
6 Reviews
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Horror? or Romance?
31 January 2002
The Army is testing the chemical from the first 2 movies out on the dead. Trying to create an unstoppable biological weapon. Unfortunately 2 kids enter the facility to discover its horrible secret. Later one dies in a motor bike accident, so the smart boyfriend takes the `love of his life' to the facility and exposes her to the chemical with interesting results.

Gory with a fascinating plot, yet at some points boring with too much nudity and romance. A 5/10.
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Army intelligence
31 January 2002
A careless Army officer whilst driving his cargo to a new location, (unknown to him) accidentally looses one of his canisters. A few days later a few children stumble across it. They open it unleashing a mysterious fog, which engulfs the nearby cemetery. This action revives the dead creating Zombies. Naturally they go for a walk searching for their favourite snack, Brains.

A fantastic B-grade film, with all the charm and grace of a true black Comedy. Humorous in the sickest of ways. And at least the army didn't react in the same way as they did in the first. I love this film (though not to the extent of Re-animator). Deserves a 8/10.
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way to go!
31 January 2002
The plot basically tells of a group of zombies risen from the dead by a mysterious virus. This is caused by a team of men trying to protect a business by burning an infected Re-animated corpse, in a crematorian.

Having seen part 2 & 3, I was disappointed when I saw the original. Keeping in mind the first part is always the best, not so in this case. The ending was a real let down, yet a typical military reaction. A black comedy, more so black. At times there were bits of humour seeping through the plot and if you have seen part 2, you will notice two cloned main characters.

However, what the original lacked the second part made up for. The films music scores were interesting and the graphics were B-grade. But, if I saw a copy for sale I would buy it. A movie worthy of 6/10.
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Combs Chin Horror
26 January 2002
A movie based on HP Lovecraft's fascination of the Necronomicon (The Book of dead names). It begins with HP (Jeffrey Combs [including, fake chin]) entering a library (belonging to an order/cult of monks). He goes into the forbidden section containing a certain book. Unknown to its keeper(s) HP opens the book obtaining inspiration from it's pages, then writes down the following stories: The Rats in the Walls, Cool Air and The Whisperer in Darkness. Which of course are shown graphically within the film.

A lovely and well-presented movie, though it reject's then places in certain details onto HP's stories. Jeffrey combs was the perfect candid for this film being a HP Diva. A definite 8/10
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Artistic Horror
24 January 2002
An Interesting film, beginning in the 1950's. A Cartoonist (Colin Childress) finds inspiration from a book of magic spells. Whilst creating his latest comic he accidentally unleashes a creature of pure evil created by his own imagination. Luckily the creature is slain but only at the cost of its creator.

30 years later a fan of the cartoonist (and his series Cellar Dweller) arrives at her idols cottage in the woods, to become part of a remote art community. She soon sets up a room in the basement. Later finding the same book Colin drew inspiration from, only to release the creature for the second time.

An awe-inspiring movie that can drag at times, most would lose interest. But at the end it does make one think. Ok graphics for the time and a wonderful performance enacted by Jeffrey Combs.
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Dead Fun (spoiler)
13 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting film based on the original short story by H.P. Lovecraft and the part one film adaptation. Herbert West returns this time to attempt to create the ultimate super human female, manipulating Dan along the way, with Mel's heart. Herbert disregard's god's flawed creations, allowing no one to stop him, not even the authorities. He kills the living, creating lab rats, to protect his twisted experiments. When he does obtain his goal a certain head gets in the way. Creative deserving a definite 10/10, the only flaw was the ending, though not enough to extract marks.
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