
20 Reviews
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Dear Child (2023)
You will be disappointed
9 May 2024
Okay so how do I even start, this show got me hooked . First , second episode I was stuck. Enjoyed it. Trying to figure out who the bad guy is and all. Then going forward you are still engaged.

Storyline is interesting. Acting is about a 6.

And then the last episode comes in and you are just disappointed.

It had the worst ending. So rushed and just didn't make any sense. The ending and who the villain was just didn't match. We watch a whole series and the bad person has no proper relation to the characters.

The ending is just terrible. You can watch all episodes except the ending 😂 cuz the moment you watch it, you will just be pissed.
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Locked In (V) (2023)
Ignore the terrible comments
1 April 2024
So I was half way through and I was ready to write a review, only opened the app to see so many bad reviews.

I got confused and decided to just finish the movie first.

And now I'm wondering why so many bad comments.

This was a good attempt at a movie. It is not as bad as they making it seem.

I loved the story, the acting was okay too.

They tried to bring some twists but they were easy to see through,

Now, this is not some movie where you watch expecting mind blowing stuff. But it's a really chill calm movie you watch to spend the time and actually enjoy watching it.

I think it was great, and you should see it.
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Sixty Minutes (2024)
Do not waste your time
27 March 2024
Trust do not waste your time.

The movie issue could have been sold in 2 mins.

It's a story about a man crossing to meet his daughter. We didn't need an hour plus for that. Honestly

The movie was just dragged extremely and unnecessarily for nothing.

The whole movie had nothing extra to it. No sense , no thrill. Nothing to keep you going.

I just stopped at a point.

We did not need an hour plus for that honestly.

Bad acting, bad "action" kind of attempt.


I will not recommend at all. Nope. I think I dozed off a second and woke up and knew I had had enough of it.

However, you can give it a try.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Good but requires patience
25 March 2024
Well well well, I'll say it was good. Keeps you going on and intrigued.

Now, the thing is, it's quite slow and dragged. And I can understand cuz they needed it to last for a number of episodes.

So you will need to have patience and make it a point to just relax and enjoy it calmly on a chilled weekend.

The ending was really not it for me. Not as expected. I wanted more or better. But again, a movie going a way you don't expect, that's the whole point right ?

To watch a nice series and have the last episode like that just left me feeling empty. You know when you don't get what you expected? Yeahhh. But overall, was great.
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Doesn't do it for me
24 March 2024
Honestly I was hyped about the reviews online and eager to watch this. Started and was intrigued.

You get introduced to all the different characters.

But fast becomes plenty and boring .

So many scenes, so many characters.

If you like a lot as in too much going on in a movie, then sure this is for you.

Also, it's extremely boring since it is someone telling a story. And so the talking, the narration and all just becomes too much.

I really got tired after episode 2 and couldn't continue.

Maybe if I had watched all, might have liked it but after episode 2, nothing could keep me watching it.
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Ignore the bad ratings
28 November 2023
So I really don't know why the ratings here are so bad. I am shocked. I'm sure if I had checked before pressing the play button I wouldn't have watched it.

It's not as bad as the ratings say, It's a good movie. One that definitely promises to give a good thrill and time.

Not all movies are suppose to wow you: this is a good movie to pass the time.

A writer who is writing a story , then you are left to guess if she is living the story she is writing or if it's all real.

It's not a 10 but trust it is better than a lot of movies:

Okay I'm done. Just need to finish the character requirements now.
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Brazen (2022)
It's not that bad
23 November 2023
The ratings are so terrible I wonder why, okay so yes it's a bit predictable, but it wasn't so bad that you can't watch it or you want to change it.

The acting was good. The characters played their parts well.

It's a movie you watch to relax and just enjoy a great evening. Not all movies are suppose to keep your mind guessing or whatever.

This was a good movie for a relaxed time. To just chill.

I enjoyed it. Was okay and watched till the end whiles working on my laptop. That's what these movies are for. To just give you a great time whiles you relax and do what you have to do:

It's not terrible.
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What/If (2019)
It is good
17 November 2023
I have no idea why the ratings and reviews are bad. But this is good. If you are looking for something to binge watch, to keep you glued and interested, it's this.

The start to the end It gets to the middle and they are able to change the whole story entirely, bring new interesting details to it,

The acting was good. There are some things you can never tell till the end. If you are one for suspense then this is for you.

And if you like drama, then please do yourself a favour and watch this. Because it is one drama after the other. You feel sorry for some characters, hate them and love them again.

I think it's impressive and they did try for this series.
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Unbelievable (2019)
Reviews don't depict what it truly is
16 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so I checked the reviews first. So good and I was expecting something amazing and different. First episode started off, I was calm cuz I believed it was now building up

Second episode starts, also calm, acting wasn't anything exceptional. Just basic acting and story line.

Third episode was when I just had to change it, it is BORING. Extremely. I couldn't continue.

The story line, actors are acting as if they asleep. Everything is so slow.

Nothing is happening to keep you going.

I believe catching the rapist and everything might be exciting but honestly there is no zeal to continue. None.
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Criminal Code (2023– )
It is just okay
15 November 2023
It's just okay. Nothing exceptional.

You will get bored at a point but if you determined you will finish, lol Picks up and drops off and picks up again, It's about gangs undertaking robberies, freeing people from prison, those stuff

It's an over and over again rollercoaster. Never ending

The acting, just normal. Nothing exceptional. Normal acting. It's simply an okay series.

