and tired or Blumehouse Films.
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The McPherson Tape (1989 Video)
This is a 10/10
5 April 2024
No way does this movie not have at least a 7. How dare y'all giving it 5s and 6s this movie is super nostalgic and amazingly taped. 1989 at its finest. Great realistic feeling. A typically 80s birthday party but with a twist of insanity. This should be higher ranked than even Blair witche. Maybe it's forgotten and giving it that low score is making it further forgotten! THE MCPHERSON TAPES is imo the exact thing I want in found footage films. Much like Poughkeepsie Tapes which is beyond disturbing, those of us with morbid curiosity wanna see these two movies. Very very realistic. I'm not comparing Poughkeepsie and this I'm saying if you want crime found footage you go to Poughkeepsie (one and done prolly) and for alien found footage when Tubi takes off ALIEN ABDUCTION go for this one!! Either way go for this. It's amazing.
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Grave Encounters 1 was bad but..
4 April 2024
How dare anyone say this is the best found footage movie. You have to of not seen many. The acting was worse in this one tho. Bringing back the main drag from the first one we get a psychotic animal like version supposedly living down there for a while now he has maintained his physique but eating rats he claims as friends. This movie was so forced I ended up hating the first one just cause they made this one IMHO Poughkeepsie Tapes is the best found footage it's what we all want from "FOUND" FOOTAGE being the killer records his sounds. This was pathetic. It's easy to make fun of those shows ghost encounters is known for having dumb viewers. Shame on whoever said the first one of this was the best movie.
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Nightlight (I) (2015)
Ting....ting what the f did I watch
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For one don't bring your dog with you when you're meeting a group of a hole teens you've never met.

Two why would you stay there after meeting the meanest broad I've seen be created in a movie tell you to keep your dog away than grabs your camera to embarrass you Infront of your Aussie (cuz of course) crush? No one would of stayed. She literally drove herself. I wanted to be hip in school too but you aren't bullying me in the woods without my smacking you up.

This movie made no sense. It could of been ok if the characters especially the pathetic girl character was like able. No one likes kids in movies what makes anyone think we want teens?

Watch if you want. Nothing beats the horrible mess that is "The Last Radio Call" once you seen that you've seen the worst.
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Oh God Margot shush
26 March 2024
In a world full of annoying people like Margot why tf do we need them in movies? Her alone knocked off five stars bc if it wasn't for her the movie would of been really spooky. Her acting is a 0 it took me the whole movie to figure out her and Rebecca were a couple? I still don't know and chase ran away for two days and now Margot has to tend to him because she is so important! Please stop casting the faces of TikTok mental disorders and bring back good actors. I hope we never have to be tormented with another bad hell house movie after this. Farewell Abadon hotel we barely knew yee. Not worth the hour and a half you won't get back. Maybe re release it with better characters. The scenes were scary but ruined by annoying characters which is normal for this director.
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Road House (2024)
No more Conor
22 March 2024
Anyone else sick and tired of seeing this Irish ninny in every dang thing? He's the fakest person I've ever seen, watching Conor in movies is like watching your school bully who never grew up yet for some reasons becomes the mayor of the town.(small) This guy's a blow hard with no acting abilities he's a "fighter" yet he's no longer fighting? Idk how much money these people are worth but I love Jake he used to be my favorite actor, between this and southpaw I feel like he should just quit acting and do what he obviously loves. It's not Jake's fault this sucked. My opinion is just watch clips of southpaw and this movies fights. That's about it. Maybe I'm alone in this but I'm tired of Hollywood rewarding bad behavior. People as big as Conor McGregor should be taken down a notch when he punches a older man for not liking his liquor..but nope he's out here rich ASF and roided up to boot. Here comes worse behavior. Bad movie. Waste of time.
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What the ..
11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What am I watching? Hillary Swanks dad watching her have s e x with the dude the gardener being mentally handicapped... Hilary girl. You never had a thing you were just really lucky with boys don't cry. I find million dollar baby to be absolutely HILarious! Her acting chops are so bad you feel it. People were so confused. I can' ever unsee the end of million dollar baby being redone over and over and over its so dumb. Hils a bleeding heart actress everyone mostly feels sorry for...her best movie is when she beat her mas ass in a lifetime flick now that's a good movie Terror In the Family! Check that out over this. Or anything else... boys don't cry was fkn shocking and a true story of Teena Brandon. That was always going to win.
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14 October 2023
I was pretty excited to start this series. I never thought id ever say the placement is wrong. This episode was unessesary. SPOILEZRRRR

