
4 Reviews
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7 December 2020
At an hour in length, it was 60 minutes too long.

You would get more enjoyment counting 3,600 seconds out loud in a pitch black room and have used your time better.
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Middle of the road
30 November 2020
A really good cast does not always a good movie make.... disjointed story lines are meant to come together, but doesn't there are too many and it doesn't really resolve. Ok though. I've seen worse.
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Not too bad!
18 November 2020
As far as Christmas movies go, the acting was quite good! The step family are hilariously nasty and the two main characters relatable in a sickeningly sweet way. Wouldn't watch again, but worth a go!
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A Very Country Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
18 November 2020
I'm a Christmas movie fan and a country music fan, so perhaps I expected a bit much from the movie.... contained no country music and pretty sure the guy wasn't actually singing (and definitely not playing the guitar) in the couple of Christmas carols performed in the move - WHERE'S THE MUSIC!

Your typical Christmas movie plot, with typical level acting and cheesiness, but missed an opportunity to make it good with talented musicians.
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