
4 Reviews
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Walker: Independence (2022–2023)
Walker Independence Pilot
7 October 2022
A great introduction to what looks like an exciting adventure. A wonderful inclusive cast & a peek at the authentic West. Looking forward to see how this story plays out. Great casting. Matt Barr is a joy. The ladies all bring an aspect of mystery. It's wonderful to see different kinds of people not relegated to stereotype.

The villains aren't black & white. I enjoy all the layers this story is beginning to peel back.

If you want a successful show, call on Jared Padalecki for quality programming. Jared has been in the business since he was 17. He has on same network for 22 yrs. He loves storytelling. He's great at it. Walker is incredible. Now he is part of another amazing show that delves into the Walkers past in a new, exciting way.
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Walker: Duke (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
19 February 2021
Another brilliant episode. Everyone did an amazing job. Once again Jared demonstrates why he's the powerhouse of the CW.
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Walker (2021–2024)
Walker Wins
22 January 2021
Jared Padalecki brought his A game once again. His charisma & talent just sucks you in and keeps you wanting more. He has excellent chemistry with the entire cast. I love the story & the new relationships. It's been months since Supernatural ended & I'm happy to have something new to look forward to every week.

S3 premiere had it all. What a thrilling start to the season. Jared Padalecki continues to shine in all he does. The cast is wonderful. Counting the days til episode two.
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Supernatural: Carry On (2020)
Season 15, Episode 20
The perfect ending
22 November 2020
A perfect ending. Brilliant performances by Jared& Jensen. The show started & ended with these two heroic brothers. Supernatural has always been & always will be the epic love story of Sam & Dean Winchester.
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