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Typical Hollywood...
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
.... clever plot! Interesting characters! The intense Samuel L Jackson! ( Dominic Cooper does a good job, too!). Great shots of Chicago ( of personal intetest to me). Yes, i was hooked watching it all unfold! Suspenseful ... in that it is successful. THEN, come the climax, all the Hollywood cliches, Perils of Pauline, Dudley Do-Right. ( Oh, there are the typical computer cliches elsewhere as well.) Oh it's so neatly wrapped up! Just suspend your belief, accept the unrealistic, and enjoy another Hollywood comic book on video. Agree with others: the screen time does not belong to Samuel L Jackson, but he certainly adds his characteristic intensity, otherwise this would be pretty bland and uninspiring. Again, the plot is clever, but at this point, couldn't ANYONE write such a resolution?
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Unforgiven (1992)
Never understood the obsession with this
27 August 2023
Slow moving, plot holes, improbable situations, overly ambitious/wandering subplots, i mean this is a far cry from Eastwood's best movie. I just don't get it, yet I find most of his other shoot-em-ups to be compelling. The ending barroom scene is so dark ( as are others) that I get eye strain. The entire sequence with English Bob seems like a pointless detour, the prostitute -' with half her face gone'-has minor scratches only later, who knows how long it's been since he was a gun slinger but he's an ace like he's in top form, hooks up effortlessly with an old friend. I get that the 'hero' is complicated, but most of this just doesn't ring true, seems pushed and contrived. If the ending epilogue is supposed to pack a wallop, it passed me by. And the classic, oft-quoted signature quote about killing a man (" you take everything he has and everything he's ever gonna have" ) doesn't even make sense to me. I've watched it numerous times to try and understand the power it has on some. Baffling, but sincerely hope it blows your socks off.
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The Hill (2023)
Overwrought, too long, cloying, but superb acting
26 August 2023
Based on a true story, it seemed cloyingly maudlin. Whereas a story like Rudy plays out naturally, elements of this seem theatrically pushed into repetitive stark stereotypical juxtapositions. It was longer than it needed to be, and even my wife said the same thing though she enjoyed it more.

The acting, however, is what makes this so compelling. The man playing Rickey Hill as an adult is a man we should expect to see much more. Dennis Quaid seemingly turns every scene -and movie-into powerful performances. One reviewer said the background actors were poor but I sure didn't think so. Everyone turned in great, believable, deep performances, which is why I did not rate it lower.

Settings for the scenes are well done. Look for real major league pitcher John Smoltz as the final game announcer.

Summary: many people will like it for its spirit of facing trials and tribulations, and can be expected to rate it higher, but it just seems overly heavy handed and long attempting to manipulate emotions.
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Shooter (I) (2007)
Stupid me....typical Hollywood
13 August 2023
I usually avoid Hollywood movies like the plague but this looked good, and I like Mark Wahlburg and wanted to see Levon Helm, but this IS so typical: engaging plot, gripping action and plot development, then the ending WHAMMY: incredulous, unbelievable and a "what?!!" Almost like the plot spun so far out of control there's no way to finish it satisfactorily. Actually, some plot action is also hard to fathom, but I can accept just 'hard to believe.' The acting and pacing are very good. It functions well as a pleasant evening's diversion when deep thinking isn't called for, but again, the last 15 minutes are almost naively childish.

Levon Helm and Michael Pena turn in surprising good performances....would love to have seen Helm in more such movies!

