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Love's Portrait (2022 TV Movie)
Beautiful Romantic Movie
13 January 2024
I enjoyed the movie a lot and everything about it - the interesting romantic plot, the talented and handsome actors and the beautiful scenery. It is about the idea of soulmates, do they exists and seeing your soulmate in your dreams. I loved this idea, because like William, who saw Lily in his dreams and painted a portrait of her before they met, I "saw" my sweetheart a long time before we met. However, I described him in detailed writing and even described one of our trips, which would take place eight years after I wrote about it. I was wondering, is this random. How can it happen, but perhaps we are true soulmates.

I love the idea in the movie that if you meet your soulmate, you can't let them get away, and you have to do something to make your dream a reality. Lily and William almost missed each other. What happens, how your dreams correspond to reality is up to you.

I would highly recommend this movie!
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Beautiful Movie About Caring for Roses and People
10 March 2023
I loved this movie! The story is touching. It shows the struggle of a woman, daughter of a rose maker to keep her father's rose growing business by herself and her assistant Vera. They hire three inexperienced workers to help selectively breed and grow roses and train them in this art and profession. Eve is very determined to outwin the coopetition and at first resorts to a tactic that is not very honest. This approach does not produced the desired roses, maybe as result of karma. However, the workers that Vera has hired accidentally achieve breeding of beautiful and fragrant roses.

The movie shows how roses and people need care, attention and love, and appreciation of their unique qualities. It takes time, perseverance and patience and depends on external factors beyond one's control. Growing of beautiful roses is not an easy job, but their beauty and fragrance bring happiness to people, and growing them gives livelihood and meaning.

Besides having a very interesting plot, the movie was visually beautiful with many roses and the actors were great.
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Déjà Vu (1997)
Love Means Following Your Heart
6 January 2023
Wonderful and very romantic movie that Amazon Prime Video recommended to me! The main idea of the movie is that if two people are destined to be together, there are multiple signs in their life that show they should be together. Even if they try not to be together and fight their attraction to each other (for example if they are in relationships with other people) fate will bring them together!

Dana is engaged and meets Sean who is married. Their attraction is instant, they fight it and fate keeps bringing them together. The movie is set in Jerusalem, Dover, UK, London, UK, Paris and L. A.

I liked the plot and the actors a lot. Vanessa Redgrave says something interesting to Dana who is wondering what to do with her feelings for Sean: "If you really want something and fate presents it to you, this means it's yours and you should take it. Otherwise, it wouldn't be presented to you. This is living"

I also liked the movie, because it's like virtual traveling and seeing distant places.

The message is that if you sense an instant strong romantic connection with someone and they feel it, too, you should look deeper to discover that there are many things connecting you!

Delighful ending, in my opinion and nice music.
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Interesting romantic sequel
7 November 2022
Like the previous 3 movies from the After series, I liked this movie a lot! I liked it more than the third movie. The actors are great and the story is very interesting! The reason I gave the movie 9 starts instead of 10 is because I didn't like the language of the main characters. But perhaps it had to fit the characters. Hardin and Tessa have gone through a lot and the development in their romance and relationship was very interesting. Although they have issues, they try to support each other in difficult times. I am looking forward to the 5th movie. Amazing cinematography, because I read that the movie is filmed in Bulgaria, but the plot takes place in Seattle, London and New York city.
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Delightful romcom
4 September 2022
Wonderful contemporary version of Persuasion. The story is very interesting. Although it borrows a lot of elements from the original Persuasion, it has many novel plot twists. The actors are excellent and very funny. The idea is that true love doesn't fade easily and if someone wants to be with their loved one, they will make it clear. Sometimes it's safer to play games and not reveal your true feelings but only being truthful wins in love. Another idea is that in matters of personal decisions and love, it is best to listen to your heart and disregard the advice of parents, relatives and friends, if you would like to be happy. Lastly, that true love always wins. It's great to work with friendly and supportive colleagues who can even become your friends.

I liked that the movie is set in New York city and the actors have nice outfits.
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Movie About the Power of Love
9 January 2022
I thought the movie was very meaningful with excellent actors and an engaging plot, and therefore I was happy I watched it. The music and songs are wonderful. It was, however, somewhat difficult to watch at time due to the pain and suffering the characters are going through, some of it cause by their own self-destructive behaviors. I was going to give up watching it however am glad I watched it till the end.