if you want to watch a older lady get abused in every disguting way be my guest. I went to start the next one but decided to go back to less smut like content. Thats a huge problem with today too many creepers making "horror" John Carpenter is a legend for sure but i really expected better stories about the suburbs seemed more like shock value stories. When more people watch these and review them i might try them again but for me A Killer Comes Home was not in good taste.
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All Grown Up!: TP + KF (2007)
Season 5, Episode 3
Nope Doesn't Make Sense
7 October 2023
The only reason Chucky would not trust Tommy with his half sister is if Tom is a bad dude..from the episodes that matter aka the original.. Chucky looks to Tommy as a hero now he don't like him over a sister conflict? That's so terribly cliche and makes.0 sense...this was the start of the end. Remaking rebooting wasting money time and good ideas. Again if Tommy was a crappy person than he wouldn't still be friends with him...I'm thinking what did I miss? Is there a few episodes where Tommy is evil or bad to girls? Does he have a History of breaking hearts? Doesn't Make Sense it's a lazy idea peeps.
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Chat AI movie
6 October 2023
This movie was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. No solid story line. Another movie about a psychiatrist parent who won't talk to his daughters about his "pain" another lame 2023 horror movie. Between remaking an making this crap it's probably time to just stop until someone with a brain comes out with something. I believe they said to chat AI to make a movie about a Boogeyman and this is what they got. Never actually rereading just releasing. Easy money no jumps 2 hours of lame story and still don't know what the monster looks like...bad bad bad please stop making movies if you have no idea how to make movies. Not even a note worthy jump scare. The trailer shows the same and only scene that could of been a jump scare but sorry the commercial left nothing to the imagination. In fact what happens in the trailer is scarier than this movie. Don't watch waste of time. That's why it's on Hulu generating ads for money. Boooo!!!.
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Mockingbird (2014)
Seriously Chill
29 April 2023
Im not certain what you all expect from a found footage film but you all act like prudes. Ive seen this a few times and everytime i do im not disapointed. If your looking for emmy winning movies stay away from FF.

ANYWAY the movie is scary the feel of it from the start is so eerie. I felt bad for mr lenny for being a pathetic human but with a ma like that what do you expect lol. I felt worse for the college student i feel like she had way more terror thrown her way. Including the ending which i wont spoil.

Give it a try its not bad by any means blair witch had shaky cam this is way better than that filming. If your not a prudy little prick looking for a big time FF film youll enjoy this.
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Don't waste your time
11 March 2023
This movie is full of really lame jokes. A balding ghost man who's funny apparently. The movie was so bad I shut it off before it was over. I actor kid is a look into the youth today a smart ass who knows everything. Bad acting bad writing. Don't waste your time on this. It's so flashy and loud I have two seizures during it. This movie sucks. Unfunny humor and pointless comedy. The ghost things old they used a black family to make it feel different but I don't see colors I see bad movies this is a bad movie. Just saying all all and all don't watch this crap fest. Hopefully we won't have to see the main actor in many more movies.
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The Golden Girls (1985–1992)
Men (again)
5 March 2023
I had to give ny ggs a 7 this shows amazing minus being written and directed by mostly men i.e assuming woman would never know how to install a toilet or not marry the first man they see. It's starting to feel like a foolish situation that's going to make the girls unwatchable in the future. The shows premises is 4 woman without husband's living together and taking on life. Yet every episode Blanche becomes pathetically involved with any man she sees. The supposedly strongest woman on the show was married to a complete loser yet continues to fall for Stan. Its a sad realization but men running this show is why it won't hold up in the future. Men really out there believing woman can't live without them. Come on!
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My Haunted House: The Camp & Leviathan (2016)
Season 5, Episode 6
Oh get over it
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Is it just me or is the actor Jodi the same chick who tore her friends shoulder off in another episode? Can't find it but I know JODI has infact been in two episodes. The episodes are both fun. The camp is like my wife and I were weirded out by weirdos it's reality man. Don't creep like that. Second one is so good but also the lady speaking isn't she the actress in the dress shop one? Y'all screwed up with this last one season 3 very disappointed that the show never got a season four. Out of all the fake ghost crap on tv this was edited and created to feel like mini horror movies. Idk why everyone is yelling fake between travel channel LMN and YouTube haven't we come to the realization to they're ALL fake...get over it.
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My Haunted House: The Attic / 'Til Death (2014)
Season 2, Episode 5
Seriously love the attic
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For one Selma is beyond gorgeous I'm just throwing that out there doesn't make or break it but the actress is fkn gorgeous. Anyway the attic is so creepy again anything with a small space be in the basement, the garage, crawlspace etc that's always going to be terrifying imo billy is excellently creepy just knowing a guy hung himself there and decided to befriend the much younger maria her pics of him or eerie he's a blue color (yes death) "look they're hanging like Billy" Maria's so scary again a amazing kid actor portraying such a disturbing situation. So worth the watch. Also I'm thinking this episode was a favorite due to it appearing in the episode "Hazel" the adopted ma is watching it upstairs after she apparently cut her foot and needed a week of rest (Yo I wish) seriously worth the watch.