If you thought 3:10 to Yuma was believable, you should have no trouble with this. But then again, this isn't a Western but a govt/agency/political thriller.
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Training Day (2001)
Creepy, tingly, like ready to blow you sky high
5 June 2023
This is a gripping tension-filled movie driven by the performances of Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke. I find this a Hitchcockian ride start to finish and you never know which way the plot will turn. I just can't say enough about the riveting performances of the two stars, who play magnificently off one another. Washington INHABITS his role as the street tough detective who knows no rules. Hawke is excellent as the trainee constantly being pushed into compromising situations, having to weigh allegiance to his trainer or rules/propriety. Is this how we work?! THE LINES ARE BLURRED! You feel you are right there, also weighing just how far to go. This is wickedly real and stomach churning. I'd seen this movie before, but the power of the performances keeps me watching repeats, it's that good.
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The Twilight Zone: Hocus-Pocus and Frisby (1962)
Season 3, Episode 30
Can't believe this isn't more highly rated!
27 May 2023
While many episodes.have serious plot lines pushing us emotionally into anxiety as the plots climax or represent watching others in settings we can't readily identify with, this takes a more lighthearted approach with a character we can identify with, the boastful man with questionable credibility. Andy Devine is the perfect one for the part, projecting a harmless story teller who's all tall tale. YET the plot twist makes perfect sense, requires little stretch on our part. It takes deft writing to pull this off, and most of the other less serious episodes depict over-the-top or eccentric people who are almost caricatures. And contained in this pleasant plot is a subtle moral point. Not your typical Twilight Zone but very enjoyable.
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The Twilight Zone: The Passersby (1961)
Season 3, Episode 4
One of the best episodes
27 April 2023
I don't know if it's the acting, the set design, dark lighting, pacing, desolate appearance, or what, but I found this to be emotionally riveting as truths are revealed. Casting is top notch. Everything resonates with drama without feeling pushed, maudlin, cloying, or preachy at all. As the time period is just post Civil War, it avoids skewing a reaction based on more current conflicts that would hit close to home, and allows the viewer to live inside the scene provided. Touching, compelling, this is really a masterpiece. War settings are sure to provoke strong reactions, but this is handled deftly, with style and brilliance. Like many TZ episodes, it is the final moments that bring us closure and out of our darkness. Very well done.
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Inside Job (2010)
A better accounting than most, but not entirely on target
2 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I exited the biz in '06 but saw the signs from my front line view as an underwriter, whereas this takes a more corporate look. This is probably the best accounting of the '08 meltdown that I've seen, but is not a solid hit. The expense account segment is irrelevant. The rating agencies and investors' finagling doesn't explain why that makes John Doe go into foreclosure. One segment talks of a homeowner duped by a dishonest loan officer. Some people interviewed were high rollers with probably jumbo loan amounts-their default would hardly affect Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. Banks can go under but that doesn't affect YOU, the homeowner. Yes, housing values plummeted, but that hardly affects your ability to make payments on the house YOU contracted for; you've got to live SOMEwhere, and borrowers on car loans are almost always upside down, so these are talking pts. Yeah, you can blame Reagan or W Bush but that doesn't excuse Congress, Clinton or Obama for doing the banking lobby's dance. ( Bush called for Fannie auditing but was quickly called a racist and backed off). Risky subprime loans? The meltdown affected just as many prime borrowers-that made foreclosures widespread.

The movie DOES touch on the recession beginning in '07! But what CAUSED the recession? Maybe the stampede to move jobs overseas, taking dollars out of the economy? Y'think?

Turning govt agency approval software over to commission loan officers is a moral hazard.

Selling off loans like a hot potato : also moral hazard, but that's designed to free up dollars to re-lend.

It was a numbers game for the execs. No one wanted to turn the lights out and miss the big bucks.

Agencies lowering standards, getting into volatile subprime lending, and forcing banks to develop giveaway loans for targeted lending groups for political electioneering-not good. ( Last week I read of standards being lowered, again).

Banks exacerbated their own dilemma by refusing to accept common sense short sales when a good but distressed borrower was moving to keep employed and pay bills. This dumped foreclosures on the market making values plummet for others wanting to move or wisely downsize-they were stuck.

Various Obama 'distressed borrower' rescue funds rarely got to the borrower. Where'd that money go?(This movie was too soon after the meltdown to review this).

