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Peacemaker (2022– )
I wish Marvel had balls like this:
5 November 2022
After rewatching a few DC movies and Peacemaker for the first time I believe with Gunn and company in charge of the DCU they are in a potentially good place.

I think there's a lot of work to be done with the DCU but Peacemaker seems to be a step in the right direction. It's violent, it's comical, it's not the ordinary super hero film... but it's fun.

I'm not sure how long DC can possibly sustain this level of entertainment, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. It would be nice if Gunn can keep this up for his entire contract but I doubt it. Time will tell.

I hate the way both Suicide Squad movies ended and played out, but Peacemaker almost has me believe that there's a chance the Universe can rebound.

Here's to a hopeful DCU future.
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Easily the best universe on TV: Great finale
24 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I hope they don't stop making shows and seasons within the Power Universe. The writing, the acting, and the production is always on point. Honestly I fear for STARZ and the PU because not enough of their shows last very long and or get a lot of reviews after each episode. It's a shame because they've put out some of the best TV in the last 10 years.

As far as the finale goes it was as good as if not better than most PU finales. I do hope we didn't lose Marvin and I doubt we did. Good to see Unique show up at the end. When the shot went off I had a feeling it was him after losing Worrel(spelling?). Kanan showing up with his father at the end was a nice touch. Tony Danza makes a great boss!!! Who knew?!?!?! Prize bull of the studio is gone so that puts that storyline to bed. It'll be interesting to see who the new connect turns out to be and I imagine it'll be two wars at once not long after unless they knock of the Newark folks early.

Wish we didn't have to wait a year but that's how it goes. Bring on Ghost and Force!!!

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The good, the bad, and hope for the future.
26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've logged countless hours playing Tekken and have owned every single one to come out. It's definitely my favorite fighting game ever. I've for years wished a great cinematic universe would be made for it and even somehow include Soul Caliber, but that's another story for later.

Ok, first of all I've never been a fan Japanime. Sorry not sorry, it's just not my thing. Love the look of all the characters as they perfectly resemble the game versions and love the inclusion of signature moves. However the shadow art as many have pointed out and the 2D format IMO doesn't do Tekken enough justice.

I don't have an issue with the flashbacks and the translation as some have mentioned because I tried to keep in mind this wasn't written by David Milch. I also don't have much of an issue with the sub par pacing of the show. Episodes 1-3 for the most part take their time and pave the way and 4-6 seem to go in fast forward. Seems like a bizarre strategy but again my expectations weren't very high and I'm just happy they put out a show at all.

I probably wouldn't have had Devil Jin already by the end of S1 unless there were about 24 episodes but that's just me. I understand it was Tekken 3's story, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have gone the long route in getting there.

Tekken deserves a much bigger budget and a Kevin Fegie type guy at the helm. This particular rendition is good for what it is, but left me wanting and hoping for so much more. Many great characters included yet many left out. Many of those that appeared weren't utilized hardly at all.

There's no reason Tekken couldn't be filmed on a level like Avatar or Alita Battle Angel. It would be nice to see about 2 to 5 minutes of back story all the side characters and why they want to join the tournament. Perhaps the backstories could be made as shorts or companions to the main season. Each season could include follow up shorts and new character shorts.

I'll assume Netflix will bring it back but I'd expect more of the same if and when they do. I'll be happy to tune in again but disappointed that it's no where near what it could/should be. The story was very simplistic and a more creative mind could've gone bonkers with all the endless possibilities Tekken contains.

Lastly, yes... since Soul Caliber is in the same universe it's only natural they come together as one extended universe. That right there would have ATM written all over it. It'll probably never happen in my lifetime but a man can dream right?

I give it 7/10 mainly because it showed up at all.

Looks like a Corvette but moves like a Chevy Pinto.

Glad to see familiar faces, but unless I played the game I wouldn't know who most are.

Stayed true to the game but a little more outside the box thinking could've done wonders.

The game is 3D and the show should be that at the very least.

Hope we get more and someone with a lot of money that's as big of a fan of Tekken as I am takes a stab at this thing on a larger scale.

Good... just not great.
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Subpar for the standard in my opinion.
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Game of Thrones proper started to fall off in season 4 when the show got away from the written material. This show for the most part will be like Ring of Power... loosely based on loose written material while trying to capture magic of previous material based on thoroughly written material...

All that said I think this cash grab of a spin off fails at bringing an interesting set of characters and story to the wide world of ASOIAF. It just didn't do anything captivating that S1E1 did. Perhaps the expression "expectations are resentments in the making" comes to mind, but for me it came out a tad flat.

It's only one episode and although I didn't think it was terrible it looks to be a slow burn of a show set in a time I'm not as interested in as far as the GoT universe is concerned. I'll keep watching and I'm sure it'll get better, but I'm bored already.

