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load of crap, this coming from a Russian
6 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite interested when i saw Hollywood coming out with films about Russian gangsters, cause i kinda thought that it was pretty much an unexplored subject. The film i chose to see was eastern promises. I really am a fan of a good gangster movie. I think Goodfellas was brilliant, once upon a time in America was good as well, even scarface with its overblown at that time violence had something to say or show, but when it came to eastern promises i was really let down. I haven't seen such a load of crap in a long long time. OK, Russian mafia is into skin trade, OK, they do tattoos, they like vodka, OK. But what the F... was this? Viggo Mortensen is a great actor, and i think his performance was the only thing OK about this film, but even he cant save this awful script. All they really do is drink some, go to a whorehouse, kill a guy or 2 and then go drink some more only to finally go sobbing like a little girl. I lived in St.petersburg for a long time, so may be gangsters there are different from the ones migrated to London, but there is not one link of authenticity to this movie. The people i met who were gangsters were some reaalyy scary bad .... mf, not the schoolyard bullys portrayed in this movie. Im really sorry if this is how Hollywood sees Russian gangsters cause the people that are studying to be policeoficers at this time are in for one nasty surprise if they think that Russian gangsters are the way they are in this movie. If u want to see something at least remotely authentic, rent brother "Brat" in Russian
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