7 Reviews
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Small Time (2020)
Powerful and unflinching indie drama
28 July 2022
A fantastic indie drama about a young girl who moves in with her junkie mother after her grandfather dies. Things go from bad to worse for our hero as she attempts to survive amidst a LOT of obstacles. Brilliantly written and directed by Niav Conty, but would be difficult to pull off without an amazing performance by the young Audrey Grace Marshall. The supporting cast of Dominique Johnson, Holter Graham and Kevin Lorene give wonderfully moving and deep performances without ever going over the top.

A great, tight script and a compelling story. It is at times brutal and triggering, but I was on board for the entire journey.
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Fun Indie Horror Romp
19 November 2021
Unlike a lot of low budget indie horror movies, this one stays away from cliche, focuses on well-written and entertaining dialogue and good moments of suspense, and most of all, has a lot of fun with the genre. To say they got a lot of mileage for their money undercuts some seriously good filmmaking.
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Funny and Surprising Indie
12 November 2021
A story of Southern Black women which continually twists and turns. Drama, comedy, thriller, musical... Sunday Mornings has it all. This movie is well acted and quickly paced.
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Emotional and Very Unique Documentary about Holocaust Remembrance
5 June 2021
There are a lot of movies about the Holocaust, but this one is truly unique and moving. 11 motorcyclists recreate a journey originally made in 1936 from Israel (then British-occupied Palestine) to Berlin for the Olympics. This modern journey shows how important it is to never forget the past. Actual Holocaust survivors tell their stories over original concentration camp and other Third Reich footage complete this compelling tale. This is a fantastic ride.
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Night Shift (I) (2021)
Fun Indie Dark Comedy has it all
2 June 2021
This Australian Indie is a very clever, funny, and often heartfelt "heist" story. The heist is a joke, as our criminal brothers attempt to hold up a gas station convenience store fails miserably and hysterically. Lots of twists, including a totally-earned false ending, makes for a unique and entertaining ride.
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A Comedy, Thriller, Noir, and so much more...
21 May 2021
This film covers a lot of genres: thriller, noir, comedy, romance, and sex farce. Fortunately, the story moves very well incorporating all of these genres, which makes for a very entertaining ride with quite a few laughs. Star and screenwriter Lorrisa Julianus wears both hats very well. The ensemble consists of excellent actors, and the movie is well directed and fast-paced.
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Very funny (even if you are not a vegan)
19 May 2021
This movie, seemingly adapted from a web series, is VERY funny. It simultaneously skewers veganism while remaining earnest and respectful of the vegan lifestyle. Immi the Vegan (don't call her "immi"!) is trying to navigate the dating world as a vegan, while working up the courage to sing her songs in public. The jokes are very funny, the acting ensemble is great, there is a healthy dose of pop culture references (Back to the Future and Ferris Bueller, for example) and the writing and directing are top notch. Well worth an hour of your time.
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