I would have much rather gotten an anthology series that bounced around timelines surrounding the Night's Watch, or a series about the styling of Braavos. How bout the origin of the White Walkers, or Robert's Rebellion? The Jon Snow continuation should be good and give us the return of several characters we know and love. These super blondes and dragons so far aren't cutting it for me though but I guess that's what sells.
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Jack Ryan: Cargo (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Looks like they changed the format...
22 July 2022
Jack Ryan season 1 was a grand slam... this doesn't really feel like the same show. It's 24 meets Bosch or something. Maybe they were obligated to make another season but who knows. This definitely has almost 0 continuity from season one.
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10/10 Simply put, Netflix's best work ever.
1 July 2022
It's hard to put into words how good this finale is. I'm just stunned. We literally got everything all at once. As usual we lost a great character and that did not sit well with me at all, even though they displayed a phenomenal performance to remember. We also are being given the likely return of a character we'd probably prefer to go without. The finale made me think, laugh, and cry. The final season is going to be nuts. God I hope they don't take forever to put it together, and release it in parts.
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The Bear: Braciole (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Easily one of the best new shows on television.
25 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I'm a chef...

Obviously this episode was phenomenal, but the season as a whole was a great ride. The cast is top notch, the characters are believable, and the story a whole is very realistic.

I can see "The Bear" laying the ground work in becoming a high end scratch kitchen in season 2, and the show runners showing us all the difficulties involved with that. Perhaps they buy the property next door and expand the footprint.

Great breath of fresh air for television.

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Not sure what everyone's problem is but I liked it.
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Old cast meets new cast. That right there alone was worth the admission. Good villains, good heroes, good action scenes, good ending scene for most.

Where I'd like to see this continuing on as is with the next era of species being added. If humans are now living with Dinosaurs regularly... may as well add Mammoths, Sabertooth Tigers, and so forth. Perhaps the popular topic of global warming leads to some sort of ice age and we have not only a crossover of species but another end of the world type movie thrown in... I'd watch it. Jurassic Park meets 10,000BC, meets 2012.

Much like most other long running franchises I'm sure the band would get back together for something like that.
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Lost (2004–2010)
Top 5 non cable show all time and it's not a debate.
16 March 2022
I can watch the finale once a month and it never gets old. I do a full show rewatch every couple years and it never gets old. Sure I wish some things played out differently, but there's very few shows that made me love so many characters. This is one of very few shows I wish they'd relaunch with the same cast but with a different plot and could probably get away with it. I understand why people fell off at season 4 but for me the show was superb from start to finish.

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Love Actually (2003)
The best Christmas movie of all time
12 March 2022
It's a different spin on a holiday we get each year. From the cast, to the comedy, to the romance... as a true alpha male I can say this is without a doubt perhaps the best rom com in the history of them all. I can't go 3 months without watching it. Brilliant in every way.
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1883: Boring the Devil (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
You people with the bad reviews man...
31 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I called Thomas and the gypsy woman the first time they had dialogue together. I'm more interested in the depiction of the journey through history than evidently some of these other folks are on here at... whatever they're into. This show is painting a great picture of life under these circumstances and I kindly doubt negative commenters could do better.

I see Thomas and this new family riding off into the sunset. I see Elsa leaving the family proper to broaden horizons. I see the migrants becoming good preppers. I see why Duttons give no f#cks.

It's another great episode of a great show. Not sure why anyone can see it as anything other than that.
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Wow this movie sucked
26 December 2021
I don't write bad reviews often but this movie screams "please don't bother". I promise to god I grade this genre on the curve however this sequel does absolutely nothing to add to this franchise. Complete waste of time that I will never be compensated for. From beginning to the end I was so uninterested. Never felt this way for a matrix movie. At no point was I ever interested. That's a bad sign. DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER SEQUEL! At least if you plan having these same writers, directors, producers involved. Please God for the love of all things holy convince them all to walk away.
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Invasion: Contact (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
Underrated show
25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show isn't getting the credit it should and people keep giving it bad reviews for being slow, but I think that speaks more to the increasingly short attention spans than it does the show.

The two issues I've had so far is that it appears that perhaps San Neill's character and the story line from that area is already killed off before it really gave us anything, but it's possible it makes a return in the finale or so.

The other is that the show is dark. Not dark as in humor, but the lighting is actually dark and makes things hard to see. Perhaps it's because all the electricity for the most part is out across the world so from that perspective it's more understandable. Just wish it was a tiny bit brighter.

I appreciate that the show is taking things slow. When shows give you too much too early they tend to flame out. This show is more concentrated on the journey than showdown which in my opinion is a nice change of pace.

The show also proves that you don't need big stars and tons of CGI to make something interesting. 8/10 for me this week and I hope they finish the season strong. I'll assume we get a cliffhanger at episode 10.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
3 episodes in and...
18 October 2021
I actually like the show. It's right up my ally as far a genre is concerned. Did I go into it expecting a mind bender featuring Denzel and Tom Hanks? No. When I first saw the trailer I was assuming some what of a LOST knock off and that's pretty much what we have.

Not exactly a star studded lineup so I'm not really bent out of shape that not everyone is killing every scene. LOST also had a bunch of no names in the cast but they also had different writers/directors so they were able to hit the ground running. I think this show does have enough decent characters and basic story potential to carry it through a couple seasons though, although I'm not sure that'll happen since it only shows five episodes for the season... might be a one and done mini series.

