3 Reviews
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And just like that ... The let down
4 July 2023
What has happened to Cynthia Nixon and Kristen Davis !?! Their acting has gone to a realm of characachure. In Sex and the City , they had strength and character, now in the , I can't even call it the reboot ....they're weak and fake !?! Why ? How did anyone see these string characters turn into these befuddled messes and say Yes. That's Great ?!?!? SMDH Such a let down. I expected so much more from this. I can't continue watching, it's unbearable and frustrating. Women of strength in their 30's don't all if a sudden turn into stamering idiots in their 50's if anything they get more confident not less. This show must view aging as weakening and it's anything but that. Please let this be the last season and let it go.
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Unexpected gratification
6 January 2021
When you enter into this film , you might possibly have one expectation. Silly with a side of laughs. What you get is so much more. So many more layers. And in the end , a very satisfying experience. More than I had hoped for in this. I'm truly grateful I gave it a chance and thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
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No Tomorrow (2016–2017)
Praying for a second season circa Netflix
3 December 2018
Ok how is this show not going 10 seasons ?!? The casting in this was spot on , as perky as Evie is , I surprisingly don't hate her. She pulls it off and is charming as Hell. Xavier is breathtakingly gorgeous, but doesn't float by on his loooks. He's charming as they get too , but not in a cheesy way. I'm way digging the direction they take are taking things. Hoping Netflix gives them a chance at a second chance and a second season or more.
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