Common sense dictated when the crisis hit, a core sample of loans should have been reviewed to determine common causes, but I knew that would never happen. How can you fix a problem when you can't identify it?
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1883 (2021–2022)
Generally not a Hollywood-type fan, BUT THIS...!!!!
1 April 2023
Episodes 1-6 are cinematic masterpieces. The scope is magnificent, the writing taught, the acting superb, the characters compelling, the cinematography breathtaking. Every episode has the feel of a full blown cinema epic, often feeling more documentary than fiction. Agree with others-Sam Elliot turns in the performance of a lifetime. Who knew that country stars Tim McGraw and Faith Hill were so deeply skilled as actors? And the strength of the series hangs on those key players and Isabel May as the 18 yr old Elsa Dutton, who has to turn in a convincing reflection of her experiences and development. How this could not win more awards is beyond me.

Other reviewers have complained about the overuse of young Elsa Dutton's perspective, but this does not take place until episodes 7-10, when the magic turns 'Hollywood,' the story lines strain credibility, and the pacing drags. Yet it is through her eyes that we see the fullness of harsh reality develop from her youthful naïveté. The story haunted me for days as dialogue and plot points replayed in my mind, the power of Elliot's performance, and the surprising skill of McGraw and Hill, the mark of a presentation that hit its target here.

I'm no cultural faddist swept up in 'the new,' and I just don't feel excited about what I've seen on Yellowstone despite 1883 being a prequel. THIS is a standalone masterpiece, but less than 10 stars due to the shift in later episodes.
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HEAVY STUFF! Not some sport promo!
26 February 2023 much a story of man against nature, man against himself, and man against man as any story you would ever watch. The documentary plays out without maudlin hype, with excellent camera work- you are right THERE-warts and all. Mackey is an unlikely hero in the Iditarod, a 1000 mile race through grueling Alaskan wilderness, not a polished man but rough hewn and flawed but who appears MADE for just this sport. Kudos for letting us be our own judge... great journalism.

NOTE ON DOG ABUSE: I mushed ( 20 minutes) by a Colorado family that used "retired" sled dogs for tourists for these brief outings of 90 minutes. From the second these dogs are hooked up, they are lunging to pull, yapping, up on their hind legs, vocal... 'LETS GO!' You HAVE to stand on the brake when stopping or they will take off. I was not going to participate until I understood this: not torture but fulfillment for them. In the movie, Mackey is nuzzling all of his dogs regularly, sleeps with them outside at times!... with some nuzzled in his arms. They lick his face anytime he's close to them and can't get enough of him! Not abuse!
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Blue Bloods: Past History (2023)
Season 13, Episode 13
Well written and surprising
11 February 2023
Almost turned it off: ' oh no, another show where a family member gets cross-ways with another family member, and another cloying episode of young Joe entangled in the family legacy, blah blah,' but the writers sure brought it to a life of its own with some unusual surprises not contrived as with other modern episodes. SO glad I stayed tuned! This is a keeper. Thanks!

I HAVE been critical in the past, hokey conflicts blown out of proportion, Hollywood resolutions all nice and contrived, losing its bite, but with 3 storylines each week for 13 seasons, that's a tall order.

I've also been critical of this gruff, almost Machiavellian, depiction of Frank-but it gets addressed. I still don't like his passive aggressive way of refusing to acknowledge visitors to his office. That's plain rude. Every week.
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NOT a sports movie...more love story
7 January 2022
...except for maybe the last 1/2 hr I didn't see ( i couldn't take it any more). This is a relationship film (except the last half hour)-- no more a sports film than I Love Lucy was about a bandleader. Yes, i expect their relationship to be a major part of the story, but it depicts Brenda as difficult and Kurt as shamelessly whipped over and over and over with scenes of Kurt and Brenda's special needs child. The movie Rudy makes me weep...and the story plays out effortlessly. This too tediously tries to push buttons. Sometimes less is more. Wish I could unsee this.
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Insight and revelations about a pioneering band!
28 December 2021
Like most Band fans I had a grudge against Robbie (while still in awe of his obvious talents), but this is compelling for several reasons: 1- it tells the story of the Band, concentrating on the formative events 2- insight is provided by other stars; 3- rare video, photos, and recordings are presented; 4- we get additional insight into the Band; 5- it's only fair that Robbie should present his side of 'the story.' This is a great way to introduce newcomers to the pioneering sound and uniqueness of the Band, and a must-see for Band fans.