The movie is about a famous Pulitzer Prize winning author, Jake Davis, and his little daughter, Katie, who in the course of the movie is shown as a grown up young adult woman studying psychology. Jake looses his wife in a car accident and is left to take care of his daughter by himself. He loves her very much and tries hard to be a good father. However, he has mental illness and develops serious seizures after the car accident, which prevent him from writing well in the beginning. He has to go to a psychiatric hospital for treatment for a long time and leaves his daughter with her wealthy aunt and uncle in Westchester, NY.

The movie is about the struggles of Jake to take care of his daughter Katie well and write when he comes out from the psychiatric hospital and the life of Katie as a young woman, a student in psychology. Katie works as a social worker with a young girl, Lucy, who has also lost her mother and doesn't speak, and makes great progress and connection with the girl. However, Katie struggles in her personal life and has self-destructive tendencies with inability to feel love, due to the loss of he Mom and later the struggles with her Dad's condition. She tells her boyfriend Cameron that she prefers to go out by herself, because it is a lot easier.

Jake David writes a book based on his life with Katie "Fathers and Daughters" which gains great success. Katie tells Lucy that the message of the book is to never give up. She tells her that life can sometimes be challenging, unfair and painful and you always have to look forward with hope. I think this movie would be excellent for psychiatry or psychology trainees, such a resident movie night.
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Beautiful musical romantic film
3 January 2022
One of the most unique and beautiful movies I decided to watch it because it is a musical and on the list of BBC Culture Greatest Foreign Films of all time.

The love story between a young couple is beautiful and shows how sometimes life takes unexpected turns. There is another love story later in the movie which is just as touching! The actors are wonderful. I loved the beautiful outfits and hairstyles of the women. In my opinion, in this movie the characters meet the challenges they encounter in life with grace. I wish there are more movies like this one made now.

I would highly recommend this movie!
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Beautiful romantic period movie
1 January 2022
A beautiful movie about the romantic relationship of Charles Dickens with Nellie Ternan. We watched this movie for New Year's Eve, 2022, and now I want to read the book the movie is based on.

The story is wonderful, the actors are great, and the movie is very engaging! The costumes of the women, hair and makeup, and the nature scenes are beautiful.

The movie treats the subject of marriage, and romantic love. Although set at a different time period, most of the issues surrounding love and relationships are timeless. .Interestingly, Nellie at first is disturbed and offended by a couple that love each other and live together out of marriage, but later is involved in a long-term romantic relationship with Charles Dickens. They understand and love each other and she inspires his writing.

A very interesting idea is presented in the movie that the complicated life that Dickens has lived has made him the great author he is. A church pastor tells Nellie "I have lived my life in the pages of those novels (referring to the novels of Dickens). I should not have expected the author to have lived so quiet a life."
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The High Note (2020)
Delighful romantic and uplifting movie
27 December 2021
I decided to see this movie, because it is about music (which I love) and I like the actors. Wonderful movie and wonderful acting! It is interesting and keeps you guessing what will happen next. I liked that it presents hurdles and setbacks, which both young and mature women face in the professional sphere. Even if the issues are about making music, singing and producing, in my view they can apply to other professions such as science. Young women have difficulties being accepted and working on assignments they want, even if they are talented and have ideas, because they are not established yet. As for mature women, they face ageism. The notion that trust is important in professional relationships is also presented. I liked the idea that it is a small world and perhaps people don't meet by coincidence, but are somehow placed in each others path to help reach their dreams. Of course, these are just my opinions. I was searching for a new romantic movie and am happy I watched this movie. I would highly recommend it.
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Wonderful Romantic Movie
11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was attracted to this movie because is is about Versailles, gardens, flowers and love. Also, it has excellent actors.

In my opinion, the movie was very interesting and would highly recommend it! The story is engaging and I loved the costumes and acting! It has a happy ending, which I like. The music is wonderful.

Some thoughts and lessons from the movie, in my view are that you can do the wrong thing for the right reasons; that marriage is not a guarantee for happiness and love; that you can find your calling and happiness in different ways, if you search for this; you may be going though difficulties and think you are alone, but if you reach out to others, you will find that you are not alone and that other people's stories may be surprisingly similar; and that you will find happiness through devoted and honest work, even if it may not always be easy.
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