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The studio paid attention to the audience!
11 April 2024
I am a fan of the Monsterverse. Having said that, I liked Godzilla (2014) over all the other films save Kong: Skull Island. After the last couple of films, I went in with lowered expectations for this. What I ended up viewing was an unexpected surprise.

The pacing is MUCH quicker in this movie. The monsters take up the majority of the screentime with minimal focus on the humans. This made a huge difference.

My main complaint with the film is a minor quibble of personal taste. I am a Godzilla fan over Kong. Kong is the focal point of the story, with Godzilla only showing up when necessary (this happens several times, mind you.) I also found the mystery kaiju baddie to be slightly lame, but when you see the last shot of Kong in the movie, the choice made sense.

I have seen the film twice. It did not grow stale on second viewing!
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Lights Out (I) (2024)
Another Grillo Classic
29 February 2024
Lights Out is another of the better straight-to-streaming titles to come out in the 2020s. There is good reason for this. These performers clearly enjoy putting in the training and physicality to do the trained mixed martial arts on-camera that you see in these films.

Grillo brings the heat when given good dialogue. Here is no different. The other actors all gave what I thought were passable performances for their character. It is always a pleasure to get a performance from Mekhi Phifer.

The fight scenes were filmed with finesse, These scenes proved to be the foundation of the movie. The scenes in between are standard for the story, though I would not say formulaic.

The story does get a bit convoluted at times. I also thought the ending was something taken from a different film. Let's be honest, though: you do not watch an action movie expecting the story to be better than the action scenes,

Overall, a winner. Lights Out is a gritty film that does not get dirty, like the bloody bare knuckles that are thrown in the on-screen brawls throughout!
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Bad City (2022)
Building on its foundations
18 January 2024
Bad City is fresh story of law vs lawlessness from Japan. The set-up involves a team of cops on a mission to break up a burgeoning partnership between the yakuza and a Korean crime syndicate. The film moves at a steady pace and has a flashy style and color scheme that will keep the viewer engaged.

The film's action is largely hand-to-hand. It should be said that this is NOT a martial arts film. Instead, the audience is immersed in wild group battles where fists fly and baseball bats crack! These sequences are plentiful but do not eclipse the story.

While the story plays by the numbers, there are enough interesting characters to keep you guessing. If you watch Japanese crime films or are just a fan of the John Wick franchise, this should be enjoyable.

If you come across this on streaming, give it a shot.
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A weird mix that might work for some
18 January 2024
I am a huge fan of small films. I seek out these titles and support them (paying viewer.) I also watched the director's previous feature Shadow Hours. That film stuck with me if only for its unusual themes.

Welcome to Redville is a difficult film to digest. I found myself wanting to turn off the television in frustration, but desiring to see the movie to its conclusion anyway. There are several reasons for this.

The film seems more concerned with immersing the viewer in its' odd small-town setting more than committing to an actual story. IT does succeed at this, though. The actors all do their job adequately, but the script does no one any favors. The soundtrack of the film often counteracts the specific tone of a scene, with strange circus-style tunes playing when serious emotional exchanges occur. The implausible story ultimately implodes on itself at the end, with the "twist" frustratingly arriving in the films final moments.

I will watch the director's next feature. I am sure the lead actors in the film all have great careers ahead of them. I am not rating this lower because it is clear that effort was put into this production.

I would recommend skipping this one unless you cannot find anything else streaming, or you want to play a drinking game with friends.
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Fled (1996)
Underrated 90s movie - not to be overanalyzed
18 January 2024
Fled (1996) is one of those movies many would label as "derivative." From 48 Hours to The Last Boy Scout, you will watch Fled and see themes from all of these movies. Having said this...

This movie hits all those beats with competence. The dialogue between Fishburne and Baldwin is elevated by moments of humor and film callbacks from Baldwin. The action scenes are complemented by accents like Fishburne's John Woo-style gunplay. The story is comfortably predictable with corrupt feds and the Cuban (?) mafia.

