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Turistas (2006)
Turistas Means TRASH!
27 March 2007
I rented this movie this morning and just watched it and all I have to say about it is that it has to be one of THE most stupid movies I have ever had the misfortune of seeing.

Quoted on the front cover "better than Hostel" is a JOKE! Compared to Hostel, this movie looks like Annie, only more childlike and stupid.

The only HALF redeeming quality in this movie is Josh Duhamel running around without his shirt on for over half the movie.

First of all, the characters are unemotional and uninvolved and it's hard to sympathize with them. I was waiting for all of them die so I could just stop the DVD. But no, we had to suffer through a 20 minute sequence of an underwater chase from the bad guys.

All I have to say is that nothing, at least yet, can compare to Hostel and to make this piece of trash and then try to place it in the same league as Hostel should be illegal. Unless it has Eli Roth's name on it, don't compare it to any of his movies. Case closed.
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Hard Candy (2005)
Waited A Year...Shouldn't Have Bothered
30 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let me start off by saying that this movie is beyond stupid and makes no sense and will make you mad and confused.

We have these 2 people chatting online. It's a blurred line of whether or not the man is a pedophile or not but none the less, he has no business chatting with a 14 year old girl. They agree to meet at a local café called Nighthawks. Fine and dandy. The girl, named Hayley, shows up with a book bag and is eating chocolate cake when the man, Jeff, shows up to meet her.

He tells her that he was at a concert that she was dying to go to. He tells her that he has a bootleg mp3 of the concert and will send it to her. That's not good enough for her. She weasels her way into going to his house. He is hesitant to let her go with him but she is very convincing so he allows it. Amongst their conversation he makes light of the fact that if he wanted to be with her, sexually, he would have to wait another 4 years. He also invites her to call her sister to let her know where she will be, she declines.

Once they get back to his home he offers her a glass of WATER, she declines telling him that she was taught never to drink anything she doesn't make herself. She starts snooping around the kitchen and finds a bottle of vodka and pours herself a screwdriver as well as one for Jeff. She serves him his drink and continues her conversation with him about his photography. She begs him to take photos of her, which he is hesitant about but, again, he complies. She insists that instead of photographing in his studio that he takes her photos in the living room. He starts to get dizzy and feels weird. She continues to ask if he is okay. He starts to scream at her to sit down and be still so he can photograph her correctly. After which he falls over and passes out. When he awakens he is tied to a chair and has Hayley leering at him and making accusations of him being a pervert and a murderer of a missing girl. Over the next few hours Haley tortures this man and tries over and over again to get him to commit suicide for his actions against society. Again, it's a blurred line of whether or not he has actually done anything guilty but Haley is convinced that he is a pervert and a murderer and he must die.

She straps him to a table after an attempted suffocation with plastic wrap. Takes his pants off and tells him that she is going to castrate him. She has all the necessary tools to do so. She is icing down his genitals to make the surgery less painful. She even sets up a video camera so that he can watch. She's laid her ground work for this to take place and begins. After she is finished she goes to shred the testicles in the garbage disposal commenting that that they weren't made of brass after all. She leaves to take a shower and Jeff struggles to get free. After he gets free he figures out that she never castrated him. He has a bull clamp on his scrotum which presented the feeling of the tugging that she was doing something. He checks the video camera and learns that it was a just a video tape on castration techniques playing on the TV. He gets his gun and goes to find her in the shower. When he gets there, she's not in the shower but hiding behind the door, expecting his arrival and shocks him with a stun gun repeatedly.

After paralyzing him Hayley begins clean-up of any evidence that she was ever there. She threatens him that suicide is his only way out and that she will destroy any evidence that he has that he is a pedophile and had anything to do with that missing girl.

