
5 Reviews
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Christmas Every Day (1986 TV Movie)
Not your everyday Christmas Show
25 December 2007
This is one my favorite animated Christmas TV specials. It is about a little girl who makes a wish that everyday was Christmas. Unfortunately for her, and the rest of the earth, she gets her wish, but the Christmas Fairy who grants it was smart enough to limit it to just one year. The story is quite hilarious as you watch the characters getting extremely bored with opening gifts every day. In the end the girl realizes that part of what makes Christmas special is that it occurs only once a year. I like this cartoon, because it not just another "make you feel good" Christmas special. It shows (probably unintentionally) how tedious Christmas can be too - especially if it happened every day. I usually watch it on the night of the 25th, just when I really get tired of Christmas and am glad it is over. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find it available for sale as either DVD or VHS. I have a VHS tape that I recorded of the air many years ago. But, if you want to see it, it is usually shown every year on TV. You have to really look for it because it not well known and is not advertised.
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Starting Over (1979)
Nice realistic comedy
9 July 2007
This is a nice movie, that depicts a man's difficult time coping with a divorce from a woman he still cares about and falling in love with another woman at the same time. Most critics have said this is Burt Reynolds finest performance. It has some very touching moments that we could all relate to, and there are some very funny moments as well.

Jill Clayburgh is perfect as a normal, not so young, woman that you could run across anywhere. If this movie was made today, they would have cast a gorgeous 18 year old, with big lips that couldn't act.

Candice Bergen, who is gorgeous, steals the show, with a hilarious scene involving her singing. The movie has aged some, and as a previous writer said, "would never be made today." But for me, that statement is complimentary to this movie.
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Rob Roy (1995)
Great Entertainment
27 July 2006
This sweeping drama has it all: top notch acting, incredible photography, good story. It is often compared to "Braveheart" because both movies take place in historical Scotland. Even though I love Braveheart, I think this is the better of the two films. Jessica Lange gave an incredible performance (should have been nominated for an Oscar). Liam Neeson is fantastic in the title role. Tim Roth plays one of the most evil, despicable, characters in film history (he was nominated for an Oscar). John Hurt is excellent as Lord Montrose, another dislikeable character. I am always amazed at the incredible range of characters that John Hurt can play. This is a story of a dispute over money between Rob Roy and his clan, and Lord Montrose. Rob Roy is a self made man, who will not solve his problems with Montrose if it violates his sense of honor. Montrose, who, inherited his title, has no sense of honor. And that is basically what this story is all about; honor of the common man versus corruption of the nobility. This movie is very entertaining, it should appeal to all. It has romance, action, beautiful scenery, and has a exciting plot. One of my favorite films.
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Hilarious Commentary of Life
24 December 2003
This is one of my alltime favorite films. The first time I watched it, I just thought it was the funniest thing I ever saw. After seeing it several times now, I realize that it is not only hilarious, but it makes a strong criticism of all our institutions that we hold so dearly. The ballroom contest could represent a political contest, our workplace, or just about anything else. There will always be a strong conservative force trying to keep things the way they have always been, and there will always be new liberal ideas that are trying to be heard. This film is about the struggle of these two forces. When this struggle is put on a dance room floor, it becomes hilarious, because we are laughing at the people who put so much importance on a few dance steps, as if there is nothing else in the world to be concerned with. But, aren't we also laughing at ourselves, for being concerned with the things that we believe is so important?
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The Tall Guy (1989)
Very Funny
24 December 2003
I really enjoyed this film. I don't understand why some other people don't. I especially enjoyed seeing Rowen Atkinson playing a hateful S.O.B. so completely different than any other role he has performed. Jeff Goldblum and Emma Thompson are great, and there is a love-making scene that is quite funny and sexy (Emma Thompson in the buff!). This film is essentially about the difficult life that struggling actors have to endure, and appeals more to people who are familiar with the stage and the lives of people involved with it. The play that Jeff Goldblum eventually lands a part in, is a hilarious parody of every musical ever produced. I recommend this film to anybody involved in the theater or who enjoys going to a play on occasion.
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