If you want some nostalgia for pumping soundtracks and the occasional offensive joke, then Fled will satisfy that thirst. Enjoy with some popcorn. Or a cocktail, if you are thirsty.
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One of the best samurai films of any era!
26 September 2023
This debut from Gosha is a masterpiece. It features all the tropes of the samurai stories. It has familiar film tropes as well (think westerns, for instance.) It has humor in spades.

As the camerawork goes, you see in these movies where the John Wick films may have gotten some of their inspiration. Longer shots with minimal edits allow the audience to enjoy swordplay between multiple attackers WHILE running. Wide shots of the rural landscape as well as the scenes by the river could be taken as stills for a photography class.

I am a big fan of samurai films. There are many out there that do not feature Toshiro Mifune that are of equal or higher caliber.

This film is one of those. See it the first chance you get!
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Best in the series for me!
21 September 2023
I enjoyed Murder on the Orient Express. I do not really remember Death on the Nile. A Haunting in Venice was delightful change of pace for me!

Sir Kenneth B. Continues to put his signature on the role of Poirot, punctuated with that tremendous mustache. The other actors all played their roles well. The actor playing the son was a particular stand-out.

I found this film to be much more engaging in part due to its horror aspects. These could be divisive elements for viewers, but I found them useful during the parts of the film where the dialogue can get slightly stuffy. The story itself is somewhat byzantine, but that is a standard for these films.

If you know what to expect, you will not be disappointed. A fine third part in the trilogy. Hopefully, there will be another film or two to come.
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Old-School Dude or "Geezer" Film
21 September 2023
I happened upon this movie by chance on Amazon late night recently. It is reminiscent of many of the small-scale British movies that came out in the 2000s. It does not have extravagant cinematography or anything extreme as far as sex or violence goes. Despite being unremarkable, this film still manages to be entertaining.

The two leads are well-cast and do the bulk of the acting in the movie. There is enough backstory provided for the audience to believe in the two leads. The villains of the movie who turn up at the bar are forgettable. The bar owner who dresses like a "Yank" had some good lines.

The fight scenes are very quick. They do happen with enough frequency to keep the viewer engaged with the story, though.

This is not a must-see film by any means. If you enjoy watching men be men on screen drinking, fighting and coming to terms with their mistakes in life, then this is a film for you.
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Ride Along (2014)
The formula works
17 July 2023
Let me be clear; there is nothing original in this movie. You have seen Hart play this character numerous times. Ice Cube plays the usual hardass bully. Sometimes it works (here) sometimes it does not (see Fist Fight.) All the action movie buddy cop high octane male bonding...you get the ideal.

But Hart and Cube are both talented and play with the script like the most adept thespians. Where most of the bits are recycled, introduction of gamer culture and false bravado add a layer of heart to the performances. The sequel is quite equal! If you go in expecting anything else the joke is on you. Enjoy!
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This was lacking
23 June 2023
Let me first state I am a fan of low budget and horror films. I did not go into this film expecting anything extraordinary. I see when people working on a project are putting their best effort into a final product.

This film was irksome to watch. You can complain about effects, violence and story but I overlooked all these things. What ruined the film for me was the writing. The script seemed like a parody of what these films normally have.

The characters are so poorly written that the actors cannot save them no matter the talent. The violence and terror are only a diversion for possibly the first half of the film after which whatever the film has it abandons. When your story is lacking, the violence is not justified and is therefore only exploitative (which I guess is maybe what the filmmakers wanted?

Unless you are a horror film addict, in which your will probably enjoy this more so, I cannot recommend.

I do look forward to seeing if the filmakers can improve with their next project.

I tried to enjoy this movie but a.
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As remakes go, this does it right!
23 June 2023
This is one of those films that has a simple goal to achieve, and does. There are enough plot changes from the original to keep the story fresh. There are a number of well known martials arts performers alongside ACTUAL MMA fighters to give the film a bit of street cred.

The fight scenes are solid. Cinematography was appropriate, with minimal editing mid-fight. The sunburnt color of the film is appropriate for the Thai setting. Also: props to the fight choreographers for including more actual Muay Thai techniques than in the original!

