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Play for Today: Still Waters (1972)
Season 2, Episode 11
Awesome find
9 July 2023
From 1972, it may seem old and dusty but it explains a great deal about life. The Child, the young lovers, the middle aged couple, and the older widower gent. It might have been titled "the picnic" or the gathering, but the beauty of this filming location is awesome. It will make you want to go there just to experience it. None of the characters becomes a lead in this short film but it was nicely done. This makes you think back to a more simpler time before the internet, cell phones, and total media deception. This is one hour well spent. If your like me you will look for more of these shorts.
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Wake Up Calls are Long Distance
1 October 2022
There's nothing cliché, or square, when it comes to waking people up. If you tell a teenager "DON'T Do IT", they probably will for the thrill of it. More people have died each year of car accidents than pandemics. So the idea of speaking to young or old driver's is preachy, and a waste of time is naïve. The automobile has been around since the early 1900's and the 1950's blossomed stupid "rebel without a cause" spoiled teenager movies, like Brando, the wild one. Something was desperately needed to SCARE the Hell out of people in general from driving like jackasses. These films like Signal 30, or blood on the highway was what was needed at the time. People today are just as stupid driving while texting. Its no better today, just more air-bags to combat the air-heads behind the wheel.
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Fighting Back (I) (1982)
Taking it Back!!!!
3 December 2021
Excellent movie with a very good cast. Tom Skerrit Patti Lupone, Yaphet Kotto, Joseph Ragno a great collection of believable actors making this a credible story. This movie is based upon true stories of out of control street crime corrupt official apathetic judges. Out of total desperation 2nd generation store owner John De Angelo rallies his neighbors to start a private patrol force of volunteers to rid the streets of thugs punks and thieves. This is not a typical shoot em up vengeance film without merit but a look at reality in the big cities where the citizens and cops have been out numbered and out gunned for a very long time. Worth the watch if you can find this film. There are racial situations and language in this film, but no animals were hurt during the making of this film, just scum bags.
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Night Heat (1985–1989)
The other white meat
1 December 2021
This show aired late at night and received very little fan-fare inspite of an excellent cast and good writers. T J Hooker ran until 1986, and Hill Street Blues ran through 1987. So its safe to say that this Canadian production without the mega million advertiser's from the states had hard competition not because of content or the fame status of its actors but because money talks baby. After the seventies; George Kennedy-The Blue Knight, and the full series of Police Story the whole of major networks shifted towards Hill Street soap opera's and mega star grandiosity episodes. The budget was managable for Night Heat and as was mentioned earlier the newness of the series actors gave space to evolve thier characters without the pre supposed personalities. The only regret seems to be the lack of high quality in the saving of all these episodes. Thats Television.
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The Blue Knight (1975–1976)
He was no Mohaired Sam
4 September 2021
This is my favorite George Kennedy role. George played a peace officer that walked his beat and knew the people that lived there. This was during a decade when the police were resented if not hated. The patrol windows began to roll up because the police cars began to be equiped with A/C, which a decade before was not standard on any car rolling of the assembly line. The police became detached from the community and fewer would live in the beat area that they patrolled. The sadest thing about this series is the fact that it was canceled after only one season. We would have to suffer with T J Hooker, and soap opera cop shows like Hill St. Blues shortly there after. Thats the breaks and we didnt have any say in the matter. This TV beat the William Holden movie role hands down. 10 STARS ✨
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Winter Kill (1974 TV Movie)
Suspense with a story
4 September 2021
This is a great film with 60's and 70's character actors, and roles at a 70's pace. A murder mystery but still has lovable characters that work well together. During these years much of what we were given in murder mysteries gave you the culprit right up front. No guess work with Columbo, Murder She wrote, Quincy, Barnaby Jones, later Diagnosis Murder with Dick Van Dyke. Worth watching.
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The Girl in the Empty Grave (1977 TV Movie)
Andy break-out roles
4 September 2021
The seventies was a long decade for Andy Griffith but he was working. Its tough to break out of the only character people knew Andy as. The lovable sheriff of Mayberry. In this role Andy plays Chief Able, of a small town with very little funds to operate upon. The entire cast get thier careers started with this movie and its a enjoyable film. The first time watching you will not know the ending, which is a good thing. Worth watching...
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The Addams Family (1964–1966)
Boring Strange and predictable
4 September 2021
People rave on about this TV series and the dreadful remake Movie somewhere in the past 20 years. I am not a snob but this was always a boring show. The competing show of the time was The Munster's which in my book was more fun and a lot more amusing. Ford and Chevy, Rice plays Texas, and Addams Family vs. The Munster's. Two each his own.

There was too much in the early 60's to watch over this one.
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Back when the story mattered
13 August 2021
This episode was done very well, Cornel Wilde, Martha Hyer, Malachi Throne, to start with, an excellent cast of "believable" actors. The character actors of 60's had very little to draw upon other than there own experiences in thier lives. Each person came to the stage with thier own unique personality, a character. This was in the early 60's so the idea of the loss of memory and identity hadn't been beaten like a dead horse. Doc Pierson Paul Newlan the local GP in town stated something pretty profound; "Most of us really dont know who we are, it can take a life time for that". Its a great story if we can see these episodes available to watch it would be worth it.
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