16 Reviews
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Bio-Dome (1996)
Quite possibly one of the stupidest movies
24 May 2002
What was this movie? This question can be answered in one, and only one word: Stupid. The plot was completely brainless and none of it made sense. The people in it were absolutely brainless. The comedy was geared at 2 year olds most likely, because I just sat there appalled at the sheer stupidity of this worthless piece of Junk. My advice, burn anything that had to do with this movie. Here is my rating :.0000000000000000000000000000001/10 unfortunately the ratings won't allow me to do that.
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19 May 2002
Well I was one of the first to see this movie (At 12:01) , and I thought that it was truly breathtaking. The visual effects were beautiful. The music score was wonderful. You could easily portray in your mind what was happening without the picture, the music was that good. The acting was great too. I see why Robin Gurland and George Lucas chose Christensen for the role. The Chemistry between Portman and Christensen was there, you could easily sense it. Though it does not rival the chemistry between Ford and Fischer in Episode V and Episode VI. The movie kept you attentive the whole time, except for when back on Naboo. Fortunately that was made up for with Obi Wan's troubles. As if the whole movie wasn't good enough, the last 30 minutes completely astonished me. Everywhere something was happening, lightsabers were swishing all about, millions of weaponfire, and explosions that left you speechless. Ending the movie, I thought that the confrontation with Dooku was wonderful. The agility shown between the fights was amazing. Then with the Yoda fight, that was truly amazing. He moved so quickly and proved his character to be truly powerful, instead of the normal walking around on a cane. The end is very chilling, having the imperial music as Darth Tyrannus and Sidious meet. Especially with the views of the millions of Clone troopers. Then finally the most chilling is seeing the wedding, and seeing Anakin's new arm. (I thought that it would have been more like Luke's hand.) In conclusion, this movie was spectacular. 10/10
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OK. (For the kids atleast!)
7 February 2002
For some odd reason I decided to see this "kid" movie. I got in the theater with my friends expecting to be the oldest, and I was right. All little kids 10 or younger. So I started watching the movie. With Jimmy Neutron's impossible, but entertaining inventions. I think me and my friends were the only ones laughing because it had a lot of adult humor in it. The little kids would just laugh at the corny jokes. Overall, the special effects (computer animation atleast) were fairly ok. The Plot, predictable, and ability of any of this ever happening, IMPOSSIBLE! One thing that sets that off, is that the kids seem to be breathing in space, and on top of stellar objects. I know he's a genius, but being a genius doesn't enable you to Breathe Nothing!
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Hardball (2001)
Pretty dramatic (good)
7 February 2002
This movie wasn't the #1 choice of movies I wanted to see that night (Zoolander was seeming better at the time). I went anyway. I have to admit that the movie was pretty good! The Acting was great. the movie involves a guy who makes a life by gambling and doesn't make too many friends that way. So he is sent to coach a team of boys from the wrong side of Chi-town (Chicago). Turns out he becomes a pretty good coach. I'm not going to tell the whole movie, so I'll just stop there. There is a lot of inspiration. There is good acting, and the plot isn't predictable atleast! Overall the movie to me gets a 9/10.
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Rudy (1993)
7 February 2002
I had watched this movie in Band and agreed with everyone else and my band teacher. it was inspirational. It was nice to finally see one of those "feel good" movies that make you want to go and achieve something. Being it's based on a true story, you don't have to walk out of the TV room or whatever disappointed that it's just a movie. Overall 9/10
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Sickingly Stupid
28 November 2001
This movie was in one word. Terrible. First of all the people who invented that thingie that puts you in the TV, are slightly insane! Secondly, the three teens are so obsessed with the show, it's scary! The movie was stupid, and no effort or thought was put into it!
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Butt Ugly show!
25 November 2001
This show by far is the stupidest, most boring show ever. The computer graphics are so terrible I'm scared. What's wrong with the humans and their long Eyelashes? I took about the whole show period, to figure out whether or not the blonde kid was a girl or a guy! Besides the lame humor, (which by the way a little kid would not even laugh at) the acting was horrible. Where is the expression! I don't even know why Nickelodeon accepted the idea for this. I must agree, Nick should only keep good shows like "Invader Zim", Fairly Oddparents", "Rugrats", and all the others. Just the theme song for the "Butt ugly martians" was enough to scare the viewer away. The plot could not get any more predictable; 3 Martians sent out to Conquer Earth (sounds a little bit like Zim) decide they like Earth too much to actually destroy it so they fake that they are fighting for their Emperor. Then Every week the Emperor stays clueless about their faking it. Duhh who is that stupid? This show is a waste of time, for even taking up Invader Zim's Time frame.
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Zoolander (2001)
Can't stop the laughter!
