
28 Reviews
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I liked the first movie better...
9 November 2022
Definitely not a bad movie, it just really doesn't cut it nor have much of an impact on me as did the first movie. Like there was a missing spark almost. You can see that it tries to live up to the first movie with Enola breaking the 4th wall as usual and her spontaneous energy and her "Sherlock", instincts but it didn't feel the same. There were times when I felt overwhelmed with all that was happening and it was dragging on for WAY longer than it should have. And her lack of chemistry with Tewksbury was low key sad even tho I know that isn't the main point of this movie. Tho, I did like the interactions with Enola and Sherlock which I rlly enjoyed because they have great on screen matrimony. Overall, kind of disappointed but I never assume the sequel to be better than the first movie so definitely is worth giving a watch but surely not worth any hype.
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Hidden Gem?
14 September 2021
Honestly, I actually enjoyed this movie. Acting's a bit iffy at times yes, but for the year they made this? It's really not that bad. Two best friends get stranded on an island and have to basically grow up and live on they're own. The physical and mental hardships they face all seem very realistic. So overall, forget all the low ratings this movie has and just watch the movie to judge for yourself because you might be surprised and have second thoughts ;)
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
Not that bad tbh
27 July 2021
The movie's got an interesting plot that I'd rarely seen before so having that to base off of, I'd say that this movie was pretty good. Not as much blood and gore as I'd thought there'd be but I'm not complaining. Anyway, pretty well written movie that you should check out!
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Relic (2020)
Disturbingly tolerable
29 June 2021
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this movie as much as I did but surprisingly, wasn't half bad. There were parts that had me holding my breath while the other parts almost made me gag. But if you are one of those people who are fine with gory/disturbing things than you definitely should watch this movie!
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What's wrong with y'all??
29 June 2021
I'm not sure if I just have a completely different view point of this movie from everyone that rated this movie quite low, but I'd say that this movie wasn't bad at all. I get that it's the cliché plot of the mom not liking the girl her son is with but basing a movie with mainly Asians was thoroughly refreshing to see! There were a few comedic parts that could've been worked on but other than that, this is a splendid little movie that you and your friends/family can enjoy.
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Not that bad...
28 June 2021
Each release becomes more ridiculous every time XDDD BUT it is entertaining as you'd expect from this franchise. Somewhat gives me fast 5 vibes with a hint of Tokyo Drift which is refreshing and nostalgic. Otherwise, pretty decent movie.
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Had me in tears at the movie theater!
5 May 2021
Not gonna lie, I started balling my eyes out while watching this movie at the theater. I'd been waiting so long for it to come out in theater here in the US and now that it finally is, I can genuinely say that it was worth the wait! The action, the comedy, the cute moments from Nezuko are all what you expected it'd be...FREAKING TOP TIER!! It's breathtakingly beautiful all throughout the movie and getting to watch it on the big screen just amplifies the experience by 1,000. So if you enjoyed the first season of the anime, you won't be disappointed by the movie!
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Good...But not amazing
5 May 2021
This anime had me fully interested just from reading the plot and watching the first couple minutes of the first episode. EXCEPT, after watching more than half the episodes in the season, you can quite easily notice that it becomes quite a drag...Not that there aren't a few good points through the episodes but it definitely took a while for the story to really get interesting till episode 7/8. Not the worst anime out there obviously, but definitely not the best.
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Free Dance (2016)
Worth watching!
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've always liked movies like "Step Up" which is more hip pop style dancing but this contemporary, I think that's what it's called, was surprisingly good as well. The dances in it were so breathtaking especially the part where Barlow was dancing with that side character in front of Zander. BEAUTIFUL. Just watch for yourself bc it is a wonderful movie that you should all watch.
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Warm Bodies (2013)
I want a zombie boyfriend
30 November 2020
A zombie and a human relationship?? This movie had me hooked from beginning to end with the great acting from both Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer, others were good too. I though the plot was interesting and refreshing to watch so I definitely recommend you to watch this movie!
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Holidate (2020)
6/10's alright
30 November 2020
I don't know if it's because COVID has me stuck at home watching all these movies until I get a headache but, I feel like I've seen the same two single people love story over and over again that I've become immune to fully enjoying these kinds of movies. Yes it has some high points but the rest are just cringy and overused. Don't let this stop you from watching the movie bc by all means, go ahead but don't expect anything special.
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Midway (2019)
Honestly better than 1917
30 November 2020
I understand that both movies are about completely different plots and wars and viewpoints but if we're talking about which movie keeps the viewers at the edge of their seats and keeps you captivated throughout the whole movie, then this one wins by far. This isn't a review for 1917 but honestly I don't get how this has a lower rating than 1917. I enjoyed the first 20-25 minutes but afterwards I just lost interest. Anyway, this is an amazing movie that deserves more attention and credit.
