
3 Reviews
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Hello, Dolly! (1969)
hooked in the first five min.
3 December 2007
After watching about the first five min of this movie, i stopped and said to myself, "OMIGOD, i love this movie!" The first song wasn't even over yet. Barbara S. was amazing, although many argue she was too young to play this role, she pulls it off wonderfully. the dialog is amazing, and it all moves so fast. there is a lot of singing and dancing, a little too much for my taste (and i love musicals) but other than that, it's one of my all time favorite's ever. the costumes are gorgeous and there are so many funny lines in the movie. this is deff. a movie i would recommend to anyone who wants two hours of pure fun. i love the character of Dolly, and Barbara plays her so well.
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worst of the three.
29 September 2007
I love the Mickey/Judy movies and this is a wonderful example of a superb one, but of the three "lets put on a show" type movies this is the worst. It's still fantastic don't get me wrong, but Babes in Arms and Babes on Broadway are much better! The songs are fantastic but not as catchy as the songs from the other movies. Judy is fantastic! It just tears your heart when she sings Nobody. It's a perfect blend of humor and music in this movie. Fantastic. If you like this one, I absolutely recommend Babes in Arms and Babes on Broadway. (Babes on Broadway is my favorite movie ever) It's great! you really should watch this movie!
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Andy Hardy at his best.
29 August 2007
This has gotta be one of my all time favorite movies ever! It takes you back to simpler times, when cars were only $20 and makes you wish life could be like that now. Judy Garland is radiant in this movie, she absolutely steals every scene she is in! The movie is filled with an all star cast, including Mickey Rooney (well Hugh) Judy Garland (another duh) Lana Turner and others.

It's basically a story about Andy Hardy (played by Mickey Rooney) who gets into some girl trouble, and is helped by his neighbors granddaughter (Judy Garland) who is staying for Christmas. Judy sings some wonderful songs in this movie, especially "In-Between" it's such a believable song for a young girl to sing. They try to pass Judy off as a 12 year old, but she does look older. other than that, it's perfect!

Just Watch It.
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