Again a week off for cutting your foot? That's a lifestyle for me gimme a few years off lol.
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My Haunted House: Art Loft & Drowned (2014)
Season 2, Episode 2
When a stranger calls 2 vibes
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the second story so much reminded me of when a stranger calls back. From the house to the door to the window (ahh skeet skeet) it all was so much like the movie. Instead though it's sadly about children dying in a wreck with their parents oops lemme tap the spoiler alert button. Ok the first story is semi uncomfortable losing your mind is nothing anyone would be comfortable with but the actress played it well enough I thought she was nuts but my favorite will always be the second story. The ora if the episode is neat and something we've seen before but still eerie enough that adding children was seriously creepy but sad.
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My Haunted House: Room 7 & the Beta Incident (2015)
Season 3, Episode 23
Room 7 use to like
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love this episode but the more I watch it the more I can't stand Mike his cop friend. I get becoming cold to death i guess even tho let's be real cops aren't around dead bodies all day. Y'all giving traffic tickets ok so Mike's character is annoying on so many levels. Also the macho attitude is way over rated. Again cops are usually fatties giving traffic tickets. The story should of been more like their detectives in the crime unit. This is still during a time period where we trusted and respected them maybe so that's where the macho man attitude comes from but now a days it doesn't work it's laughable. Your ass got shot twice in a what year. Youre not a bad a$$ cop your a dumbass and a liability also being booted is like winning the lottery? Well sign me up to get shot twice fired taken care of and able to buy and renovate my new and used hotel lol. Laughable episode now.
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My Haunted House: Sad Sam & Black Magic (2015)
Season 3, Episode 17
Scariest images
25 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care if this show is real or not I don't have belief in spirits this ridiculous but however I do love this show for actually being scary. For one sam's probably one of the most terrifying "Ghost" to haunt on this show. Imagine laying in bed after your bday where you felt like the clown was odd at 7 I'd of been talking about the weirdo clown everyday for a week and you hear something in your closet turn with your flashlight bam the fkn creepy clown saying I'm sorry helllll nooo this is the best episode it's the one I usually throw on when I say this shows creepy and good. I met my wife 8 years ago sad sam still freaks her out it's the im sorry. Like regretting before killing a entire family is creepy you are about to kill a child and his parents and yourself dayum. And if you think cops aren't like this you're blind. I had a cop tell me not to call on my dad anymore or hell arrest me never looked at the bruises on me just a prominent man. Also this one and I believe the dreamcatcher one are the two most searched episodes of course people got upset looking up the two stories realizing dang it's fake. I mean it's a ghost story come on. Great stuff.
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Paranormal Witness (2011– )
21 February 2023
Obviously as a non believer of ghosts such as these ridiculous stories I do enjoy the fact that this show along with my haunted house is highly enjoyable to watch. I mean just thinking of it as a mini series of scary shorts. I gave it a 9 because my haunted house is my favorite. I know alot of people think they're intelligent when they call ghost show's out for being fake but seriously who tf goes into a show like this expecting the truth? If you want boring watch ghost hunters that tools been pretending to see things for a long long time. If your interested in just having a good scare and some fun the two shows I mentioned are beyond worth a watch.
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