It is a continuation of Scorcese's infatuation with Robbie, and is based on Robbie's book,Testimony, but presents enough of others for some balance.
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Respect (2021)
Outstanding and powerful!
5 October 2021
Not a fan of Hollywood movies in general, but found this to be compelling, haunting, an emotional roller coaster. Jennifer Hudson's Aretha is a delight to watch as she navigates personal and professional trials while dealing with demons of childhood.

Forrest Whittaker OWNS his scenes as the powerful and unpredictable head of the family. And the music....!!! Hudson does her own singing, giving this a documentary feel. It IS a long movie, and may drag in spots briefly, but there is a lot of ground to cover, and no scene lasts long.

I've read other reviews, and feel many are judging this unfairly by what they wanted played up or down. I found Hudson's acting outstanding. I predict numerous awards.... Justified.
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Cry Macho (2021)
Flat, disappointing, don't watch for the wrong reason.
21 September 2021
This is NOT an action movie.... Not a plot -driven movie. The plot is a device here on which to hang character bits and Perils of Pauline sketches. Another reviewer mentioned plot holes. Yes, best you suspend belief. Several point out the kid co-star can't act. Yep, cringeworthy. I found him barely intelligible, as did my wife. (Volume not the issue).

This IS Clint in a Gran Torino feel good re-hash (without the ogre angst), a character development story, sometimes lamely predictable otherwise unbelievable, forcing warmth and 'feeling.' It is heartfelt Clint, though, every private encounter at a glacial pace in an effort to draw you in. And yes, the rooster steals the show. Clint IS compelling, always who you are drawn to as-even with the frailty of age-he commands the screen after 70 yrs!
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Glacially slow, trite
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dialogue / plot development is glacially slow, suggesting to me that were the story to be told normally, perhaps you would consider it weak or uneventful. So the special effects and million subplots take over. It is-as one reviewer mentioned-a stitched together quilt of several other major films; a space age perils of Pauline, a grand mirage to sucker the viewer( like several movies) , confusing scenes toggling between past ( which YOU have to figure out), present, and other real-time sites, muddied with the usual character relationship issues playing throughout time. Special effects are riveting and acting is strong. One person in our group liked it, others thought it confusing. Just a weak offering on a grand scale. Another reviewer said it didn't seem to know what it wanted to be-I agree. But I know there are those who will delight in it.
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1917 (2019)
I also don't get all the raves.....
18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cinematography, setting, were absolutely great. Acting great. The feeling that 'you were there' --great. And it draws you in. Only one scene seems unnecessary--gratuitous (the scene with the mother and child), but like so many others pointed out, PLOT HOLES, PLOT HOLES, PLOT HOLES, turning this into what I generally hates about American movies--outrunning bullets and implausible situations. Would LOVE for someone to legitimately explain: 1. The two start out over open country with the distinct possibility of being picked off, yet start with bayonets fixed, though crawling past/over barbed wire WITH bayonets. Later, when in the burned out town with German infestation at close range, no bayonet, just when needed. Also, 2 The soldier runs off without his rifle. To me, this is inexplicable: hostile territory, behind enemy lines, and he's going to outrun bullets and enemy soldiers, dodging this way and that (as he did in the trench, astonishingly). Thanks. The close-range shooting by the injured German sniper also bothered me--just a flesh wound, eh. The French mother holed up with her child in a nasty burned out town infested with Germans...strange but not a plot issue. Certainly strong points to the movie, but coming off as cartoonish in plot action. Still, the action is compelling. Sometimes found the accents hard to understand, particularly when talking as 'asides' or muttering to one another. I don't understand the need for some to try to wish this into a true story. It was never pitched as true, and doesn't need to be. Other war moves (Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, Saving Private Ryan, Hamburger Hill) do a great job of communicating the horrors of war. Some '10'-raters seem to treat this as a genre-setting standard, which I don't see.
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Breakthrough (2019)
True and inspirational story
23 April 2019
Obviously not a film for the anti-Deist crowd; you can read here how this true story is poison to them. This is a very well acted, emotional and powerful depiction of A 14 yr old's medical condition pushing the medical profession in uncharted waters. We live nearby, so it was of special interest to us. Of particular interest--and realism--is the schism that was displayed within the church. Yes, some deep divides occur regarding services, music, preaching methods, even in Christian church 'families.' This was a good story to tell, an affirmation of belief. Yes, as expected, sometimes the pandering to emotions was over the top, but it's hardly just a Christian movie. I found the acting of Chrissy Metz and Topher Grace to be phenomenal and engaging. Very emotional. When it ended, the audience applauded. You don't see that very often.
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Unplanned (I) (2019)
Powerful story and acting that stands on its own
31 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
[Disclosure: I was an abortion moderate until re-thinking it after the 2019 push for making life or death decisions after birth]. Politics aside, the acting--and story--are first rate on their own. The passion and emotion actress Ashely Bratcher displays as she moves from giddy rookie volunteer to total-business ace director then her agonizing awakening should be an award winning performance....unbelievable range. Other actors are spot on--this is not some maudlin political manipulation. The story plays out in a manner that I found extremely difficult to take, and the first 20 minutes felt like a gut punch. I've had to photograph a driver who had burned up in a tanker fire (for the coroner) and seen my share of war movies, but nothing...nothing...compared to this. No swearing, no violence, no stalking of women, open wounds, gashes, knifings, gun play, illicit drug use, chases of terrified women, car crashes and explosions or any of the standard Hollywood fare, yet it earned an R rating for what half the country considers a routine surgical procedure, depicted in black and white, on a monitor. You're kidding, right?
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Casablanca (1942)
A contender for 'the perfect movie' category
15 November 2017
What other reviewers overlook is the rapid fire and multi-layered dialogue that just crackles through the first third of the movie as the elements of the plot are established. Almost every 'casual' conversation, brief meeting, or soirée involves hidden meanings or jockeying for position (or information) that I find brilliant, and yet, we are IN on it!

