
16 Reviews
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Sugar me
16 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
An Alien parasite takes over Candy Stripers and Nurses in a Hospital increasing their sex drive (and cravings for sugar), then using the screwed males as cocooned hosts for their unborn slimy babies. It's up to a few high school friends to save the day, however, only the sweetest girl of the bunch who happens to have diabetes seems to know how to stop this erotic but deadly alien Invasion. Glossy Z-film that reminded me of Decoys minus silly humor. Not saying Candy Stripers is without goofy moments but sadly it ain't necessarily the better movie either. Not bad enough to dismiss, not good enough to praise. It won't hurt to rent and watch once - unless you can find better movies with a similar theme.
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First-Ever Wellness Slasher
17 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Student Leslie escapes from her abusive boyfriend to spent her summer vacation in a cabin at Lake Tenkiller with her best friend Janna. Upon arrival Leslie is immediately drawn into the relaxing environment with a little help from Janna, who constantly reminds Leslie to take it easy. In between napping, resting and sleeping in late both girls find the time to flirt with mystery hunk Tor who appears to show interest in Leslie. When threatening phone calls interrupt the girls dreamy vacation things turn from sweet to sour: a killer is on the loose and soon enough the two Students are in mortal danger. Cheesy but charming mid-80s direct-to-video Z-grade slow burning slasher that is impossible to hate. Dumb but sympathetic characters, soothing Casio soundtrack, brief nudity and gore, one nightmare and one hell of an ending. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the ride, because Terror at Tenkiller will be the highlight of your bad movie night. I'll promise.
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Nashville this is not
26 August 2008
I don't think that ^^ was a spoiler. What we have here is an ensemble of colorful characters bound to a filthy and run-down C&W night club/bar. Basically everyone is trying to make it, as in having sex or to get a whiff of success. There's the struggling blonde ex-stripper trying to impress audience with her singing voice rather than her hot assets. There is a bit of sub-plot about rivaling stunt men and guys cheating on their girlfriends. Between singing on the stage we get a slow-mo brawl and a mechanic screwing a slut. Low budget drama with shades of comedy and action that feels and smells like a poorly done Crown International imitation. Which it is. Kind of enjoyable with a few beers and a soft spot for bad country songs.
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Mummy Maniac (2007 Video)
13 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a murder case that took place in New York in October 2005, where a bouncer killed a young woman and wrapped her head in gauze. Mummy Maniac expands said case into a 80 minutes serial killer torture thriller. Some young, big and fat cop is controlled by his domineering mother who tells him what to do or not. Most of his time is spend on a roof top where he is on the lookout for new victims. Once chosen, they are "arrested" and then thrown into a truck and then hauled to some abandoned building/apartment. 'Maniac Cop' has a small dark room with a chair and a few tools hanging on the wall. Plus a mirror in which the reflection of his mother appears from time to time, watching his son killing women. The victims are usually questioned first ("What's your name?", "When was the last time you had sex?", "Do you like my tools?") then are slapped on the hand ("Ouch!") followed by pointing a pistol in their face. After pleading for their lives they usually get strangled. Once dead the head gets bandaged and then mutilated with an axe, saw, pick-axe, knife or drill. Cop disposes the body and then he's off to find his next victim.

Garbage. Avoid.
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Big Bad Wolf (2006)
Shape-Shifting cheese but lots of fun!
10 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In the deepest jungles of Africa soldiers are being torn apart by an unseen foe. Heads roll and limbs fly! Seven years later we witness a group of friends getting ready to spend a weekend at a remote cabin in the mountains. What should have been a fun getaway turns into a howling night of terror. Bite me! Lance W. Dreesen's lycanthropical fable is quite amusing that doesn't take itself too seriously. The action is tight (when needed) and the gore supplies. Notes should also go to Richard Tyson for playing the sleazy and violent. One can easily see he had fun with his part, but he should definitely work on those one-liners. Rating this 8/10 because I had a good time watching.
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God Bless Loch Ness
1 December 2006
If it wasn't for Loch Ness we would never see such corny delights about Nessie. Larry Buchanan's take on this Scottish legend is quite entertaining at times as movies about monsters made of plastic can be. The fake is hilarious, the fake Scottish accents are funny. The kill-scenes cracked me up. I also loved the fact that there were more American tourists and Nessie-hunters from Houston, Tx invading Loch Ness then actual locals living there. Still, this film never reaches the cheesy heights the classic trailer promises. Not a total loss though, makes a cool double feature along with THE CRATER LAKE MONSTER (1977).
