
9 Reviews
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The Ark (2023– )
I tried
29 March 2023
I don't review often, I really wanted the like this TV show - I even gave it to episode 8 ......but is just gets worse and worse - just total miss directed nonsense - I really could have done better myself - yes I tolerated until EP8, it will be on my things to forget list next year - it could have been so much better - I could have made it better - IMHO a fail sorry it had potential but just lost it so mant rimes with absolute nonsense and a fragmented story line that is trying but fails over and over - it's like a really bad soap that keeps looking for direction but never seems to find it .... could and should have been better.
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B movie
8 August 2022
This is pretty bad in every respect, low budget nonsense, I lasted 10mins and that was enough, Iow budget does not always mean bad but in this case - it is exactly that.
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The Old Man (2022– )
don't review often
16 July 2022
This show deserves a mention, it is excellent. It is on my top 10 2022 without a doubt, can't binge it but I would if I could., now I have to ramble on about nothing because I have to type 150 letters.
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don't waste your time
15 May 2022
Just poor in every respect. Aciting - script - directing, I seldom write reviews unless something warrants it and this does, I managed 10mins in an effort to give it a chance - 2mins would have been enough.
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4400 (2021–2022)
I seldom write reviews but.............
27 October 2021
I do when I feel there is something to say, I will also add I am not from the USA

I got through about 20mins of EP1 and gave up, this show is quite honestly garbage - it is poorly scripted - poorly acted - poorly directed and is painful to watch

I'm not going to get into any of the racial type comments from others as I am not interested in that and it is irrelevent to me, this show is just bad - really bad.
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X-Ray Earth (2011 TV Movie)
informative ..................but
29 June 2021
This is typical hyperbole dramatic nonsense, is there any need for it ?

I like to watch scientific programs probably with a passion, but this is just spoiled by the hype and drama, like the very title is complete nonsense - you x-rayed the earth ??? With what ?, did you see it in a cartoon, you could have started by explaining how you x-rayed the earth, this is typical dramatic nonsense programing that would be more watchable if it was just factual without the dramatic nonsense, it was so bad that I just switched over to another channel even though there were elements of interest and likely scientific it just got hard to watch, I hope the producers read this and realise that they need another approach .......lets keep it scientific - you did not x-ray the earth - stupid nonsense.
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Physical (2021–2023)
I don't review that often
25 June 2021
I only review when something impresses me, read the positives they are pretty much accurate, this show is excellent.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
shallow nonsense
16 June 2021
Watched 3 episodes and just got bored, the whole spoilt brat kids thing just took this totally in the wrong direction - two kids that don't like the fact that their father is ......... seriously ?

What is that all about, the whole thing is just wrong on so many levels.
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Debris: I Am Icarus (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Just went way out there
9 May 2021
I obviously have been watching this show from EP 1

Trying to stay with it and it has been hit and miss

Here we are at EP 9 and 10 and honestly it completely lost it for me, some might think it makes sense on any level but I don't - it just became ridiculous like it was patched together every 5mins and then went down a rat hole with no escape - it just got more and more out there without any logical way out, it was like someone started this without an ending and then just kept building themselves into a corner of more and more stupidity - sorry but that is my honest opinion, I don't review often but in this case ............... what on earth were they thinking

Massive fail.
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