
9 Reviews
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I hope for another season - Don't watch if you don't have an open mind
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this program from the USA, and really enjoy it. I found the reviews to be interesting, particularly the ones who fund fault with the depiction of Christians and said that the only bad people in the program were Christians. This person obviously did not watch all of the episodes, as the the primary antihero and everyone they associate with is Muslim. The one loudly self-proclaimed "Christian" in the program is taken advantage of by the "evil" Muslims and only has regrets that her stringent religious views left her exposed to extortion.

As to the reviewer here who says the BBC is shoving left wing ideology down her throat, she should learn how to use her remote control and turn the program off if it offends her. Making programming that presents transgendered or gay people as humans who have been discriminated against is representing a real part of society. No one is cramming anything down her throat, she's cramming her ignorance and hatefulness down ours.
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Secretary (2002)
So depressing...
23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While there is a moment at the end of this movie where the protagonist seems to have a chance at happiness, anyone should be able to see that her happiness relies on her being unhappy. I was not disturbed by the sexual nature of the film, but by the constant agony that Lee suffers. Yes, she seems to have moments of stolen pride when Mr Grey shames her. But the writing suffers horribly from the twisted logic that somehow she will find happiness in what she believes to be her new permanent role in his life.

If I had seen some sort of evidence that he would ever respect her, there would be some redemption in the movie. But after all of the horrible things he did to her that she sat their in someone else's wedding dress for two days messing herself and quite nearly shutting her system down with starvation seems a small victory for her and a temporary act of mercy by him. He will not be happy with the control she has gained over him, he's a true sadist. He needs to find another secretary who will be truly miserable with him, and he will make Lee miserable by going through a string of other women - something she can never control. An utterly hopeless stupid movie. I'd rather see a movie about submissive/dominance where people were clear about what their roles are and there was trust. NO TRUST in this movie at all. No hope for trust for the character's future.

If you want to see these characters - not necessarily the actors - in a movie where there his hope that someone has moved on in their own terms and come into a relationship in it's own right try Sex, Lies, and Videotape. It's depressing as hell too, but at least it ends with a bit of hope that the characters are helping each other and not just using each other.
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A "Documentary"?
30 September 2016
And no "story line". But it's got yooge star Donald Trump in it. How could this not be a classic in everyone's video collection.

Seriously. Let's not call this a "documentary". It's soft porn. If it's good enough for Don Cheeto it's good enough for the rest of us. Now let's see if we can find the films with his wife in them. The stills were boring. I'm sure that they are not an accurate representation of her true film talent potential.

It seems more likely that there's "splooge" involved in this film that anything that is "yooge", at least as far as Trump is concerned. I mean, have you seen his hands?
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Breathless (2013)
Six episodes? No way...
31 August 2014
Pros - Fashions are interesting if not always accurate.

Cons - I prefer to know what the mystery is supposed to be when watching or reading a mystery. Three hours into this and the two hints at Cyprus aren't enough. Is it about Cyprus? Isn't it about Cyprus? Who did something at Cyprus? What did someone do at Cyprus? Should we hate them for it or love them for it? Should we understand? Should we be appalled?

This program is mind-numbingly dull. If I don't know what the mystery is 3 hours in, there's not much chance I'll be watching the other 12 hours to see if I can figure out what it is I'm supposed to be figuring out.
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Mystery Diners (2011– )
Why call it reality?
14 August 2013
I have to admit I am NOT a reality TV fan. I've never watched ANY of it, from Big Brother to Dancing with the Stars. Not. Even. One.

OTOH, it's no secret that I watch House Hunters and rehab type shows. I'll also watch true crime re-enactment like "Cold Case Files" when I'm bored. But I know that those are re-enactments, I know to take it with a grain of salt. I expect the bad acting.

Why on earth do they call this "reality"? These are actors, and not even good actors. Unless "hamming it up" is what they were shooting for.

I won't be making that mistake again.
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Durham County (2007–2010)
I tried to like it
7 December 2011
I LOVE dramas, and more often than not the more disturbing, the better. The Sopranos, Dexter, Cracker (UK), Taxi Driver, you name it, I've watched it and enjoyed it while everyone else in the house hides in the other room and just listens. I love watching the twists and turns and figuring out people's foibles. Not this program.

The antagonists are far too disturbing, and most of the protagonists aren't much better. The only people left are the innocents, and I guess I'm just not that into watching torturing innocents, whether of the physical or psychological nature.

I have to admit I only made it halfway through episode 2 and had to stop. A snuff film might be more watchable than this. If you're really into gruesome, and you really want to take some punishment, this may be the series for you. As near as I could see the series is well written. But this is a horror show, not a drama, not a mystery. Don't be fooled. I'm giving 4 stars based only upon the cinematography and the characters are written extremely well, because they are not people I am interested in knowing anything about, and that's how we should feel about people like that. I wish I could un-see it.
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The 39 Steps (2008 TV Movie)
Pleasantly surprised
3 March 2010
I was so prepared to not enjoy this, that when it was automatically recorded by my TiVo as part of the "Mystery" series, I very nearly deleted it without watching. I am a huge fan of Hitchcock, and have likely seen his version of "The 39 Steps" a hundred times. I had read the book years ago and remember thinking that the Hitchcock movie must not have been an adaptation.

Out of boredom, I decided to watch the 2008 version, thinking that I would turn it off and delete it within the first few scenes. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it did indeed resemble - if not follow faithfully - the original book. It held it's own. The characters were likable and well played. I thoroughly enjoyed Lydia Leonard as Victoria. They took liberties with this character, but in a satisfying way.

I will watch it again with my husband, whom I think will enjoy this as well. If you're expecting a remake of Hitchcock's movie, you'll be disappointed. Then again, I can see no reason to remake ANY of Hitchcock's films, so I was happy with this version of the book by John Buchan.
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True Grit (1969)
My favorite John Wayne movie
5 February 2010
As a child of the 1960's it seemed that most television dramas were Westerns, and most movies starred John Wayne. A new John Wayne movie would be anticipated about as much as a pair of used shoes from the Goodwill by a kid my age. I was too young to find him sexy and had seen "cowboys and indians" on at least a weekly basis for years. My large family tells me I was "born during Bonanza". I'm not sure which was the bigger highlight of that Sunday for my brothers and sisters! I remember watching this movie when it came out and really enjoying it in a way that I hadn't enjoyed a John Wayne Western in the past. Looking back, I think it was because of Kim Darby's performance as the plucky Mattie. Now as a woman closer to the age of Rooster Cogburn, I find his performance to be down to earth and heroic. The showdown gunfight scene of the "one eyed fat man" with his reins in his mouth, guns a-blazing makes my heart leap out of my chest. John Wayne IS Rooster Cogburn, and Rooster Cogburn is cut from the cloth of American Hero.
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Life on Mars (2006–2007)
I really enjoyed this program
21 November 2006
I was worried that this program might be a little goofy and Sci-Fi for my taste. But, I gave it a shot. This was a program that I looked forward to every week. The characters were well developed, and very likable. The music was fun, and while the pretense was somewhat unbelievable, I knew that this was a time travel program, so I couldn't be disappointed in that.

I enjoyed the story lines, and watching the contrasts and comparisons between the past and the present.

It's sad that the only review on this program is by someone who decided they didn't like it before it aired and didn't watch it. That review should be removed.
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