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Scrubs: My Road to Nowhere (2007)
Season 6, Episode 8
So bad..
30 August 2024
Look.. I love Scrubs. I have for a long time. But after not watching it forever, and commencing a huge rewatch, getting to season six and having forgotten that Elizabeth Banks shows up to ruin everything was such a bummer. And then this episode. When she gets extra points for being one of the most horrible women to ever show up on a screen. That kind of lie isn't only horrible, but doesn't even make sense on top of everything. The whole Dr. Cox/Jordan stuff which is definitely heart string pulling and is one of the softer sides of the gruesome twosome, and a good showing, but also the other extra players making various fun side remarks, it's a good episode built on an entirely awful premise. And getting to the end of the episode to spring it on everyone is even worse. But it is deeply vile and worse that it has to be unexplained by "surprise" later. Can't stand her. Deeply can't stand her.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Dear Ben (2019)
Season 20, Episode 12
Really good.......except for the lie.
31 March 2024
So I don't even want to touch on the actual storyline of this episode. It's actually really well done, the episode in its entirety, which is not a super common thing for SVU anymore. But this one is really good. The story, the progression, everything is solid. Even Noah being a brat is handled well. And that's where, at the very end, they collapse it with Olivia's endless, senseless, need to lie to her kid. It doesn't relate to story at all, but Noah is old enough now, that she can't not tell him the truth anymore. No matter what Olivia's rules are with giving her own son tech access, it would only take one afternoon with a friend's phone for him to find out EVERYTHING about his father. And in the land of L&O one Google search of his own name would bring up every piece of news coverage about Johnny D, his trial, his death, Noah, Ellie, literally everything. Bensons "vendetta" was brought up in trial. So the news stories would have covered that too. But for him to ask if his dad is in "heaven" and if he loves him, and for her to say "yes" and "of course he loved you, so much" is straight up lies. That the kid hasn't read about it yet, is the show pretending as hard as it can, but then for him to magically find his brother a couple seasons later, without her finding out. But not find the truth about is father, is such a crock of you know what. It's really bad. Just. Bad. Like, tell this kid his dad wasn't a nice guy and his mom got in trouble. Don't straight up lie to him.
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Mid but okay, but also annoying.
26 March 2024
So, this episode starts with a musical scene which, they've tried a couple of times with this show and it's always a miss and kind of funny trying to make Law and Order anything "hip." As far as any episode goes. This one is pretty good. It's got good development, good acting, good scene work, all that. The bone I have to pick with it, is the repeated storyline and vax argument. SVU has been here before, done that. Season 10 they tied in the anti-vax argument with the Casey Anthony case. Guest starred Hilary Duff. And it makes it annoying when they try to make it out like Olivia is being some kind of tyrannical beast, doing her job, because she's got a kid now. But she had the same to little reaction on her stance then. So there is immediate proof it's not some personal vendetta. Then they just kind of drop that and go along with the rest of the story. Which ends fine. I mean there are some more annoyances. Amaro is annoying and overly emotional as ever, Carisi, Rollins and Fin do a lot of the leg work with the school and Dr.s and collecting the evidence and records, I like it because everyone is in it, it's got more of the squad feel the show used to have and is a good centralized storyline. So it sits at an 8 good, not fantasitc, but way better than some of the drivel they fall into.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Missing (2019)
Season 20, Episode 17
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So another "kidnapped one kid to replace another" where they muck it all up by taking FOREVER to get to the point. (They did this in one with Stabler where they faked a kidnap of a teenage girl and her online streamed assaults to get attention for a cold kidnapping case, in that one they decided to play fantastical magic with the characters ages) this one they make it an absolutely absurd play with a six year old not remembering his kidnapping.... but... they start the episode with a little girl being kidnapped and she's fully functional and her brain works just fine but we're supposed to believe this kid remembers NOTHING of his former life... but also Rollins "discovery" of the kids eye color.... both of my parents had brown eyes. My brother has blue eyes and I have green. We each turned up the recessive gene from either side. There is zero way this would have clued them into it being the same kid. But It's one of those plotlines they try to make so left turn it collapses in on itself. Infuriating. SVU has always been this way though. It can go from (in one season) a pinnacle of television production in every way (in season 20 I consider Alta Kockers one of the best episodes of the entire series) to this mess of Missing. But then immediately after this episode SVU started reaching out into a lala land from which it could never come back. But you could watch its fingers slip off the cliff in this one.
