
1 Review
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Non-Stop (1996)
Non-Stop? Try Non-Sense!
23 July 2001
This movie was a weak, weak attempt to implement a possibly clever idea. The story is pointless, the characters are two dimensional stereotypes with unbelievable motivations and the jokes are just plain lame. Although I did actually laugh once, it was at the main character's horrible acting. For a story, some guys run around and then some other guys shoot each other and there's some gratuitous nudity, exploited in a pitiful attempt to retain the male viewer's attention (Any female viewer would surely not even be watching at this point as the average female iq is about 3 points higher than the male iq, giving the female just enough intelligence to not rent this waste of celluloid in the first place). The director lists himself simply as "Sabu" which is perfectly understandable: If I had made this movie, I wouldn't want my last name on it either.
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