What more could you ask of a movie? There are enough plot challenges and twists that keep outcomes totally unpredictable. The characters are well developed, act credibly, and there are no outrageous plot twists to rig the outcome.

Acting is absolutely first rate by all the main players, with the exception of Paul Henried, whose stiff, mostly reserved personna works in his favor when he leads the legendary and emotional 'anthem competition' scene.

The dialogue seems just MADE for Bogart's cynical, world weary delivery...and his facial expressions are a delight to behold. Bergman is electrifying. Rains should have won an award as the opportunistic, slick, Prefect. Intrigue is EVERYWHERE in this movie, and the minimalist lighting, the heavy shadows, the bars and bar-shadows make this an example of a wholly developed, carefully presented, craftily written movie worthy of top consideration as THE best Hollywood can offer.
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Compelling story that must be told!
20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, this third installment is probably the weakest. One and Two are absolutely compelling, the realism and effects astounding, and the blending of current TV 'reporting' as part of the plot masterful! The book is very lengthy, dissuading some from tackling it, so bravo for the effort in bringing it the screen! Some drawbacks: since this project lacked major studio support and the undertaking was so huge, the budget seemed to dwindle and major characters had to be played by differing actors in each episode(which makes continuity a little confusing). Yet the plot is compelling and chillingly current. Nothing suffers here due to the age of the original story! My big gripe--in this 3rd episode: Galt's speech to the citizens of America squandered the earth-moving climax. In my mind (in the book), I 'heard' a Charlton Heston...a James Earl Jones...a commanding Shakespearean voice from a well seasoned, almost crusty veteran with vast life experience. Here, Galt is a youthful love interest for Dagny, too young to have been the great creator from Century Motors of decades before, and lacking a commanding presence. He is underwhelming. I would have loved to have rated this higher; the first 2 episodes were in the 8,9 range. This concluding episode pulls it down, unfortunately. BUT, this is a tough project, and the other reviews show the difficulty in trying to please all tastes.
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Fast-paced story, nuanced performances. GRIPPING !
19 January 2015
Other movies can be as good, but doubt any could be better. I marveled at the performances by Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller and Clint Eastwood's directing before finding out that the movie, Cooper, and Eastwood all were nominated. Miller should have been as well.

