14 Reviews
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Red Rose (2022)
Supernatural + technology = awesome
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I personally was rooting for Wren and Roch, that was a let down. It was obvious Roch had feelings for Wren and I think Wren might have felt the same. I remember being that age and how hard it is when you have feelings for someone you're not supposed to feel that way for. Heck, it's still hard now as an adult. I do think that this deserves a second season, and I hope they explore more of the supernatural in that season. Given that it looks like it will be set in Tokyo, I feel like it could go the supernatural route. I think the people giving negative reviews on here didn't understand much of what went on. I think maybe a lot escaped them. Yes the kids made stupid decisions, but because they are kids. They knew the things that were going on were so crazy, if they weren't living it, they probably wouldn't believe it. I loved it.
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Fun fun fun
29 May 2022
It was a fun movie, I think it was tongue-in-cheek intelligent, and I gave it a 10 to make up for the unwarranted low reviews. Some people just don't get it.
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Dark/Web (2019)
I enjoyed it
29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed it. Xander, Glory, (Buffy reference) what's not to like? I enjoyed it. I was really expecting to be let down because of all the bad reviews, but I wasn't. Sure, the warnings about dark web were a bit heavy handed, but over all I found it to be entertaining. The ending was a little unrealistic, AI saves the day? But I think it was actually better than a lot of the stuff currently out there. Considering the state of the world today, I feel like we might need a well meaning AI if such a thing exists The USA is losing its freedom, we need something to take our country back from this corrupt government.
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Doctor Who: The Caretaker (2014)
Season 8, Episode 6
I despise Danny Pink
3 January 2022
The most obnoxious character ever. He completely destroyed Clara's character, destroyed the season. So sanctimonious, so full of himself, and what they made Clara into, a sniveling little "I must defend my idiotic boyfriend at all costs" type of character, really let me down.
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Seized (I) (2020)
Couldn't even get halfway
10 December 2021
I couldn't even get halfway through this movie, it was that bad. Adkins is a talented martial artist but he is a terrible actor. The writing was terrible, the acting was terrible, the storyline was terrible, and then they had to bring anti-Trump nonsense into this. Just no reason for it. Just skip it.
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Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks (2021)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Just go rewatch the real doctor who
29 October 2021
I'm just waiting for the real doctor to stand up. I am so done with this PC version of the doctor and here're band of idiots. It had nothing to do with the doctor being female. Missy portrayed the master amazingly. It has to do with the fact that they made her female to push an agenda. It doesn't work. The acting and the writing is vomit inducing, and I find myself re-watching tenant and Smith episodes just to get this horrible taste out of my brain. Regenerate already. Exterminate the companions please!!!
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The Guilty (2021)
Pretty good
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I figured out the twist pretty early on. I spent most of the movie just yelling at the screen. It just seemed obvious to me, she seemed completely off from the beginning. I guess some people might not get it until the end of the movie. But it's still a pretty good movie.
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Clickbait (2021)
Really great seven episodes
4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately there are eight. They'll get you hooked and then screw it all up. It's so frustrating because they could've done so much better. It's like they took their time with the first 7 episodes, they had really great writing except for some race baiting cop hating nonsense, but then they just rushed and made a completely incomprehensible and ridiculous ending. So you'll be hooked for seven episodes, and then let down.
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Tries too hard
5 August 2021
Karen Gillian is just not an action hero. I'm just not fond of the actress at all. I despised her in Doctor Who, she was mediocre in the avengers movies, she's just not believable. You had a sort of good idea, and then you just ruined it with poor casting. She is not believable at all as some bad ass assassin.
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Killer App (2017)
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think the movie would've been better if the twist had been the main protagonist was actually an AI herself without knowing she was and was inadvertently behind everything. The actual ending was kind of disappointing. Otherwise I don't understand the bad reviews. Sure it's a B-movie, but if you're into computers, technology, coding etc., you'll be entertained. As far as her neck mannerism, I think she's just supposed to be a very tense person. She reminded me a lot of Nebula in Guardianf of the Galaxy,
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Pro criminal propaganda
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This could've been good except they decided to go with the pro criminal anti-cop BS. Truth be told, it is the drug dealers, the criminal thugs, they're the ones that bring down the neighborhoods. They're not "just trying to make a living". They're pushing poison. They're making the streets more dangerous for people that actually want to just try to make a living. Very disappointing.
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Kept yelling at the TV
4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spent most of the movie yelling at the TV wondering why the heck would you do that... Not at all like the 90s, and not at all like the books. Pretty much a letdown. Weird mixed drug messaging, trying to spin them like a positive thing.... Spoiler

That many EpiPen's would kill somebody and EpiPens have nothing to do with saving a drowning victim.... And it would've made more sense to have to burn the witch's bones....maybe they will eventually...
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3022 (2019)
Smoking in space
2 July 2021
You try to get into the storyline, but the non stop smoking distracts from it. They would not be smoking in space, especially with limited oxygen. A doctor of all people chain-smoking like his life depended on it. It really takes away from the rest of the ridiculously poorly scripted movie.
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It's a throwback
24 May 2021
I'm just going to say, it's literally called wonder woman 1984. It really truly reminds me of Linda Carter's wonder woman. I feel like it was a throwback to the show that many of us loved when we were younger. I think Gal Gadot was perfect and it really brought back memories. I think this was really well done, and I think the people that didn't like it weren't fans or didn't watch the original wonder woman played by Linda Carter.
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