At the movie climax, you think that this little punk is going to get her's, but it just doesn't happen. The movie messes with your mind and makes you so mad you just wanna throw your remote through the TV. Keep in mind that Jeff may be a sick twisted individual, but no one deserves what this little bitch put him through. Toss up of whether or not this movie is worth a crap or not but to me, it was just a waste of time.
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Edison (2005)
Fresh Ingredients and One Bad Apple - Timberlake
22 July 2006
After just having viewed the film, Edison Force, I would have to say that this movie had the potential to be an excellent film if it weren't for Mr. Timberlake. Watching every scene with him in it was like watching a beached whale begging for sweet death. Who can really take him seriously as an actor? He can barely sing much less act. Every time he is on screen I feel like he's the neighborhood paperboy requesting his payment in a soft delicate and oh, so sweet tone of voice. Makes the movie feel like a family flick more than a hard corrupt cop film.

It was doomed from the start to go straight to DVD because of the poison ingredient that Timberlake oozes on screen. He can't pull off being a voice for the Shrek movies much less an on screen hard-hitting reporter. Lily Tomlin could have played the role of Josh better than Timberlake.

It is not without the drama and intense situations that a corrupt cop film presents these days. And what the hell is up with that name F.R.A.T., how lame can you get for a police division name? lol No matter how you slice it, this movie sucks and it's all thanks to Timberlake....if tinsel town has any brains at all, they'll never cast this freakazoid in another movie again and if they do, you can bet it'll go straight to DVD like this failure.
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Veronica's Closet (1997–2000)
Super-Funny Show!
31 December 2004
I have to disagree with everyone who thinks that this show was from the pits of hell. This show was so funny I found myself literally on the floor laughing.

Maybe the show was an oversexed comedy, but what do you expect from a sitcom based loosely on Victoria's Secret? I mean, when you get Kirstie Alley & Kathy Najimy together as a comedy duo, you know it has to be funny is SOME aspect! And, as crude as it may sound, toilet humor really seemed to fit with this show. It was subtle but so obvious making it a winning comedy. My favorite episode is 'Veronica's Perfect Man' in which Ronnie's date is constantly farting and embarrassing her and her co-workers.

If you think this show sucks then go back to watching Nova because you aren't ready for prime time!
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Gore Galore!
25 January 2003
This movie is so graphic! It decends as far away from the first one as possible. The first one was nowhere near this bloody. I'm all for horror movies, but this one is just too much.

The deaths were interesting at best:

Fire escape eye impaling

Barbeque grill explosion

Glass frame crushing a kid

Elevator chopping head off

Hospital room explosion

News van debris slicing

Air bag impaling sharp object

Double decker car carrier crushing

And countless other innocents getting the axe.

It's a good horror movie, and horror fans alike will love it, I am sure. This has better effects than the first one, and like I said before, tons more gore. It has the most amazing traffic accident in the first 5 minutes, I have ever seen.

If you love bloody horror movies, this one is for you.
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Wild Texas Wind (1991 TV Movie)
Fantastic Movie
20 January 2003
Once again, the inspiring Dolly Parton lights up the TV screen in the role of a battered girlfriend.

Dolly plays Thiola, a country music singer on the road with Big T and the Texas Wheel. When playing a gig one night, Thiola is approached by Justice Parker, a man that adores her and wants to make her a superstar. As time passes, Thiola and Justice fall in love with each other....but things are not all happy as they may appear on the surface. Justice is an unstable man who can't cope with jealousy and rage. He takes his frustrations out on Thiola, beating her like a punching bag. Constant apologies and Thiola's forgiveness hold them together for a period of time but as that time goes by, Thiola realizes that Justice isn't going to change and breaks it off with him.

Getting on with her life, she becomes stalked and frightened by Justice and doesn't know what to say or do to make him understand that it's over between them.

After a final beating of Thiola, Justice is murdered in his club one night - but who did it? Thiola...Ben...Harlan (Justice's mean spirited father)...who can it be?

You can normally catch this movie on Lifetime Movie Network or CMT Theatre at night time, and it's worth watching, so make sure you catch it next time it is on, or you can find the video on eBay...either way, you won't be let down - Dolly never lets you down! ;)
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2 Thumbs Up!!
20 January 2003
V.I. Warshawski is my all-time favorite movie, and I don't know why people keep butchering it so bad. It's an intriguing mystery that pulls you in and doesn't let you go until the end.

