
11 Reviews
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Dear God, please can I have those 2 hours of my life back
22 October 2007
What a suckfest.

I was talked into watching this by my wife. She loves a good weepy-drama-rom-com type thing and this seemed to tick all the right boxes (for her). But even my wife couldn't muster up a tear - and believe me she will cry at every episode of Cold Case.

I on the other hand cried all the way through - mainly at the appalling waste of time I was experiencing but also because I stubbed my toe on the door frame as I headed to the kitchen for more beer to dull the pain I was experiencing...

A more obvious film I cannot remember seeing. Each slight bend (I can't even use the word 'twist') was sign-posted about 3-weeks before it happened. Right to the very end.

Even having Kev eaten by a CGI shark couldn't have livened up this still-born sorry excuse for a film.

It immediately goes in to my top 10 worst films of all time - straight in at position 1.

If you are thinking of renting it (or worse still, buying it), take my advice - kill yourself.
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The Phil Silvers Show (1955–1959)
Simply the best
5 January 2007
Probably the greatest comedy programme EVER, bar none. Seinfeld comes close, Fraiser was great, The Office is class, Everybody Loves Raymond tried, Black Adder was funny - but Bilko (NOT the movie) is head and shoulders above every other comedy ever made.

Ask a Bilko fan to name their favourite episode - it's impossible. They never produced a weak, weakish, so-so, OK episode. Every episode is comedy gold.

It's outrageous that the entire catalogue has not been made available. Paramount should just get it released NOW - and not in chunks like this. They should do a series at a time.
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Wicker Park (2004)
Dull, dull, dull
13 November 2005
Oh My GOD - what a waste of 90 minutes of my life...

Stuck with nothing to watch on TV we skipped through the movie listings and Wicker Park caught the eye. We checked on IMDb for a movie rating score and also watched the trailer.

Everything suggested that we would be entertained but we couldn't be further from the truth. The movie absolutely sucked - it was pointless... And I mean that - nothing happened. The trailer suggests some level of intrigue - but there was hardly anything - and certainly nothing that would grip you... I even did the ironing whilst watching the film so that I wouldn't feel as though the evening had totally been a waste...
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Everybody (doesn't) love Raymond
6 November 2005
I watched this on SKY the other night and really, really wanted to like it. Unfortunately though it simply killed two hours of my life that I'll never get back. It was 'pleasant' and 'nice' - not two words you associate with a comedy. I smiled occasionally but didn't raise a titter once..! How he needed Frank, Marie, Robert, Deborah and the kids to move to Mooseport with him.

I expect better things from Gene Hackman. It must have been an offer too good to turn down and kill some time for him between proper movie roles? The movie was largely forgettable - but not so unmemorable that I won't get tricked into watching it again....
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Steve Martin's career in free-fall
6 November 2005
What happened to Steve Martin. At one point whatever he touched turned to comic gold - Roxanne, Planes, Traines & Automobiles, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels etc. but these last 10-15 years have been awful. It's not so much that films like this aren't as funny as his old stuff - they simply are not funny. They raise the odd smile here and there and are relatively inoffensive - but they are all just blah, blah, blah - instantly forgettable.

This film fell into the same trap as Cheaper By The Dozen and practically everything else he has done since his hay-day. I really don't know what market he is trying to cater for - it's certainly not the half-intelligent 25-40 year old males..! Somebody, somewhere must like him though as he is getting regular work.

I've never forgiven him for slaughtering my memory of Sgt Bilko.!!
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5 November 2005
Bored one Wednesday evening and with nothing on the main movie channels we dared to choose a pay-per-view film. The only thing that fitted in with our schedule was Are We There Yet.

Having seen the trailer some time ago we decided to give it a chance and once again we were thoroughly let down by the weakest movie I've seen in a long time.

The trailer makes it look quite fun and there are some light hearted moments but really this is just going through the motions. You know how it's going to end from the second it starts and you just count down the seconds until it comes.

We paid £2.99 for the film and felt short-changed at the end. Nuff said...
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Not as good as Jimmy Stewart
5 November 2005
Well I guess it was never going to be was it.

I thoroughly enjoyed the original version and was looking forwards to how the film was going to be remade. Instead of doing a straight remake they decided to do an update/remake - which for me didn't really work.

Obviously the special effects were fantastic - and the original film can't compare but the level of acting was a pale shadow of the original. But how could Dennis Quaid and Hugh Grant compare to Jimmy Steward, Richard Attenborough, Peter Finch and Hardy Kruger etc.

I watched the original and was drawn in. I watched the remake and found it totally unbelievable. I guess when you couldn't rely on CGI you had to really ACT back then...

Not a bad film - but if you have the choice - hire/buy the original...
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below contempt
11 October 2005
I'm 36 years old and have been going to the cinema for well over 20 years now. This is the only film I have ever walked out on. I've sat through some crap - but managed to stay until the end. Had I stayed until the end of this I fear I would have killed myself. Paul Hogan is a one-trick pony. Crocodile Dundee was fine for it's time - and it's even aged reasonably well. Croc2 was inevitable - and just about palatable. But IMDb won't allow me to type what I really thought about Almost An Angel in case it offends the readers....

And now because of the 10 line rule I'm forced to sit here and type even more about the wretched film which is causing me to despise it all the more. Unfortunately I cannot score it 0
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Very average
17 July 2005
I was eager to see this movie after the endless months of trailers - especially with Messers Cruise and Spielberg involved.

The first three quarters of the movie were great but then the movie just seemed to end. I know they were trying to stay true to the original but I would have thought they could have made a bit more of an attempt at and ending rather than it just end.

I left feeling incredibly disappointed and certainly won't be buying it on DVD.

One other thing - the young girl is THE most annoying thing I've ever encountered in a movie
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Awful, Awful, Awful
29 August 2003
I didn't see LB1 but my girlfriend ensured me that it was good and so we ventured to the cinema to see LB2. Oh.... My.... GOD. It was puerile drivel. I've just read in disbelief reviewers comments who actually thought it wasn't too bad..!!!

Please, if you do nothing else with your life, save yourself £5 and 2-hours and do not consider viewing this movie. It is so bad in fact that I would advise you not to watch when it comes on TV.

Not since Almost an Angel with Paul Hogan have I wanted to leave a cinema. I only stayed as it was raining outside....

0/10 - and only because that's the lowest I can register
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Absolute tedium
10 April 2002
People raved about this film and so I settled down to watch it on DVD last week. Jeez, what a shocker - I don't think I've ever been so bored in my entire life. I loved Apollo 13 and I can cope with films that aren't action-based but per-leaze.....
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