
2 Reviews
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The Bondage (2006)
I thought it was pretty good
10 December 2006
It is very "indy" and that's what I liked about it. There is very little about this small film that says "Hollywood". The performances were incredible. Most importantly though was the story. I just think this is real stuff and he (the director) tackled it with such sensitivity and unpredictability. When I finished watching it I felt good. Before I turned on the DVD (oops, I'm not supposed to have a copy so "shhhh...") I thought it was going to be too sad. Actually kind of agree with the other user comment that said that the main kid was like James Dean. I hope this movie goes to theaters because I think a lot of people my age will see it.
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Missing Sock (2004)
Explains the meaning of life
2 December 2006
Finally, a movie that explains the mystery and meaning of life all in 15 minutes. There is absolutely nothing serious about this movie on the surface. It is pure ridiculous and outrageous absurd comedy. Really funny though. But then beneath the surface it seems to really get at something that is in everyone, some kind of search for that "thing" that is going to make it all better. So, it's actually funny on a really deep level.

I read about it when Film Threat placed it on it's top 10 shorts list and got in touch with the producer who just mailed me a free copy. It's really funny and I don't think it cost them anything to make. Now that's talent.
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