
8 Reviews
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1 November 2020
This movie was average.

Had some decent scary/tense scenes - but it didn't really 'bring anything', if you get me.

I would recommend you watch it if you want a cheap thrill, but it's nothing out of the ordinary for this genre.

Personally I enjoyed the experience because I wasn't expecting anything - but it's nothing astounding.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps I'm biased due to my love of found footage - the style that brought me to the horror genre through classics such as Paranormal Activity.

Perhaps I'm biased because the image of the woman running up and down the halls and scratching at the doors at night haunts me to this day.

I don't care.

I absolutely loved this movie. It's at the top with my absolute favourites. Some scenes - as mentioned before - still send shivers up my spine. And the comedy WORKED, which is unusual for horror to be honest.

Definitely worth the watch. Would recommend to all horror fans.
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1st star for dog 2nd star for the jizz
30 October 2020
The plot was boring - not unoriginal, just boring.

The acting was okay. Not as bad as people rating it make it out to be, it just wasn't brilliant.

The 'ghosts' (or whatever they are) weren't remotely frightening, neither was the entire movie.

I wouldn't even call it a thriller, it's just a bad movie. And it continues getting worse as the movie goes on (the last 25 minutes are just tragically bad)

I wouldn't waste your time with this one, movie goers.
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Really good - a few plot holes - a bit too long
28 October 2020
Personally I loved this movie so much. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, willing for Jules to escape.

The ending was also absolutely brilliant - it had the whole family cheering with delight.

However, there are some downsides. Of course this movie isn't perfect. There were a few plot holes and a few moments that had you thinking 'No way, that's ridiculous.' But those parts - for me - made it all the more entertaining. (I suppose it depends on your taste)

I docked three stars for it anyway, just so this review is helpful to ALL audiences, not just based on my preference.

Overall brilliant movie and worth the watch!
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Pretty generic
27 October 2020
I loved the idea and it got me interested in the original folk tale

But the movie was very Americanised - generic and cliché at best - the only vaguely interesting character being Rafael.

I enjoyed it, of course, it wasn't bad. But it was nothing above average either.
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Good concept - Awfully executed
27 October 2020
This movie had an excellent concept and an exceptional introduction sequence.

But the stories... just didn't quite make sense.

Only three out of eight made complete sense - the American story, the Indian story and the Greek story.

The American story was laughable, the Indian story was vaguely creepy (probably the best one) and the Greek one was barely horror....

...much like the other stories, which came complete with bad effects, atrocious acting and incoherent storylines.

The concept was brilliant and I was so excited to see the movie... it's just a shame that I got all hyped up in the intro only to be let down by being downright confused throughout.

I have three stars. Two for the good stories (Greece and India) and one for the good concept.

If I were you, I wouldn't waste your time.
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Surprisingly Good
26 October 2020
This movie was definitely better than I expected (which was a cheesy Goosebumps knockoff)

But the monsters were surprisingly original and the story worked.

I wouldn't call this movie 'scary' - it's more a thriller than a horror (save the pretty good graphics for the monsters)

But it was most definitely entertaining and worth the watch.

Most of the people giving bad reviews must have watched it with a closed mind - expecting it to be a spectacular horror film when it was never going to be.

But as a film it was really good!
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The Grudge (2019)
Awful film - even when NOT being compared to the original films
25 October 2020
As someone who loves the grudge franchise this was extremely disappointing.

They even went through the trouble of hiring Lin Shaye (an amazing horror actress) just to make the movie out to be better than it is.

Even when not being compared to the original grudge films, it is predictable, lazy and relies too heavily on jump scares (like various new horror films) to scare the audience.

It's a sorry excuse for a remake and a sorry excuse for a horror film in its own right.
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