
2 Reviews
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The Worst Witch (2017– )
Harry Potter on crack.
24 January 2022
I am so tempted to just rate this a 10/10 since it's basically how much enjoyement I get out of it but since it's not (unironically) that good I'm not going to do that.

But yeah, this show is fun as hell. One of the most entertaining things I've ever seen. The weirdly comedic and bizarre writing, the endearing yet nonsensical characters, and my favorite, the sort of cringy but also charming acting make it a fantastic experience and a delight to watch.

...season 4 kinda sucks though, not just because they replaced Mildred's actress (which, the new actress does a great job as well but the chaotic energy is just not there you know), but also because the writing starts to kinda feel a bit tiresome and lazy.

Sorry not sorry bye.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
starts out pretty strong but gets infinitely worse as it goes along
11 December 2021
Yeah I honestly don't even know what the hell to rate this anymore.

Season 1 is a solid 9/10 for me, it's funny, emotional, exciting, and overall just excellent in almost every way.

Season 2 is kinda weak compared to the first but it's still a ton of fun with some great plot twists so it gets an 8/10 from me.

Then season 3 comes in, pushes its luck by making some very stupid story decisions, messes up plot points, story developements and some of the characters but still somehow manages to be not terrible and leaves me with a 5/10 feeling.

Can't really say the same for season 4 though because it is just straight-up garbage. It genuinely feels like the writers just completely gave up and were purposefully trying to ruin the series as a whole. So yeah it gets a 3/10 from me for being so stupid and terrible. At this point I start thinking: "Oh god please just end the show already before I start to despise it."

Then season 5 happens, Barry meets his very annoying daughter from the future, we see like 50 more different versions of Eobard Thawne, king shark fights gorilla Grodd in a battle of godawful CGI aaaaand I get an overwhelming urge to turn the damn thing off.

I haven't finished watching season 5 yet and honestly I don't think I ever will but if someday I do, I'll review this series again with an even lowered rating.
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