The actors all hit their marks as far as characters. Alain Moussi seems to be an issue for many of the reviewers. What I saw was a strong screen presence and what looked to be actual martial arts training. Dave Bautista was perfectly cast a Tong Po. The biggest miss for me was Van Damme's voice editing. This had to have been a post-production error.

Give it a watch and avoid the haters. No it will not win any awards but it is a concerted effort by a group of people who cared about the original. The final product is quite enjoyable!
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Constantine (2005)
Solid Keanu film
23 May 2023
I originally watched this as a younger person when it came out and thought it was slightly hokey but 100% watchable. I am not a fanboy of the graphic novels, so I was not invested in the details that the producers of the film changed. On rewatch, one appreciates the film for what it is; a popcorn film about the ongoing battle between good and evil.

Reeves as Constantine is...well, Reeves. Having said that, his character is 100% believable as an apathetic soul who is aware of what is going on around him. Weisz envelopes herself in her role. Peter Stormare is the stand-out who chews the screen in his limited time.

The cinematography and score all match the tone of the story. Washed out apartments and nighttime streets are never shot with such light that it becomes difficult to see what is going on. Narratively, the film is evenly paced and impressively edited.

If you have not seen this one, stream it one evening with the lights out like you would a horror film. It will meet your expectations, if not exceed them!
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One of my favorite films!
3 May 2023
I can gush on this movie all day, I believe an elaboration on my review title can best sum up my feelings: I watched this movie as a thirtysomething and had the same feelings you get when you watch a movie your really enjoy as a teenager.

This is not a perfect film. The plot is somewhat convoluted. The actions scenes while tremendous are sparing. However: anything this film lacks in a technical aspect, it makes up for in SPADES with character!

The cinematography, the dialogue and the plot are as cohesive as you will find in a film like this. All the hype around Vince Vaughn's acting in this movie is 100% justified. I cannot think of many roles he has taken since this that have been as antithetical to what he is known for.

The easiest way to to sum why this film works for me is that it gives the viewer a near-armchair view of the trial that is Bradley's life in this film.

Again this is going to be for a certain type of moviewatcher, but even if it is not your cup of tea the competency and passion that went into the movie will be evident. A must-see.
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Knuckledust (2020)
Simply bizarre
3 May 2023
I have read the previous reviews. While I get the hate, I have to say there was more talent on display here than is people are giving credit for. This is not cliched or low-effort. I found it to simply be strangely made.

The film has a number of good individual elements that are put at odds with one another. The story ebbs and flows between its B-movie violence and its melodramatic plot themes. The constant barrages of extreme color in the camerawork did not gel with the indie rock soundtrack that blared at times.

The actors were all committed to their roles. The problem is this does not save the film when it moves into more absurd elements.

I actually appreciate these films whether they work or not. Hollywood films are slammed for lack of originality. These movies help keep the other side of cinema alive. I look forward to the director's next effort.
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Knuckle City (2019)
Competently made boxing flick with heart
13 April 2023
As someone not familiar with African cinema but a true lover of boxing films, I had no idea what to expect when I began the film. I was pleasantly surprised with what I came away with.

The film's themes are largely well-trodden. Having said this, the actors commit the emotional depth needed for the drama. The archetypal roles manage to serve as a canvas to display the culture an setting of this area of South Africa.

The production values were solid. There was nice use of color with the cinematography. It is these small touches that help elevate the movie.

If you like boxing films and want a different flavor to your story, this film should satisfy. I look forward to seeing other films out of Africa and what they bring to the table.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Well-directed but ultimately a loss for me
11 April 2023
This film was competently made. It has depth. It has tight camerawork. It has some solid performances. My rating stems from the fact that this film (for me) was just not entertaining.

My issue is the characters. I know they are supposed to be unlikeable but there is nothing balancing that unlikability in the film. I found Gabi insufferable. Perhaps this was the point.

The sex and violence are graphic, but we have seen both done better in other films. They are necessary for the film's plot and themes, though.

