
13 Reviews
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Ted Lasso: Sunflowers (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
This is... Ted Lasso at its finest.
20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I would personally like to thank every single person that worked on this episode to the bottom of my heart. From the actors and writers to the editors and producers, i thank you deeply. Whilst this could by a negative person be considered a 'filler' episode, i could not disagree more. This episode has shown some serious bonding between Higgins and Will, Jamie and Roy, and most of all Colin and Trent. And then there are the great moments with the rest of the team not being able to figure out what to do. This show is about football, sure, but most of all its about the people in the team. How they live, bond, and grow as people and i feel like this episode is a great example of what makes this show as a whole amazing.

Also as a Dutchman that lives fairly close to Amsterdam, i think that the way they showed Amsterdam to be was great. I know a lot of people see it as purely a vacation destination with weed and prostitutes and we got that point of view with Zoreaux/Van Damme and i guess somewhat coach Beard, but i like that they showed different sides of our amazing city too. So again, i am very happy and grateful for the Ted Lasso team that made this episode. To me, this is the best episode so far. And for a show that is already as great as Ted Lasso, that's high praise.

P. S.

Not sure if i used high praise correctly, so go easy on me.
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Canada's Drag Race: Snatch Game (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
hold your horses...
5 November 2021
Okay, let's get this out of the way. Was the snatch game good? No. Was it bad? Kinda. It kind of sucks that there was no real comedy queen for this episode.but there have been far worse snatch games. Season 3, all stars 3 and every season of holland along with some more had snatch games were there was like one or two funny queens there. It wasn't that bad. The queens of this season are still amazing and the runway is pretty good.
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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: The Snatch Game (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
great!!!! up until the last 10 minutes.......
29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Snatch game was good. Ella and Kitty's snatch game's were iconic. Scarlett and Vanity were fine. The judging was kinda off.... first i think Choriza shouldn't have been in the bottom. Krystal should've been. Second of all river did better than Choriza by a long shot. Bad lipsync? Yes. Bad enough for a double shantay? Maybe. Runway was pretty bad. But Ella did amazing overall. So not bad. Not great. I'll miss Choriza and River a lot. 😢
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Canada's Drag Race: Screech (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
great episode....
29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The acting challenge was funny, better than most since most of the time they are more cringy than anything else. But it got some great laughs out of me. The runway was fine, not as good as last episodes but good nonetheless. Adriana slayed this episode. She was really funny and while i could see why people think Eve should've won cause she did great too, she's just lacking confidence and Adriana got the most laughs out of me. Great lipsyncs so far. I hope they keep it up. While it is sad to see Stephanie go so early, it was a fair choice. Both her and Synthia did great in the lipsync. Great episode, judging and season overall so far.😁
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Canada's Drag Race: Under the Big Top (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was so fun. The mini-challenge was hilarious. I mean, Stephanie damn, was not expecting that. Oceané was hilarious too. We got to know the queens pretty well this episode. And the rusical was so fantastic. Literally half the cast did great. And the runway, OMG. I was gagging the whole time. The winner was completely fair and while i would've put Suki in the bottom instead of Oceané (cause while her performance was messy, it was for sure out of the three comedy clowns the funniest and they're playing clowns so isn't that what really matters.) they gave us both a killer lipsync. I get why the chose Icesis above Oceané, but i will genuinely miss her. She was the true hart of the season and i pray that she gets miss Congeniality. Great Rusical. Great episode.

P. S. Why are the episodes ratings so low? Are people still mad about S1 and Jeffrey and Jimbo? Jeffrey's gone, Jimbo's not here, get over it. This is truly an amazing season already and it deserves some credit for it.

P. P. S. The judging has improved so much. Brooke Lynn is a lot nicer and looks gorgeous. Brad is really giving me Ross/Carson vibes cause he gives great advice and critiques. Amanda is good to and i'm so happy Tracy is a judge now. They really listened to the fan's feedback.
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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: Great Outdoors (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
great episode
9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The mini challenge was fun, do think kitty and Scarlett both were hilarious. The maxi challenge was what you'd expect from a design challenge. The only problem i do have with the challenge is the judging. I do think Scarlett deserved the win, she looked gorgeous and something doesn't have to be over the top to look good or in her case incredible. And Vanity and Veronica were the correct bottom 2. But Charity did deserve a high placement. Her first look, while not fitting the category, was great and her second look was great too. Not as good as Scarlett but still. And Choriza did not deserve to be low. Was her first look weird?yes.was i into it?yes.