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Zero actual story.
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Since the character who starts the story off isn't known, to anyone, before offing themselves less than five minutes in, this episode was super confusing trying to pull heartstrings and emotion. When the second character takes their life, there's almost no effort to make them more endearing, but at least now we pick up on the suicide route, which, truthfully, is a super huge issue, but, L&O bumbles and fumbles about here with so little tact it's astonishing, but not surprising. Olivia bursting into a therapists office demanding he break confidentiality is really gross when she doesn't even know what is going on. But it's ultra gross how they spend their time shredding down on Ed Tucker (wow, I really just typed those words) but to spend years, literally years, making people hate the straight cop, make people disdain this character, to then flip the table, try to turn him into a positive, use him that way only to then, flip the coin again and kill him this way... it's horrendous. I am sorry for whatever happened to officer Wilson. Whatever made her take her life, and whatever she lived through, I'm sorry for the other officer who was worried about his dirty laundry being aired, but trying to conflate these types of stories and link them with a terminal diagnosis driven suicide is misleading. Make the character look like like they do some final undercover and just eke it out like that because they're oh so ill... but then he's got the mind to go ahead and settle himself like that. Just isn't how it works. It's also out of character for a person killing themselves because of another diagnosis to use their weapon because they're not trying to hurt anyone else or make a mess. A man in that situation is far more likely to select a much more tame method to spare the people they love. And people who do it aren't selfish or terrible, they just don't want to hurt anymore, they don't want to spread the suffering. So using him to literally do that in the end and simply spread the suffering around, using old accusations, and trying to blame that character at first, is antithetical to his end anyway. Good God... I hate when Olivia goes sniffing and barging into situations like she did in this episode and then does immediately in the beginning of the next. Ah, binge watching.
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26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Olivia, even with her really over drive over emotional over trauma driven story lines and responses, would never have the idiocy to leave her child with complete strangers over night, with someone related to her son only by his dead, criminal father. Going to meet them? Fine. Taking time to get to know them? Fine? Having the adults exchange numbers and talk, build a relationship? Wonderful. But, oh hi, here's my son, I'm gonna work a case out of my jurisdiction so you can keep my kid when I don't even know you. Also the line coming from Noah "he's my only real family" I don't care he's what, nine? And you didn't pick up the utter look of heartbreak on your own mother's face? What a jack a- I'm sorry but at that age you can tell when you've hurt your mother. And for him to be such a little ingrate, maybe Benson should tell him where he came from so he can watch himself. If you want to say nature vs nurture this kids got to be fighting two gene pools of gross to grow up from. (A junkie crack ho and a violent trafficking pimp, excellent combo) Also the Olson case is one of the worst I've ever seen, as a disgusting animal keeping a slew of women chained and brainwashed in a rural house isn't normal and the guy would be convicted, with a single radio hit to the face or not. And then the "girls night" drinking was such a crock. They have NEVER been that close. Olivia has NEVER been that outgoing towards Rollins and it was just unbelievable, it wasn't natural, it was a crap set up for her to say she was leaving. It was so bad. It was a bad episode all the way around. And the way she turned around at her talking about leaving THAT is how she acts towards Rollins. Always disappointed and disapproving. Even when it benefits Rollins. (Don't know how you get offered a professor job out of being a detective but whatever, it's better for her not to be working a dangerous jobs with two kids and a new husband)
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I guess.
