
7 Reviews
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Heartache and Humour
19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What about Sal, Australian independent feature film shot and edited very well and has a high production value . In the acting department Gerard O'Dwyer who plays Sal is the star and a standout. Gerard who is Down syndrome delivers a moving and visceral performance punctuated with his humour. As he says not all people who are Downs Syndrome are stereotypical and O'Dywer proves the point through his personality which comes through onscreen.

John Jarrett plays the role of the Sal's father conceived after a drunken one night stand and has not been in Sal's life from that brief fling. Sal's mother is dying and he sets of to find his father not heard of since 1983. Jarrett is convincing as the absent alcoholic father. Who finds redemption and life purpose through his newly aquatinted son.

The narrative flows in this feel good movie about life, death, failure ,addiction and love and makes us take a look at our own disabilities.
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When script writers just don't bother
1 August 2021
Plot , what plot ? Nothing came at night. Slow and the cinematography shot in an over dark lighting set up.

Acting ok., can't blame them they are directed to an ordinary script. How do these films get funding is beyond comprehension. Stephen King is under no threat.
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It will Rock You !!
10 November 2018
If you grew up with the music and Queen , this is a superb bio. An emotional look the life of Freddie Mercury . Rami Malek nails it an will be an Oscar contender .
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It's the script always the script
12 May 2018
It's a well written story, and beautifullly shot, an emotional moving film. A love story is the sub plot , to the main plot of nazi occupied channel island ..unrequited love , love found on a journey to discover the truth of what really happened during the occupation in WW2 . A good film . More than just a love story .
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Ryder Country (2012)
Punches well above it's budget.
6 May 2018
I'm writing a review as a cast member , I've been able to view this Aussie thriller. The film will hold you in suspense as the main plot and sub plot unfold , cinematography is excellent shot by the very experienced Gareth Lee . Locations showcase the beauty of the Sunshine Coast hinterland , the actors from the veterans like Rowena Wallace and Peter Sumner to the relative new Luke Sumner , is authentic and true to the characters they bring to the screen . I sincerely hope egos are put aside and this film gets its long overdue realease. All the cast and crew deserve Ryder Country to be put there in the market place ,punching above its weight. R.I.P Peter Sumner
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Why was the nail left in the stair tread ?
5 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER: Cliched and predictable , why was the nail Emily Blunts character trod on in the stair tread in the first place, and after she trod on it why was it still there ? could have bent back and forwards until it broke , silently. Before she trod on it . How did the monster literally break out of a grain silo , but couldn't rip the roof of a small truck ? Why not wear slippers or soft soled shoes ? Who in the right mind falls pregnant in a post apocalyptic world , where the monsters kill by noise, hint , babies scream... a lot. Finally the military might of the worlds collective might and intelligence couldn't work out high pitches frequency's killed the rather cliched looking aliens.. really ? This was as bad as Titan with Sam Worthington , an insult to the voters intelligence in my humble opinion .
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Neon (I) (2011)
Neon : lights up with quality
3 April 2011
The production values achieved on this short trailer are worthy of a $ 250,000 budget , the fact it was produced on a pizza budget , is testimony to the skills of cast and crew , hope to see it made into a least a short, well done all concerned , never let this standard slip , there's enough badly produced films, you guys stay true to the quality you've shown in NEON. A special mention to the writing and cinematography, exceptional quality , in fairness all departments excelled and is shows with a quality trailer Look forward to seeing what else this production team can , produce in future projects. have to write ten lines , not sure why but this is the tenth :-)
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