For the rest great episode.
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Truly touching.....
8 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Genuinely best episode of the season so far. The mini challenge was amazing. Re-officiating one of the first gay couples to have gotten married ever. Since the Netherlands was the first country to legalize gay marriage in the world. The stories that the queens told in the werk-room about their loved ones were incredible. Most of them actually got me tearing up. The runway was great a lot of great looks. I do still have problem with the favouring of Vivaldi, who should've been in the bottom instead of both the countess and my little puny and shoud've gone home against Tabitha(who killed this lip-sync btw...). Best lipsync in the season yet. The right queen (of the ones lipsyncing) went home. And Vanessa deserved her win completely. Amazing episode. Can't say anything else about it.
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i get it, but still......
2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Look, i love Kylie. She is an amazing queen, but it genuinely feels like she just won because they wanted to have a trans winner. If she would've had the best track record i would've loved for her to win. But both rajah and ginger had a better track record than her. I feel like they just gave her the win so people will forget about Ru's past comments about trans people. I want a trans queen to win because they did the best, not just because of representation issues. For the rest the episode was kind of boring. The song was fine, but it wasn't iconic like read u wrote u or kitty girl. The final lipsync was a little all over the place. Dissapointing finale, with an undeserving winner.
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Drag Race Holland: Cinderella in Mokum (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
just a couple things....
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the episode was fun. The queens have a great chemistry with eachother. And eventhough the rusical was not as amazing as the one from holland S1 (which is in my opinion the best rusical ever) it was still a really great rusical. But there was definitely a lot of rigging going on. First of all i think that some parts were definitely bigger than others(which is just unfair to the queens), there is the blatant rigging towards Vivaldi (again). She did after the countess the worst in the rusical and her runway didn't fit the category whatsoever. And then there is the judges blatantly admitting that the person who lost the lip-sync got to stay simply due to track record. But i will say My Little Puny deserved the win. She killed it. And (besides the judging AGAIN) it was a pretty good episode.
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this is garbage mama.
30 August 2021
I love Bob, but why is he on this garbage show? Lilly is just not funny, and i guess thats also the writers fault because their comedy sketches suck in general. And her monologue's are the cringiest thing i've ever seen. Your not an actual comedian. Don't pretend to be one.
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Drag Race Holland: Ooh, I Got Sunburned! (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
great episode
28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have much to critique here. It was a great episode. We got to know more about the queens. I'm in love with Love Masisi and the runway was (for a design challenge) pretty good. I think most all non all-stars seasons should have a design challenge in the beginning, since with design challenges there's more time in the werq-room so we get to know more about the queen's. And i think they did a great job with it. The only reason i'm not giving it a 10 is cause i thought the judging was a little of. The countess did deserve her win and the bottom three were correct but love masisi and vivaldi did not deserve to be in the top. This is only the first major rigging towards vivaldi. Just watch episode three, but im getting of topic. Besides some judging decisions amazing episode.
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Drag Race Holland: Icons Only (Snatch Game) (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was up until the last 15 minutes great, the mini-challenge was really funny, the snatch game was a huge improvement over the last one(which isn't saying much) but it was still really good and the runways were (almost) all amazing. But Vivaldi did not deserve that win, they should've either given the win to only Keta Minaj or even My Little Puny Or Tabitha. Because they were the only ones wo were actually funny. And this isn't just opinion. Fred laughed a total of two times at Vivaldi during snatch game, while he was laughing his ass off from almost every comment Tabitha, My Little Puny and Keta Minaj made. Also i'm very confused how much the runway counts per episode. Because they used it to justify vivaldi's win, Tabitha being in the bottom when being hilarious and deserving at least high. That and Love Masisi was sent home. She was one of the fan favorites and in my opinion she won that lipsync. So this episode was rigga morris, girl.
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Drag Race Holland: Who's That Queen? (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
not too bad.
6 August 2021
I thought it was not too bad, those runways i was living for. But i felt that the episode over all(while still pretty fun too watch) was just too short. I didnt feel anything for the queens yet. I think since there was both the introduction of the queens, the talent-show and the runway that i felt like there was not a lot of time for any of those three. Also the judging was a little too harsh. But the runway and talent show were really fun. I just hope in further episodes they'll focus more on the queens. Because i'd love to get to know more about them. I feel like the first episode in every drag race season should be a design challenge, so we get to see more of the queens and what their personalities are like. But i still can't wait to see more. Also dont hate on tabitha, she and vanessa literally had a heart to heart right after she said what she said.
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