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Last Suck On Dull Street
26 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Makes one wonder in what century this movie is suppose to take place as we see people wearing white blouses, white and weird-shaped dresses and bonnets ... a women gets killed by her husband because of their, um, crazy son? I'm guessing because I dozed off a minute or two. The murdered woman returns speaking directly into the camera narrating the entire movie. We see a young married couple holding hands skipping through fields and forests and sharing an apple for lunch. Later the woman is tied and tortured by the same guy. She escapes and kills him with an axe and yells ... something. We see a close-up of a birds nest with red pulsating meat inside which transforms into a man. Woman & man hold hands skipping through fields and forests. The End. Suck. Suck. Suck. Why must most Indie Horror suck? I mean, they get the gore right but the rest is dressed in artsy fartsy boredom. I'm surprised my brain did not explode but damn - talk about suck, dull and boring. Gets my vote for worst film I watched this year. Here are crimes LAST HOUSE ON HELL STREET committed: #10 BORING. Don't try to pass your film as art because HELLO! it's not. You are NOT David Lynch. But if you must insist to be "different" PLEASE make it somewhat enjoyable. #9 DUCKS. Symbolism for Married Bliss. Nice try. Since I don't believe in marriage footage of a sitting duck just annoyed me even more. #8 NATURE-FOOTAGE. Yes! do I ever love seeing footage of trees, branches and twigs! Mother nature is so exciting. #7 SOUNDS OF SILENCE. When people's lips move but there's no sound they A: have nothing important to say or B: the sound-editor screwed up or C: it was intentional. Which is even worse. #6 UPSIDE DOWN FOOTAGE. Just another lame attempt to pass as art. #5 REVERSAL FOOTAGE. See #6 #4 WHERE THE HOUSE HAS NO STREET. Not trying to nitpick but since this movie is called LAST HOUSE ON HELL STREET where's the street? #3 REVERSAL FOOTAGE ... AGAIN. We do get to see one scene three times even. What gives? Not a good scene either. #2 SCHMACK VIRGIN. No, I'm not cussing. That's the name of the lead actor. #1 JOHN SPECHT. Guilty as charged.
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Not so bad ...
26 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
... and not so good either. I'm giving this 5/10 because it had good bad parts and bad bad parts. There is some obvious suck but some of the cheese works. The fact that most actors in this shot-on-video movie look nothing like actors, is a great bonus and gives one much opportunities to mock 'em. Of course the "acting" is stiff/mechanical/bad and some of the lines they say are just (unintentional) amusing. I did enjoy the mashed potatoes they used for puking and other effects though. All this add up for fun enjoyment but as I said before, there is also unfunny badness so rent/watch with caution.
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Dull Force
12 November 2006
Well, this is what you get for fishing movies out of the bin. I didn't pay much for the DVD so I guess no real harm was done. I kind of had (high) hopes when I purchased this disc because the movie had Michael Rooker and Robert Patrick in it. I mean, how bad can it be with those two together in one movie? Sadly neither Michael Rooker or Robert Patrick could save this extremely dull and boring film. Watching this I felt like doing something useful, like, jump out of my bed and do a few sit-ups or something. Yep, that's how boring ROGUE FORCE was. On the plus side, ROGUE FORCE looks decent for a movie of this type and one can see that technically some effort went into it. However, it's lacking heart and soul and that's a serious cinematic crime and a big no-no. Final verdict: not worthy.
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Blood Shack (1971)
14 October 2006
This film is indeed awful and the cheese kind of stinks. Still, I find myself watching BLOOD SHACK/THE CHOOPER at least once a year. I'm no masochist who likes to punish himself with bad movies but yet I still find this lousy Ray Dennis Steckler wreck hard to resist. Must be Carolyn Brandt's kooky inner monologues or the ridiculous rodeo stock footage they added to stretch the movie. Whatever it is, it's worth making fun of because this movie offers plenty ... but bad cinema lovers beware - BLOOD SHACK/THE CHOOPER is not your typical so-bad-so-good movie. This one requires time and attention (check out the Joe Bob Briggs commentary on the Media Blasters DVD). Once it has grown on you it will be a lot easier to 'enjoy' the badness.
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Tales from the Grave (2003 Video)
Tales From The Dumb
4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
With all the recent remakes of horror movies lately why not continue that trend in the shot-on-video department? Tales From The Grave is such a case. Four "chilling" tales of "terror" that remakes, errr, rips off Tales From The Crypt. They even have their own version of the Crypt Keeper - hidden in the dark because they didn't have enough money for a puppet I assume. Anyway, this wit-lacking crappy crypt-keeper introduces us to the first tale about two boys planning to scare some local nut case living in the woods. Before you can say "Blair Witch Project" we get some awfully bad ghetto-style "rap" music with white "hood" boyz playing basketball. Hilarious. Tale two tells the story of Joe Estevez facing his fears in a cabin (?). It's basically a re-telling of "Evil Dead" and "Evil Dead 2" minus suspense, atmosphere, special effects and what not. However, if you listen closely you'll hear the sound of wind that suppose blowing outside the cabin. I guess I don't have to point out that Joe Estevez is no Bruce Campbell and Stephanie Beaton, no matter how lovely she might be, is not Sam Raimi. Mr. Estevez fighting an orange did tickle my funny bone though. Tale three is about people trapped in some sort of house that's suppose to be a maze ("Cube", anyone?) and the final story, which is no doubt the best one, only runs about 5 minutes. So much for originality.