I also think if this were produced by a network like STARZ it could be a lot better. Even USA or so I believe would've put bigger production into it and squeezed a few more known faces into the budget. I hope it sticks around a little while because I doubt anyone else will take a stab at this concept for a while so I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

Last but not least as I don't necessarily dislike any of the characters I would have liked to see more of them. That's what made LOST so great. Not only did it have a ton of different characters playing small roles but it turns out they all intertwined somehow. I'm not seeing the show if you do the same thing they did, but I do think the immediate characters we've been shown after 3 episodes seem to be a little short of what I would've put out there.

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See: Rock-a-Bye (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
A little disappointed.(Spoilers)
18 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The good:

Very creative fight scene with lots of great camera work during the battle. I do enjoy that the episode starts the moment the previous one ended and I feel the used everyone in the battle appropriately.

The annoying:

The two characters they knock off during the battle I felt shouldn't have been(Toad and Edo). Knocking off Paris in the final scene also was silly in my opinion but with Toad gone that arc between those two is closed. I'm guessing these three have other projects coming up so they couldn't stick around for more but it seems there was much more they could've done with them.

Kane... seriously? At least we know she's a good bad guy because if she wasn't there's no way she'd annoy me as much as she does. However at this point the only thing I can see is Kofun helping her out somehow.

Haniwa and Wren... I mean the show has to end with them together, right? How many times are we going to go to the "I can't be with you right now and I won't fight you but we're together forever" well?

The questions moving forward:

Tamacti Jun giving the army the option out opportunity and then leaving himself seemed a bit out of place. I can understand he feels many will never accept the sighted but come on now. The city is pretty much defenseless at this point but no doubt they'll have new characters installed in those positions in season three. What bothers me is in a world of blind people I'm pretty sure soldiers just don't grow on trees.

Baba is off to the woods to build a cabin down by the river now I suppose and lead a solitary life? I'm guessing he feels that because Maghra and Harlan are married he's a third wheel? So your two next warriors left alive have both bolted because they're in their feels... got it.

Jerlamarel's son made bombs... sweet. Nothing cooler than blind people with bombs. I fully expect them to be like Stallone in the movie The Specialist come season 3. Stealth blind mad bombers that can only be stopped by Baba after his kids search the woods for him and beg for his help and leadership.

Final thoughts:

Don't get me wrong I've loved the show so far and I hope they find a way to close it out great, but I didn't necessarily like where they left us after this episode. I'll take a guess in saying I think season 3 will be the last unless Baba dies in the finale and it tries to move on without him. Like I said earlier, I think Toad, Edo, and Paris getting clipped was a bad idea but who knows, maybe that was part of the budget from day 1 since after Mamoa there's really nobody that should be killing the payroll now since everyone else is...who? Perhaps season 3 brings in another known actor/actress or two to help carry it down the stretch. We shall see.

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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
Single best episode the show has ever made.
4 April 2021
Absolutely phenomenal. Just a brilliant episode in every way. 10/10. I hope Negan stick around till the end but whatever happens, this episode just made up for a lot of down time episodes these last few seasons. In general season 10 has done a pretty good job of cleaning up after 6-9. Here's to the show finishing strong.
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The Walking Dead: Find Me (2021)
Season 10, Episode 18
Good episode but odd timing imo.
8 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With 4 episodes left before we hit what will be the final season I guess I'm just wondering why they'd pick now to have a Daryl flash back bottle episode. I'll assume Leah makes her way back into the story at season's end but if I were a guessing man I think we'll end up having all flashback episodes from different characters until the finale.

Michonne would make sense because I don't think she's simply written off of the show. Maggie would obviously be an easy choice so we can see what she was up to while gone and what led her back. Negan's backstory has been long awaited and it's likely they don't wait till the final season to give it to us.

Then of course they need to leave us with a cliffhanger that will likely contain the storm troopers that Eugene and company ran into and they are probably the folks that Rick is with.

This is all speculation but I think we should expect a wrap up of multiple story lines before mad dash that ends the series. The show imo kinda meandered for 3 or 4 seasons but I think will end strong. Perhaps Rick's movies will bridge the gap between these bonus episodes and the final season. Also it would be nice if they somehow had Madison show up along with the cast of FtWD to finish this thing out proper.

We shall see. Good episode though, although the time makes me wonder what's in store.
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Cobra Kai: December 19 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
Thank God for this show.
2 January 2021
There's some very good television shows on TV today. Yellowstone, Peaky Blinders, The Boys, The Mandalorian, The Ozark, etc. All have their unique things that make them great. They have drama, action, romance that isn't forced, subtle comedy, etc. Cobra Kai is able to be one of those shows that is so far bringing all those things together perfectly while making me feel like a kid again.

I didn't think season 2 could top the first one. Then I didn't think season 3 could top season 2. I was wrong twice. I hope I continue to be wrong about this show. I'm so happy all these actors and actresses have come back for this. The mix between the flashbacks to the movies and the characters coming back is just... perfect. Also in a time that I don't have that high opinion of today's youth they have managed to create a fantastic dynamic with the younger characters.

I absolutely love this show and I can't wait to see where season for takes us. Absolutely phenomenal finale from beginning to end. I hope the best is yet to come.
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