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Yumeiro Patissiere (2009–2010)
30 November 2020
I remember watching this anime a hella long time ago and it being my favorite anime regardless of the fact that I wasn't the biggest fan of cooking anime's. It's so cute and heartwarming that you can't help but smile while watching this. Honestly, even though it's just animated foods, there were times I wanted to reach into my phone and grab the food. It's an addicting and memorable anime that I definitely would recommend for people to watch. :)
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30 November 2020
I watched this anime quite a few years back and to this day, it remains one of my favorite anime's. This fun little anime has the laughs and definitely the action. People all from different parts of the world or universe fall into some game world where they have to battle with opponents for prizes?? Yes please! And yea the main lead is overpowered but so what? It just makes his character more interesting and challenging for his opponents. I suggest you all give it a chance and watch this splendid anime!
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30 November 2020
To all the people that say "Demon Slayer is so overrated" I say hecccckkk naaahhhh!! This anime deserves all the attention and popularity it gains because of how spectacular and well animated it is. Each fight scene is beautiful yet strikingly thrilling that makes you want to jump right into your phone/laptop/tv and fight along side them. If you had the skills that is...Overall, this is an outstanding anime that I recommend for everyone to watch!
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Anonymous Noise (2017– )
So glad I watched it!
30 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just randomly came across this on prime video and decided to check it out and boy am I glad I did. Usually I'm not the type to watch music related anime's but this one I'll give a pass because some of the songs were actually good. I wasn't bothered at all with the love triangle at all bc most of the time I kept switching who I wanted the lead to end up with XP. Anyway, you should definitely give this anime a chance bc it won't disappoint.
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Beautiful masterpiece
30 November 2020
I'd had no prior knowledge of this animated movie until I spotted it on Netflix and decided to give it a go. I can proudly say that I cried from watching this. It was interesting and had me hooked all the way to the end. Not one second of my life was wasted watching this splendid movie. Absolutely recommend for everyone to give it a shot!
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30 November 2020
This is my absolute, top favorite anime of all time. It's got the comedy, romance, action-ish, drama. What's not to like? I've shed many tears upon watching this anime and I RARELY cry from animated anything. It's heartwarming yet heart wrenching at the same time that at times I want to go inside my phone and become a part of the anime myself! I would undoubtedly recommend for anyone regardless of age, to go ahead and watch this masterpiece!
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Why such a low rating??
30 November 2020
I honestly was surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie. It's an interesting plot that you may or may not have seen before so based off of that, it had me captivated from watching the the trailers only. I will say that I didn't have high hopes on the execution of the movie but I really don't have any negative things to say about this movie. Each person had a well played out "fantasy" that went wrong in some way or another as shown in the trailers. Overall, I liked the movie and I'd recommend watching it before judging off of the low ratings.
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Ip Man (2008)
Quick honest review
30 November 2020
Not much to say other than one of the best Chinese action movies in the entire movie industry. Out of all the Ip Man movies, the first one definitely captivated me the most. I'd go into more detail but there's just so much to type and I'd rather keep this sweet and short. So just watch it and thank me later ;)
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Pleasantly surprised
30 November 2020
I honestly went into this not having much high hopes for this movie but after watching it, I can proudly say that it had me in tears at one point. The female lead's relationship with the family seems so genuine and heartwarming that I was completely hooked into it. Overall, you should give it a try b/c you'll definitely be pleasantly surprised as well ;)
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The Witness (2015)
Not amazing, but pretty good
30 November 2020
Interesting plot on how the main lead is blind. This is one of those movies you can watch on the weekends with your family when there's nothing else to watch. It had me holding my breath a couple times but not very memorable to be completely honest. Also was glad to see Luhan's acting skills and was pleasantly surprised. Props to you Luhan. Overall, not a bad movie so still watch it if you want. :)
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30 November 2020
I personally enjoyed watching this. It had Kuanlin first of all, but besides that, this is one of those romcom dramas that leave you feeling positive nonetheless. A few times I felt that the acting was a bit cringe but other than that, I'd definitely recommend!
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30 November 2020
This is hands down, the best K-Drama that I've watched so far. It takes you on a roller coaster of emotions from having you laughing till you can't breath to sobbing and blowing your nostrils into mountains of tissues. Not many people can say that a tv show can help change your view on life but I truly can say that this drama has. It teaches life lessons and portrays hardships that people go through in such a soulful and ethereal manner that it leaves you starstruck. All in all, even if you've never watched Korean dramas, this is the type of drama that everyone can enjoy with their friends and family.
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Me Before You (2016)
30 November 2020
YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. If you're into romance just as much as I am, then this would definitely be a priority to watch this movie before you die. Maybe an overstatement but I am SO glad that I watched this. It's one of those good girl tried to save the "broken" guy type of plots but this one by far, has to be one of the most well directed and heartwarming movies out there in the movie industry. Titanic is my favorite movie and this definitely comes a close second. Not many romance movies make me tear up but this one had me sobbing into my blankets. Overall, just watch the darn movie. It's amazing for all the right reasons.
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