I doubt I will watch this film again.

Despite this, I gave the film six stars for its originality. I am happy to watch any original film try and fail than watch a remake/sequel that never takes chances.
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Game of Death (1978)
Middle of the road viewer
6 October 2021
I watched this for the first time yesterday. That means I am not a die-hard worshipper of Bruce Lee. Having said that, I am die-hard martial arts fan and have seen a few of his previous films before. I watched this expecting a treat based on seeing the iconic yellow outfit on the cover.

What I got was confusing. I was unaware this was made after Lee passed, so seeing the multiple cuts utterly baffled me. After reading the reviews here, I thoroughly agree with this was a chop job.

What the audience is presented with is basically two solid martial arts sequences by Lee and rather relatively nonsensical story involving criminal organizations and pop singers.

The martial arts sequences alone are worth sitting through the film though. Lee represented as he did in all of his films. I do have to say I am surprised the yellow outfit ended up a part of Lee's iconography, given that the film was itself was so poor. I suppose that just speaks to how beloved he was.

Only a must see if you are a Bruce Lee fanatic. Otherwise, stick to his previous films.
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Solid film for fans of this genre
29 September 2021
I caught this on Prime. I am fan of films involving martial arts, and underdog stories (the two themes are often in the same fims.) I appreciate these films because they rely on talent, not budget.

The acting was solid. I have not seen Devon Sawa in anything as an adult. He flexed his acting muscles in his role.

The fight choreography was well done. Unfortunately, the editing is lacking as others here have commented. It takes away from the fight scenes significantly.

Overall, a strong film with heart. Enjoy it!
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A solid sequel
26 August 2021
I am a big fan of the original Don't Breathe. It had a huge amount of surprises up its sleeve for the audience. This sequel stays faithful to the original, although I may have missed how they tie this to the original. HAving said that, this did not distract me in the least from the finished product.

The gore is amped up in this one, as are the improbable story conceits. Without revealing the plot, I will say that the change they made to the blind man character definitely causes the movie to take a different path narratively, but it does not cause a contradiction with the story of the first film.

All the actors involved did a tremendous job. I especially thought the actors who played the "parent" characters were particularly great. The way they play the characters was camp but not unbelievable.

The film's cinematography is also a treat. If you have seen the first film, you know that these movies make great use of lighting. This one manages to use an array of color palettes for effect and it all works.

Bottom line: if you have seen the first film, you should definitely give this one a chance. I would not say it is better than the original, but it definitely holds its own, both against the orginal and as a horror film in general. If you have not, give this one a go. If you do like it, you will probably end up watching the original anyway just because they are so inventive.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
A absurdly torturous misfire by a filmaker with vision
13 August 2021
Let's start with the positive aspects of the film. Dafoe and Pattinson surely took these roles to chew scenery and flex their acting skill. They did. Eggers got the aesthetic right for what his story calls for, somewhere between the location and the camerawork.


On a basic level, I do not see the entertainment value in watching two men in isolation descend into madness. Adding binge drinking as a major element of a plot which is by no means complicated is just excessive.

Mechanically, the film relies on arthouse clichés. Moments of real tension are snuffed out with comedic lines. Sedentary shots of the characters looking into the camera carry on for too long. The script throws everything at the wall from 19th century quips and tantrums to full-on poetic curses that could have been taken from Classical literature.

It is a film that successfully puts upon the viewer the excruciating suffering that its characters endure over the course of the film.

If there is art I did not see it. If there was craft I could not grasp it. The horror was not scary. The humor was not funny. There seemed to be no method to its madness.

I heard another reviewer mention a relation to Greek mythology. I really could not be bothered to check it out because this film was THAT unpleasant.

I am writing this review after just finishing a second viewing thinking that maybe I missed something the first time. I enjoyed The VVitch and I generally enjoy A24's work of this nature. I will watch the director's next feature as I will take an original film any day over a sequel/prequel/reboot/re-imagining.

This film just did not work for me. On second viewing I dislike it even more.
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