
2 Reviews
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"Goodnight Burbank" is HILARIOUS.
16 August 2011
I can't say enough good things about "Goodnight Burbank"-it's just friggin' HILARIOUS. It was genius from the start & it's still great stuff. I give Goodnight Burbank a 10 out of 10. Obviously you know the premise-during the taping of one's local television news show, the Newscasters "go to" the Field Reporters, the Cub-Reporter, the Weather-Guy/Gal", the "Fashion report segment", the "Entertainment segment", etc. While that segment's announcer/report is reporting we go back to the Newcasters as they yap w/one another about this & that-and it's friggin' HILARIOUS!! Once the Field Reporter/segment Host/Hostess is done, the News goes back to the Newcasters "live" & they pop back into professional newscaster mode to wrap up the show.

It's comedy gold! I'm right about this!

Adam in Huntington Beach, CA : )
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This show's HILARIOUS!
3 January 2010
This show is HILARIOUS! Sit down & watch it with a youngster & laugh your butts off! Even as an adult I think this show's hilarious!

It's harmless, good natured, & fun. It was the '80's! Enjoy! Great chemistry between Bo & Abe, the supporting cast members are polarized, well defined characters. Listen, it was a simpler time, so...enjoy! :)

The actors-they're cool celebrities too, not arrogant or stuck up or anything either! You can even join the Facebook group for "They Came from Outer Space.

I'd sit down & watch this anytime & laugh! I'll take the boxed set for Xmas! (hint hint!)

Adam! :)
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