
3 Reviews
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One of the better found footage churned out lately
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the extraterrestrial/conspiracy premise, which is a different motif than most of this genre.

The characters were fine, and there were interesting developments which weren't fully explained. Ones mileage may vary on that. I'm typically the kind of person who prefers explanations to vague hints, but this time it didn't bother me too much.

Definitely did their research into the extraterrestrial lore, what with Ingrid Cold (is point folks towards Wikipedia or Hellier for more info) showing up.

But what I feel the core sin of the film, the thing that made it merely enjoyable as opposed to interesting, was the lack of clear motivations for the antagonists. It is suggested there are different factions... but the aim of said factions remain elusive (beyond "don't disclose.")
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Better than reviews, but still a broken film.
19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Way longer than necessary, but there was certainly promise in the underlying story.

The characters had clear goals/desires, even if they weren't expressed adroitly in the film.

That said, it left some important points unexplained. Examples include the behavior of Lady Whipley and the Master of the Manner; the blond man & transformations;

Moreover, the director failed the rule of Chelov's Gun. That scene or two could have been excised completely and it would not make the film any less coherent z.

It's almost like the writing/directing crew were trying to throw a kitchen sink full of ideas and techniques that they heard about, but didn't understand how to actually use.

The themes were so diverse and half assessed so as to become pointless. Racism? Sure. S&M bad? Or S&M ok if people enjoy, but maybe they're saying no one would?

The acting was better than most of the actors in the Star Wars prequels. A low bar, I know.
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Hosts (2020)
Promise crashes w/out resolution or hints of explanations
17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ah I can day is, the movie has a lot of promise, creepy hints of what was going on.... but nothing was satisfactorily resolved.

Motives were all over the place... revenge? Just pure evil?
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