19 October 2001
I saw this movie the night it came out, and I thought it was hilarious. Even in the first few minutes I started laughing, I loved Will Ferrel's part, I don't know why, but it was just so funny! I kind of thought though, that Zoolander's accent was a lot like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. I like the way he pronounces Matilda's name. By the way she is not Maureen McCormick, she is actually Ben Stiller's wife, his mom had a small role in the movie too, but the dad had a larger one. I liked the music they had in there too, especially the Relax song. Overall I think everyone should enjoy this movie, it's funny for just about every age. I laughed so hard, and couldn't stop, somebody actually told me to shut up. That's how funny this movie is.
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Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (1997 TV Movie)
Honey we're sick of sequels
9 October 2001
After the Disney channel repeatedly played this movie, I finally watched it. (Of course I wouldn't waste my money on it) It was full of stupid inventions, that could've been thought up by a 5 year-old. Half of the inventions, are so unrealistic it's scary. The one that plays Jenny is very immature for her age, in the movie. Every time she says Ricki's name, she always yells out "Ricky King!" I mean how many Ricky's are there? Then she is telling someone that they are making a mess, in a high pitched, defensive voice. Then the other girls, try to act mature, they pretend that the Ginger-ale is champane. It's really stupid, how everything is not to scale at all. Like sometimes, their bodies will be the size of a button, then they'll fill up a race car. Another thing is that when he uses the Gum wrapper, that sounds like tinfoil, which is shouldn't. Overall this movie does not deserve to have a price tag on it.
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Red Planet (2000)
what's wrong with these people?
16 September 2001
I'd have to say that this is one bad movie. First of all they jump into the plot way, way, way, too fast. I could not even know who they were talking about in some scenes, because they didn't talk much about the characters. Another thing, the technology is way too advanced for only being a little bit into our so called future. I know it's sci-fi, but they should make the technology a little less advanced. I mean come on, a computer screen that bends as easy as paper? or a computer that can comment on how well a captain fixes a situation? some things are a little too advanced if you ask me. Same with the space ship that they are in, a little big? Then that robot that is freakishly huge for what it's supposed to do, it looks like an overgrown AIBO with weapons.
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The Poof Point (2001 TV Movie)
The Movie should have poofed
14 September 2001
This movie did not look good in the previews, but I still watched it. Tahj Mowry is a good actor, but honestly he should not have wasted his time with this movie. The Special effects may have been superb, but that's about all I have to say good about the movie. The plot was way too run together, and didn't even make sense. I mean they didn't exactly describe the characters very well. The ending was also odd. They are using their time machine to ruin history it seems.
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Terror Tract (2000)
It was a horror movie?
2 September 2001
I Saw this movie last night on USA, I have to admit it was a little scary. But I didn't start sweating from the suspense. The one I thought was scary, probably had to be the Bobo scene. He killed the people so.... gruesomely, I mean all those knives in that guy was kinda weird. A little comment on the part when his wife dies. He's a great actor I know from Malcom in the middle, but when he runs into his child's room he just screams, not too loudly, "Your mother is dead" Then louder he says " Where is that monkey". You'd think the dead mom part would be a little louder. I have to say that the ending was quite funny. Killing that guy with a pen, he's like "MAKE ME AN OFFER" I know the guy died which was kinda sad, but it's just a movie. And what was the deal with the guy running over the cat on his lawnmower?
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Worst Show in Downer history
26 August 2001
This show is so stupid it's not even funny. I mean come on, are we supposed to laugh at a bunch of slackjawed people crowding around a pan of hot cookies, then trying to eat them and realize they're too hot? This would be funny for toddlers but not for teens and adults. I'll also have to agree that this show get the rating it deserves. 0.000000001/100000
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Invader ZIM (2001–2006)
King of all nicktoons
26 August 2001
This show is so awesome, Gir and Zim are so funny. Crazy too! I especially like, A room with a moose. Like how Dib is saying what's so scary about a room with a moose? Then He just starts screaming. I also like Idiot dog brain. Zim is like"I'm going to fix the computer Gir" Then he says "Do you know what to do" or something like that and Gir is just like, "TACOS!!!!!"
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The Mummy (1999)
6 reasons you shouldn't see this movie
26 August 2001
Being I want to become an Egyptologist myself, I found it in my area to correct the movie, here goes: 1. The first 3 seconds of the movie were screwed up, Why is the 3 pyramids of Giza in Thebes? They're supposed to be about 500 miles north. 2. What's up with Seti the first's crown? Shouldn't it be red and white? 3.Plagues of Egypt? Sorry priests Moses doesn't come for about 20 years. 4.Why are there 5 canopic Jars? 5.All the Cartouches say Ptolemy instead of Seti. 6. In the real world Imhotep was a nice guy!
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The Luck of the Irish (2001 TV Movie)
Not so lucky
15 August 2001
Honestly this movie was not that good. I had looked foward to watching it, but was highly disapointed. It's kind of stupid, his friends act so casual when he shrinks, and grows leprechaun ears! I mean come on, the mom is 5 inches tall and friend just acts like. "Is that you?" I would only give this movie about 3/10 stars.
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