As crappy as this anthology might be I'd still recommend checking out if you get a kick out of unintentional humor. I was amused at times but bored as well. An unsatisfying blend, that.
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The Vulture's Eye (2004 Video)
When death starts to suck, you're watching The Vulture's Eye.
9 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Ummmm this was awful, horrible, lame, dull. Might wanna add boring as well. The Vulture's Eye is a re-telling of Bram Stoker's Dracula. Shot-on-video, this crappy rip-off starts off promising as we get to see a pair of naked feet soaked in blood shuffling around in the wilderness of "Africa", accompanied by the disturbing sound of flies buzzing. After that this film went downhill real quick: There's this rich chick named Lucy who owns a farm and a few horses. She says "Peachy" a lot and has a friend who goes by the name of Mina. Mina has a fiancé in Africa who met some old guy with bad skin and a bad German accent. Blah blah blah - the fiancé returns home and so does the old geezer. Everyone gets bitten and they all act like zombified vampires. Just re-telling the plot gave me another headache so I'll stop because it's not really worth it. Watch Coppolas' Dracula instead.
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Jack O'Boring
4 March 2006
Tiresome, done a million times before boring direct-to-video horror yarn, from Lions Gate endless vaults of crappy fright flicks. This one takes place on Halloween and tells some sort of revenge story with a supernatural twist. Blah! Before you can say "I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), because that's when you guys blatantly ripped off Pumkinhead's (1989) plot line!" you'll also notice they stole from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and Halloween (1978) as well. Not in a good way I might add: A snooze-inducing patchwork wanna-be terror tale that is neither scary, entertaining and far from being original. The badness of this movie simply sucks, leaving no room for making fun of it. Jack O'Lantern is just another sad example of cheese gone sour, with no redeeming whatsoever. Do yourself a favor and look for cheese with flavor. This one won't deliver.
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Rise of the Undead (2005 Video)
This cheese stinks!
7 September 2005
Hey, I'm a fan of so-bad-so-good movies but there's nothing so-bad-so-good about Rise Of The Undead. It's just so-bad and that's it. No redeeming cheese, no unintentional humor, nothing! - boring apocalyptic Zombie (The "Undead" : a few people with hardly any make up) nonsense with lame special effects (if you can call those effects), dumb plot and annoying actors. They also have the nerve to rip off and quote from other (better) movies (Resident Evil, Dawn Of The Dead & Night Of The Comet) and managed to put me to sleep on the side. However, it was Rise Of My Eyelids once the end credits rolled though. My advice: save your money. It's not even worth a rental, unless you want to p*ss off and/or put some people to sleep then go ahead and give it a spin. You've been warned ;)
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Camp Blood (2000 Video)
For Bad Cinema lovers only
14 May 2005
I'm giving this a '8' rating because Camp Blood is hilarious, in an unintentional way of course. This film might suck for the 'serious' mainstream horror crowd, but if you're a fan of so-bad-so-'entertaining' movies Camp Blood surely delivers on most accounts. It starts off pretty good (in a bad way) as you get you're typical slasher clichéd set up served with an outdoors sex scene (including looped footage) followed by a cheesy double murder. After that we are introduced to the main players of this epic, and the film actually gears down a few notches ... However, it's still pretty amusing because one of the actors has a habit of spitting out bad language by the minute, plus you get Thatcher! Thatcher is a riot but I won't say more ... see and believe! The film picks up in the final 20-30 minutes with an onslaught of goofy (not intended of course) over-the-top slasher-action that made me laugh so hard I was still hurting the next day.

Camp Blood may not be as classy as Troll 2 or A Night To Dismember but still worthy tracking down if you're into that kind of stuff.
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Invitation (2003 Video)
Cheap Thrills
9 May 2005
Dimestore supernatural "revenge" flick that rips off The Shining, Stir Of Echoes, Blair Witch 2 and Sleepaway Camp 3. Even though Invitation was shot on video, but editing and sound effects are extremely well done. I guess that is where all the money went ... Oh yeah ... what else has this film to offer? There's some brief nudity but not much gore. Acting is kind of lame but not really bad enough to make fun of. You also get one or two attempts of a jump scare and one death scene that stands out (more or less), which was stolen from Sleepaway Camp 3.

A little more entertaining cheese and blood and Invitation would have been much more fun to watch.
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