Kathleen Turner shines as detective Victoria Warshawksi whom is hired by the 13 year old girl, Kat, she is babysitting to find out who murdered her father. With suspects at every corner, Vic doesn't know who to trust and who not to. Kat joins forces with Vic in a more helpful approach to the situation, getting information that Vic can't obtain herself eliminating suspects and narrowing it down to one. The ending will blow your mind, as it isn't expected.

Filmed on Chicago's waterfront, V.I. Warshawski delivers the goods for intrigue, mystery, and top notch action! If you haven't seen it, give it a chance. It's worth the 1.99 rental price - don't listen to anyone who says this movie unbearable to watch because it's an outstanding film and one of Kathleen Turner's best.
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The Children (1980)
Childhood Classic
26 November 2002
I remember watching this movie with my mom and dad late one night on TBS, and I remember how scary it was for me then. That was back in the mid-80's though, today I think somewhat differently. I rented the movie again a few years ago just to jog my memory of it, because all I really remembered was was it was about some kids who can burn people with their hands. Now that I've rewatched it I can judge as an adult. The movie is a good one for people, like me, who love B horror movies. The premise is laughable, who ever heard of toxic gas creating zombie children who can fry people with their hands and be basically invincible to any weapon? There are obviously a lot of unconceivable premises in this movie, but that's what makes it so good. The children can't be destroyed unless their hands are cut off! Too funny. The weirdest part was the pregnant woman who gave birth after her 2 sons have been killed, and she and the father act as if nothing happened. Anyway, I wouldn't tell anyone to stray from this movie, it is a classic and lots of people are willing to pay big bucks for it just because they remember it as a classic horror movie they liked. The friendship I have now, who is also my best friend, came about over this movie. We were talking about horror movies at work during Halloween, and I brought up this movie and she started talking about how much she liked it when she saw it at the drive-in with her family but for years could not remember the title until shined the light on it for her. This movie has a lot of fans out there, and if you haven't seen it and you see it in the video store, rent it. It's one you won't forget!
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Based on an Untrue Story (1993 TV Movie)
Too Funny For Words!
5 August 2001
I remember seeing this movie when it first aired some odd 10 years ago on FOX. It was made for TV as a spoof on all of those made for TV movies that are based on true life stories. Morgan Fairchild and Dyan Cannon light up the screen with comic relief. Fairchild portrays Satin Chow, a woman who is about to unveil her new scent - Puppy, when she loses her ability to smell anything, except minor scents like GLASS! As time goes on, Satin is informed that she will need a transplant from one of her 2 sisters, or her mother, which she never knew she had. Satin hires a washed up down on his luck private investigator to track down these 3 women for her with only one photograph of her mother, who resembles Crystal Gale, and the 2 of the 3 babies that she is holding in the photo. Ricki Lake portrays Velour, a hardened convict that was "wrongfully" accused of murder(s). Victoria Jackson portrays Corduroy, a former teacher accused of hiring a student to murder her husband, whom she now lives with. There are so many twists and turns including the baby in the recycling bin, a misguided Satin who can NEVER pronounce Detective Caprawolski's name correctly, and a cheating husband that seems to be able to have sex with his clothes on. This movie will have your side hurting from laughter. It IS available on video, but it is VERY hard to find as it was put on moratorium a few years back, but check your video stores, that is where I found my copy for $2.99. Also, check eBay. You're bound to find it on there! :)
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Angry Dogs (1997)
Excellent Youth Movie
27 July 2001
Sorry, but I really enjoyed this movie. I think it would make a great youth movie for kids that are on the wrong track in life. It may have poor editing and lousy sound effects, but I really enjoyed it. Michael Cade takes a dramatic leap from his California Dreams days to make his role come alive with the best of actors in GenX. The plot is great, it has a few twists that will throw you, and the acting is not SUPER great, but it takes your mind off the bad editing. There are a few bad scenes that just don't fit the plot......why in the hell do you stop to make love while being chased by drug lords? That is what REALLY confused me in my viewing of this movie....none the less, I did like it, and would recommend this movie for youth viewing. Sort of a Scared Straight but with more aspect..........
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