At this point, I actually don't know what to type again, cuz there is not much to say with regards to this lol. Just want to finish the words limit,

Don't expect sooo much to be wowed or anything. Just something calm to watch.
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I don't know why the ratings are so bad
3 November 2023
Okay so I don't know why the ratings are so bad and as low as 1. Quite funny. But if you are not into this genre then yeah, you might not like it.

But if you are one of the lovers of 365 days, then yeah, this is in that zone.

It's a predictable movie so don't expect anything exceptional or some mind blowing story line.

It's just a movie you watch to pass the time and relax. Nothing exceptional.

However, it's nice. It's calm, some sex scenes, calm story. Not any wild acting but just a normal movie you can chill with for the night.

It's not as bad as the reviews say tho. I enjoyed it. Watched to the end:
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Bodyguard (2018)
This was amazing
27 September 2023
This was a great one. Crime, mystery, suspense, thriller. Everything was portrayed perfectly. The "bodyguard " character was played well by the actor. Julia, the one he was to protect also acted well, From the first to the last episode you are fed with series of different gripping stories that keep you glued.

They manage to make a lot of people suspects which keep you guessing who the real villains are.

It starts off with a guy who is suppose to protect a Home Secretary whose policies do not align with his beliefs, this immediately makes you question where the bodyguard will even do a good job.

Worth the watch.
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Gangs of Oslo (2023– )
Amateur yet good?
25 September 2023
Okay so this is a gang movie but not the kind of tough gang things we like to see. It's like some teenagers gang. The things they do, the petty fights, they all come across as some young adults in a starting of gang that don't really know what is going on or how to handle drug transports or even run a gang.

It's a pretty okay series. Don't expect so much. Just expect something basic you can enjoy. It's quite slow too so have patience.

There were some really unnecessary scenes but guess they all join to make it lengthy so yh.

Simply put, it just seems like a group of people in a gang that do not even know what to do.
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Just an okay movie
16 September 2023
This is a true story so judging the storyline will be wrong. However; the ending was a bit flat. I expected better or more cuz they had a good plot.

But as already said, it's a true story so there isn't much they can do.

It's just a simple story, nothing exceptional. Falls flat, a bit boring. Predictable.

I think the only interesting thing is when you are not given any answer for why the Cullen character did what he did. That's the only thought this movie leaves you with.

It's generally just an okay movie. You will enjoy it but don't expect any mindblowing acting or turn of events or anything.
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Want to be confused and intrigued?
16 September 2023
Okay so this was one hell of a movie. This movie keeps you confused throughout. If you want a movie to play with your mind, then go for this.

At the beginning, starts off slow. After an hour in the movie when you know you have grasp the concept and know what is going on, the movie totally changes.

Everything becomes different. Then you get a different conclusion on the movie and feel like you have figured it out then it changes again.

This is simply a movie that keeps toying with you and Keeps you guessing from one point to the other. At a point if you not careful, you will get tired of trying to figure it out

Overall, was a great job keeping us engaged to the end.
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
A great movie
7 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good movie. Storyline was great.

The speed of the movie I mean how they paced the events was great and as expected.

It was not too slow and neither raced or rushed through.

It starts off with 2 foreigners in search of black powder. They end up being prisoners but save the same people that had them prisoned.

The quality, effects were great; This movie keeps you engaged from start to finish. And doesn't get boring.

Yes so that's the review. Anything after this is just an attempt to meet the word limit. I really think they need to reduce the word requirements. Not all of us have so much to write. Lol.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Gave it a 7
5 September 2023
First of, this is a slow paced movie so If you don't have patience, you might get irritated quickly.

One thing I didn't like was the fact that there were too many unnecessary dialogues. Long long conversations between characters and spending over 5 mins at one scene was just too long and boring for me However, this was a good one. The story took its time to develop, and carried us all the way to the end.

I think the ending was also okay except the fact that they killed one main character too early.

The actors were averagely okay and apart from the Lon scenes, the movie story was very interesting.
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Hellhole (2022)
Had potential
2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started off great. The whole thing with the child having to be killed else... that got me expecting more. Looking forward to something gruesome to happen.

Then this whole setting with a weird place and priests got me excited.

But that's when the movie lost itself. Too many unnecessary scenes, became more like a telenovela and not a horror movie.

The last 10-15 minutes seemed like the most interesting part of the movie and even with that, it's not enough. Just too many loose ends .

It had great storyline, great setting and I believe they could have done more with it than give us over 1 hour of unnecessary and 10 mins of horror.
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1922 (2017)
Had potential but fell flat
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Started off quite boring yet had potential. Got interesting as time went on. However, I don't know how they managed to make the movie fall so flat and dry.

The whole thing became so boring. I expected more drama from the spirit of the wife yet absolutely nothing!

She appeared and reappeared for absolutely no reason.

For a movie of its genre, they could have put in more effort.

The path the son took and the end was just unimpressive.

They could have done way better but I was dissatisfied and disappointed.

I expected more cuz the story line had great potential.

I gave it a 4/10. Yeah so that's it.
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Treason (2022)
It gets way better
20 August 2023
Okay so I see the ratings are mostly bad, but it was a good thriller. It starts off slowly, confusing.

A character looked like he didn't fit the MI6 role, yet it does get better and provides a good on the edge thriller.

It keeps you feeling different emotions. And that's what a movie does, Makes you angry at the wife at a point, then angry at Adam; you doubting someone at a point, then you end up trusting them.

You find out who someone is before the characters and shocked they can't figure it out.

Different emotions and I think that was the whole point of it.

I enjoyed it and at this point I'm trying to meet the characters requirements 😂
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