
11 Reviews
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A Week Away (2021)
Good Music
5 April 2021
I liked this film. It was lighthearted and upbeat. Its not a cinematic masterpiece but it is something fun to do for 1.5 hrs. The plot most falls flat except when Bailee Madison and Kevin Quinn have scenes together. However, I really like the music. I know a lot of it is revamped songs that already exist but the originals they did have were pretty good and I like the songs they used from other artists. The soundtrack overall is very very catchy. This movie is not awesome but definitely good for what it is.

Also, I have seen a number of review that are annoyed that there was no warning that it is a Christian film. Well, its not like there is explicit language or something bad so they don't really need a warning but even without one, it is obvious in the first 5 minutes that its a Christian film with worship music. If you don't want to watch it then just turn it off.
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is ok but it could have been so much better. I am a big fan of the books but I generally don't mind when there are changes in shows or movies from the books but there are a two that are a problem here. First, there should not be this many people at the institute. That the whole point of clary's significance and Valentines plan. It also is why this particular group of characters become friends and why hodge is so desperate to escape, because they are the only people there. Second, Jonathan in season 3 is an issue for me. He is supposed to be an almost completely unfeeling demonic person. He is supposed to be calculating and extremely intelligent. He is supposed to be obsessed with having clary as a lover/companion but not at the expense of his other plans. In the show he is a love sick puppy following clary and manages to be tracked and captured several times and killed extremely easily. This was annoying.

Otherwise, the only issue is the acting. The two leads are not very good. I feel bad saying this because I think this was Katherine's first role and I have seen her in other shows since where she is much, much better but she and Dominick seem too new to acting and have no chemistry so I really diminishes the quality of the show for me.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Hilariously bad
5 April 2021
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This is without a doubt the worst show I have ever seen in my entire life. I am almost certain I lose brain cells every time I watch. Season 1 was pretty good, campy but good. Season 2 started quickly going downhill but it was still ok. Season 3 and on is a dumpster fire. The plots never make any semblance of sense. The payoff for the mysteries is underwhelming for every season but 1 which is kind of an achievement in itself. The characters are almost all terrible. They all act like 20 somethings. They switch personalities from episode to episode and sometimes in the middle of the episode. They have weird hobbies. For example betty and jughead spend their time catching criminals, veronica runs a rum business and club under the local diner and Archie has a new hobby every week from music to football to wrestling to getting eaten by a bear. In the new season after the time jump which has five episodes when I am writing this, Archie has had 4 different hobbies.

The writer are likely on lots of hard drugs as they write the episodes. They not only dont make sense but they frequently forget plot lines or details (no matter how important) even from one or two episodes before. I do feel bad for the cast because I have seen a number of other projects some of them have been in and they actually can act but the writing is so dumb it is difficult to pull off.

