
6 Reviews
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Great Child actors can't save this
2 August 2021
When I see a preview to a movie and it's young women in tank tops and tiny shorts being chased by whoever the killer is, man or monster, I roll my eyes, and think, just another stinker. So when I saw the trailer to this I got my hope ups. A buddy film and a horror thriller. Finally something different. Boy was I wrong ! Yes the 2 young actors are terrific, but what was up with the totally implausible plot ?

Why would you try to make something that isn't done all that often and make it like every other poorly written thriller ? As others have mentioned there are scenes that just don't make sense. After a while I thought, the writers made these characters young kids just to use the excuse that their age would cause them to make stupid decisions, but hey, in real life, you'd end up dead.

There is also a 3rd lead who is a very poor casting choice, again it seems as if they were going for something different and failed.

The final thing I will mention is the obvious political statement made by someone that adds nothing to the plot. If you see this film, it's obvious, but why throw in it ? The film is not well written or directed, it's just silly and annoying. I feel bad for the boys that they were let done by everyone else connected to this. They gave it their all and no one else did.
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Run from this Experiment
7 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wish there had been the 3 low star reviews before I watched this, at the time I'd read only 1 pro critic review who thought it was OK and he must have been paid to write that because this film is garbage and I'll include spoilers to tell you why. The movie begins on the premise that some evil but attractive bad actress doctor is holding 6 strangers (all bad actors themselves) in some warehouse-looking room and somewhere else is holding a loved one of each of these strangers, that will be killed unless they kill someone in the room. Each is suppose to be given 15 minutes. The movie then proceeds to stick to none of this. 6 people, only 5 weapons. One weapon is a fake, why ? The clock bit is completely abandoned, first saying 15 minutes, sometimes 5 minutes , sometimes 10, for no reason. 99% of the action takes place with the lights off, so all the audience hears are bad unconvincing sound effects. The lights go off onscreen and when they come on for some reason someone will have someone else's weapon. The entire film is so poorly acted and constructed and worse of all it makes no sense. The six actors stand around each saying their lines and none of it is realistic. There is no talking over each other, no excitement and the dialogue is completely lame. It's like each actor is waiting to say their line so the next one can say theirs. There is almost no gore. If you want to see 6 actors watching their careers go nowhere, this is the film for you.
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Cat People (1942)
Beautiful to look at but................
17 February 2021
After reading so much about this I have to admit I was disappointed. The movie is very stylish, beautifully shot with gorgeous shadows and spectacular lighting. It eventually develops quite a bit of suspense and there are some amazing sequences in the film , a combination of great camera technique and wonderful sound effects. Yet if you take that away, there isn't much to the story, most of the film involves a kind of sad melodrama and it all takes what feels like a very long time to get going. As a photographer , the cinematography was the most impressive element for me. Happy to see it once, but feel it's over rated.
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Faceless (I) (2021)
Stays with you
13 February 2021
There is something about this film that has stayed with me. It's not a big budget production but the acting is very good, the lead actor is great and the movie is nicely filmed. I prefer indies and foreign films because Hollywood only seems to produce junk nowadays and this is a perfect example of how well made an indie can be. The story kept me guessing throughout and I did not see the ending coming at all. Loaded with gore and very realistic sickening make-up jobs. The people behind this need to applauded for getting so much right and keeping it entertaining.
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Spell (2020)
11 January 2021
Bad movie, doesn't make sense, badly edited, awful direction. Actors are trying but they are given stupid situations to work with. Don't even understand how actors got form one place to another. Idiotic story that makes mountain people look bad. Hollywood come up with something new already , this is like a garbage heap of cut pieces from other bad horror films.
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Lethal Virus (2021)
amateur time to the extreme.
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch ? I can't even figure out how this was put together when there was so much lack of talent. It wasn't scary, people had all different accents, I couldn't understand what some of them were babbling about, the camera kept shaking uncontrollably during scenes that were suppose to be the action, no one was believable in their role, first the film was very dark , then there was light, then dark, then winter, then summer ? worst of all, why did I keep watching ? the editing was very bad. the photography even worse. Horror movies are my favorite genre and this is one of the worst.
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