
5 Reviews
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Better than I expected, not quite on par with the original trilogy
16 May 2002
I'm regretting my cynicism a little - it was better than I expected. The effects were of course very nice, but this time, they were used for considerably better effect - Lucas' formidable skill with visuals has obviously returned. My favorite scene, cinematography-wise, was definitely the chase scene at the beginning. The digital effects were stunning, and absolutely necessary for a scene like this - the number of speeders, buildings, and people in the scene couldn't have been achieved without CGI. This time, it seems that Lucas' cinematic vision hasn't been outpaced by the power of his computers. I also very much liked the visuals in the scenes on the water planet (can't think of the name). They impressed me a great deal.

The dialog was quite poor, though - filled with clichés (Samuel L. Jackson: "I don't think so!" being only one of many examples.) The scenes with Anakin and Padme were almost sickening in their sweetness. I'm glad the teenage romance wasn't as important in the movie as the preview I saw made it look because George Lucas at his best is not a skilled director of romance, and here he is positively ham-handed. Leia and Han Solo were funny, had good chemistry, and Lucas used a very light touch. Anakin and Padme, on the other hand, said lines like "I've been dying day by day since you came back" (paraphrased) and didn't manage to convince me at all.

Thankfully, those scenes were fairly brief, and Jar Jar was also present briefly, although in his perhaps 5 minutes of screen time, he did manage to put into action the destruction of the Republic.

The scene with Yoda was, of course, extremely crowd-pleasing, even obsequious - perhaps an apology for Episode I. It was also, however, very well done - although I don't know that it would have the same meaning to those who haven't seen the first three. I wonder about the young folk who haven't necessarily seen the original trilogy. The end of that seen, when Yoda picks up his cane, was a classic moment for the series.

All in all, it was a good movie, but it didn't quite live up to the original trilogy. His visual skills are on par with IV-VI, the effects were much better, but the cast was not the equal of the originals, including, surprisingly, Ewan McGregor. The dialogue was mediocre, and the acting was mixed. Definitely a worthwhile addition to the series, but nowhere near its peak. It is sure to please the diehard fan, especially after Episode I, but to someone like myself, who enjoys Star Wars but isn't fanatical, the flaws are visible. I give it 8 out of 10.
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Nice, too bad it's missing some videos
19 January 2002
I would have enjoyed this more had it had all of her videos from the era on it - most notably, it's missing the very memorable "Erotica" (according to rumor, in order to avoid a Parental Advisory label.) However, the DVD is still very much worth owning for any Madonna fan - her genius for visuals is at its peak during the videos from "Ray of Light," especially in "The Power of Goodbye" and "Frozen." This collection definitely showcases her at her best, during her later years, and the visual effects are superceded only by the music.
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Shopping (1994)
Somewhat underrated
19 January 2002
I think this movie has been underrated. Certainly it is not a movie for the ages, but I was surprised how much ambiguity and pathos the (very young and immature) lead actors managed. It certainly is not a showcase of the very best of Jude Law, but I think one can definitely see his potential in the movie.

Certainly, the movie had its weak points, but overall, the acting was at minimum decent, the plot, well, the plot was almost non-existent, but movies centered around plot are the lowest form of film-making. The soundtrack was very good, and the sight of Jude Law in the tight shirt at the club was superlative.
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Beautiful piece of magical realism . . .
18 January 2002
This movie was wonderful - engaging, beautifully filmed, and filled with superb performances. It is very much in the style of a lot of Hispanic literature and I don't recommend it to anyone unfamiliar with magical realism. It requires a suspension of belief and the acceptance of certain literary conventions likely unknown to the average American. Without foreknowledge of the style, it is likely to make little sense to the viewer. However, it is indeed a graceful and romantic movie, and very much worth seeing.
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Almost perfect
23 November 2001
Beautiful visually, wonderful costuming, lush scenery, and very good acting. The only dark spots are Ally McBeal - I mean, Calista Flockhart - who manages to make Helena identical to her sitcom character, and surprisingly, Kevin Kline, who while usually wonderful unfortunately plays Bottom much too flat in many places. In contrast, Stanley Tucci, an improbable choice, was wonderful. His approach to the character was refreshing and very effective. The many comments disparaging his performance can only be chalked up to bias, because his Puck is admittedly quite unusual, but the interpretation is a very interesting one. I also wonder about the director's choice in inserting the silent scene in which Bottom is confronted by his wife - simply because it doesn't seem to add much to the storyline.

But all in all, it was a wonderful adaptation, and certain to delight any fan who approaches it expecting something interesting and different.
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