This is NOT just a war movie but as much a character study of a man in and out of war. You are put right in the action to feel the depth of Chris Kyle's service and dedication. Cooper's performance is nothing short of stunning: no space for over-the-top demonstrations of anger or detachment, but must be communicated in nuanced ways. At times, he comes across as a citizen in a documentary. Similarly, I thought Sienna Miller's performance the same way, as she must put us through the range of emotions at varying times. Eastwood avoids cloyingly trite performances and melodrama to let the power of the story play out.

This is NOT a glorification of war but is a tribute to man's calling. Some liberals have disparaged this movie as glorifying killing. HARDLY. Some have taken a quote--"...savages..." out of context as well. There is a lot of depth to the components of this story. You'd be best off to ignore the political posturing and let the story affect you independently of the 'framing.' In short, unbelievably well crafted and well presented.
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A Masterpiece!
15 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure how this can be topped: most people will already know the story, so the movie has the task of keeping interest and building tension without cheap tricks and manipulative gimmicks. The story and conflict is multi-leveled, and must be developed while building tension. Hanks gives the performance of a lifetime. The visuals must give us a feel for the vastness of the ocean, the immenseness of a cargo ship, the majesty of our overpowering Navy, danger and desperation, yet successfully play small ball with a cramped lifeboat and villains from another culture. Some say there are better movies, but I'll bet those movies started with a clean slate. Keeping the tension and interest at a high level throughout, and Hanks' 2nd half presentation of a desperate man--and his nuanced yet believable 'breakdown' scene--make this worthy of 10 stars to me. This was a real group effort, from screenwriters, actors, directors, and cinematographers. Other movies can be AS good, but none can top this.
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Unbelievable, unrealistic, unnecessarily complicated
28 October 2012
Saw this with wife (over 55y/o) and son (29); Nobody liked it or found the main character remotely likable. The acting is first rate, however. I couldn't take any more of the unbelievable plot--including a wiseacre kid able to deftly take on all adults in any situation--and so I bailed w/15 mins left but got the rest of the story from here & the rest of the family. The awards & nominations seem typical of a Hollywood mindset that thinks it's artsy to immerse yourself in dysfunctional characters doing totally improbable things (Grandma keeps a walkie talkie on all night for when her grandson calls to chat...seriously?), and inexplicably keeping secrets from family....? Some devices that drive the plot were never explained--too many McGuffins for me. Movies about characters with serious flaws--but in a more rational world-- include "A Beautiful Mind," Cher's "Mask," "Spanking the Monkey" (which does get 'out there' but in context is believable), and Nichols' "Ordinary People."

Star power doesn't fog my thinking, and rabid supporters of this movie who want to refer to the book are trying to go outside the box to compensate for deficiencies in this movie.
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Excellent presentation....a stand-alone masterpiece (Part I)
27 December 2011
(Only Part I was avail.). Well acted, quickly moving, great special effects, and compelling visually(which enhances rather than smothers the re-creation). Ten stars from me because the first minutes of the film used TODAY'S conflicts to make it immediately relevant! This got great reviews from the wife and 29y/o son as well--neither read the book. I do NOT subscribe to the philosophy, but LOVE think-pieces, relish opposing thoughts, and am not an ideological jihadist. Having read the book, I appreciated the difficulty in trying to present this accurately. I think it would help to have read the book, but my wife hadn't and needed little explanation. The book was so rich in character and plot that I literally could NOT put it down. Part I is very much like that, even though I disagree with Rand's philosophy!I think many of the extremely negative reviews are judging Rand instead of the movie.
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