However, I gave it a 3/10 because it is so, so stupid that it is hilarious. I laugh more watching this show than I do watching any other. I cringe at least 10x an episode but I think its worth it because it is so nonsensical that it is funny. It is even funnier if afterward you read reviews or watch videos of tv critics bashing it. I recommend if you like to laugh at absurdly dumb shows.
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Parenthood (2010–2015)
Love it!
5 April 2021
This show is really, really good. It is just about a family living their lives and there is very few other shows that are similar. It is nice to watch a show about a family that likes each other and goes through normal things. The storylines aren't repetitive. Most of the characters are excellent. The one downside is that there are a couple character that are ridiculously dramatic. Otherwise it is a really great show and I definitely recommend.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Not bad
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is extremely inconsistent. Season 1 was very good with interesting storylines and 4b was also very good. Each season has something good about it but generally almost everything is just ok to bad. In season 1 the characters and Supergirl learning her powers was interesting. Max Lord was the more interesting villain but Astra was ok too. However Non was terrible. In season 2 the idea of supergirl training another hero was interesting and Lena was an interesting addition but I was not a fan of Mon-El, and the Daximites were really underpowered. In season 3 Reign was good and one of the more interesting villians but the rest of the season was really boring. Season 4 was really political which was not good at all. That said the back half where Alex didn't know Kara was Supergirl anymore was interesting and the Lex Luthor plot was the best from the whole show. Again, the story in season 5 was dumb but the mid-season mini plot with Winn was good. I dont know why the writers think shoving politics in the plot is a good plan. I guess its might be sort of admirable to use your platform for social change but doing this in 1 or 2 episodes and showing both sides would have worked better. TV is an escape not a news article. Overall this show deserves a 7 because the actors are really talented. Melissa Benoist especially but Chyler Leigh and David Harewood are also really talented. The writers are terrible but the show is ok and really good when the writers step it up so you know the actors are really bringing it.
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26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so inconsistent its crazy. There is the issue of Thanos, Vision and Wanda being way underpowered until the end when Wanda is super overpowered. Pretty much every other character is way too overpowered. I think Thor is the only one with appropriate power level. Also Thanos's plan makes no sense. Why wouldn't he make more resources. He wanted to save the universe and that way he would have been a savior instead of a mass murderer. Also the half of the existing population will repopulate so this doesn't make sense as is. The ending didn't work for me. It was too obvious when they killed off all of their newest and very successful franchises that there would likely be time travel later which opens too many plot holes. Also some of the characters become morons for some reason which leads to more inconsistencies. The dumbest one was Starlord who early on was willing to kill Gamora to keep Thanos from getting her but then punched Thanos out leading to everyones death. Same with Vision. First Tony and Bruce didn't realize there was a better way to wire the infinity stone in his head. Then throughout the movie they Steve keeps saying that they don't trade lives but they are literally trading the lives of the Wakanda soldiers for Vision, a robot, in hopes they can remove the stone. Thanos's motivation was interesting and well developed but everything else was borne from really lazy writing.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Favorite show!!
26 March 2021
This is hands down my favorite show. It is the funniest show I have ever seen. All of the characters (save a few later ones) are awesome and likable. I have seen this show over 10 times from start to finish and it still makes me laugh and is still watchable. The end of season 8 and the middle of season 9 aren't very good but this is an otherwise perfect show.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
Good Show
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this show. It has a good tone and interesting and likable characters. Ik everyone has problems with iris and she was featured way too much in season 4 with nothing to do but I think that was the writers fault. I don't have any real issues with her. Season 1 and 2 are easily the best. Season 6a is really good too. Season 3, 4 and 5 are less good but definitely still watchable. The real issue with the show is that the cast is so bloated. In 6b we barely see any story with barry. When Ralph left this was a good chance to start purging the roster. Instead they hire more series regulars. Honestly I don't care about storylines involving Chester or Allegra or Sue. Not all character need their own individual story. Like with Chester do we really need another smart guy. We already have Wells, Barry, Cisco and Caitlyn. If they want to add more people they have to get rid of some of them then. Caitlyn could have died in season 3 and Cisco in season 5. Neither have had much to do since then anyway. On a side note, Nora should have been a teenager in season 5 because her actions didn't make sense for a 30 yr old. I don't think that they are low on ideas or storylines give how big the rogues gallery is but there needs to be a focus on the flash and interesting side stories for a few characters thats it.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
Pretty good
26 March 2021
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This is my favorite arrowverse show so far. The first 2 seasons and season 5 were incredible. Seaon 8 was good. Season 3 was ok. I liked Ras al Guhl as the villian. He was menacing and interesting but the way that season ended not only didn't make sense but also wrote Oliver into a corner. At this point he kills the best fighter in the world. The writers had nowhere to go from here because Oliver needed a physical threat for a villian. This is why we got magic and hackers and his sister later because they all have some other threat that doesn't require him to fight much. Even diaz isn't a physical threat until Oliver is locked up and facing dozens of enemies at once. The other 2 good seasons later in the show used a psychological threat who still had league training (5) and a godlike being (8). Obviously the quality was going down from season 3. Season 4 is garbage. Season 6 is unbelievably boring save a few episodes and season 7 is good in the beginning and not great at the end. However I binged this show so it wasn't as big of an issue for me. Overall I did like a lot of the characters and thought Oliver was one of the more interesting heros in the Arrowverse.
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Unique and fun show!
26 March 2021
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There really isn't another show like this. Its a really unique concept and works really well. The 6 seasons were all really good with 2 & 3 being the best but 4 being really good too. Season 1 is also pretty good but has much darker tone. Season 5 and 6 are decent but definitely decline in quality because some of the storyline dont fully play out and sometimes dont make sense. The characters are all well developed and people you can root for. Overall its just really fun to see fairytales flipped on their head. Definitely recommend! I didn't mention season 7 because I pretend that it doesn't exist. Not the first to point this out but it should have ended with season 6 which had a series finale that was ruined in the last 1.5 minutes. I have heard the the show runners have a habit of drawing shows out too long. They are the ones that produced Lost.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Too long
26 March 2021
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The first 10 or so seasons are pretty good. The next 5 are ok with some good parts. Beyond that they aren't great. Its also really obvious they ran out of ideas a while ago. All of the best characters either die or leave. Also the sheer amount of tragedy is ridiculous at this point. Should end this season but probably should have ended sooner.
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