26 September 2023
Look, this episode is okay for being over 20 years old, from the start of the series, this is one where they tried to branch out a little and they didn't get it quite up to snuff. But honestly it's the low stakes things that they mess up that really bites on me. I wouldn't be reviewing an ancient episode from 2001 except for the fact I went all the way back to the beginning of the show and decided to binge the series. (I've floated around the seasons over the years but this was my first time going to season one episode one and just letting them run) but with the industry they decide to explore (which at that time, the adult entertainment industry was wildly different and just starting to radically change with the matches struck by the internet) and twist in this crime but then to dump the sick kid on top of it... and that's my gripe is the whole CF kid. Where they're talking about "she has Cystic Fibrosis, there's Dr. Visits, shots, pills..." what shots? Unless she also has CFRD, which she's kind of young for, she'd be on insulin but there's no other injectables for CF so what is she talking about? It's just annoying. Especially after in another episode they tried to use a kid not having insulin as falling into a coma the second his pump ran out of insulin. Which is also wrong and not how it happens. These are giant network shows. They have enough resources to have consultants to fact check this stuff and they have a responsibility to because people watch it then think they know what they're talking about referencing medical issues. It's annoying. But they really stretch this story way too much, beyond just trying to add MORE drama with a sick kid story that they don't really need.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Cold (2008)
Season 9, Episode 19
Pretty bad.
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty bad episode. It opened terribly, chaotically, and ended the same way. It wasn't upsetting to see Lake get wrapped up in something like this but, it wasn't something you'd think a halfway decent svu detective to get pulled into. Not the Vidocq stuff but the random, middle of the night, ambush shooting. It's just kind of ridiculous. And everyone's attitudes are pretty poor. While trying to figure out what's going and even being allowed as a squad to take on the investigation, I don't get the ridiculous show between Stabler and Fin. We know Stabler isn't anyone's favorite buddy bud, but they have, for almost a decade, respected eachother. And suddenly they're fighting over the Johnny come lately murder cop. With Fin saying Lake is his partner as if Much never existed. Just bad. It evolves terribly overly time run time, the fight between Novak and Warner doesn't make any sense. And then the ending is just ridiculous. Johnny come lately murder cop again? Okay, we get it, he's off the show. Along with Novak being censured to write her off as if she was the type to try and break the law, at trial, over a decade old cold case she had nothing to do with in the first place. She was the ADA you couldn't get to take the case unless you HAD the evidence. Not the one to pretend the insufficient, degraded DNA was perfectly fine, just a paperwork mistake away from being fixed. And them using that as some kind of mechanism in the writing is just so clunky and out of character for the show let alone Novak herself. Just a poorly planned and executed finale. Really bad. Like... wow. Going back and rewatching things can be good, but when you see the bad, it's pretty tough to watch.
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Just to blow off steam...
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is less about the episode, which is okay, but more about the Rollins, Benson relationship and it definetely showed in this episode how completely disconnected their characters are and it got really annoying in this one. But for that ending situation where Rollins draws her weapon and fires along with an entire ESU team but just HAPPENS to make, with a pistol, the headshot that kills the girl is so outrageously written it is frustrating. And for Benson to tell her that and give, not even a stitch of consoling, not even an arm around the shoulders, shows just how little she cared for her colleague. I've been bingeing the series a secons time the past couple weeks and they never gel. They never got along and Benson should have had her transferred out long ago and they could have put another female in but I doubt she would have made it either. Olivia's holier than thou attitude gets worse and worse over time... whether it gets any better the later it goes if it gets any better by the time Rollins rolls out I don't know (I haven't watched the last two seasons) but I can say it sours most of their interactions. Even though Rollins is a pain in the rear end with some of her antics, she still didn't deserve a boss who looked down on her like that. Especially when Olivia has done enough rogue bull herself.
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A Small Light (2023)
I hated every second of it.
28 May 2023
Wonderfully acted. Beautifully set. Has truly heart pounding moments when you know the true outcomes anyway. But every second made my stomach knot and I couldn't stop uncontrollably crying throughout. I first read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was in seventh grade. I have read it countless times since then. I have thought of each of the people in hiding, Anne, Margot, Otto, Edith, the Van Pels ans Mr Pfeiffer... but also Miep, Jan, Bep, Johannes and Victor and all of the people relegated to the roles of "helpers." This show brought into a sharp, heart rendering focus of what those helpers went through. And how even more awful it made this time in our disgraceful history. The suffering, the pain, the atrocity... are all expressed in this series without being overly gory or even having to show the camps. It ruins you on emotion and truth alone. That it could be made, and there is truth, but so unbelievably well done and powerful with what it does show, gutted me. I should have realized going in what it would do. I am a person who read the same copy of the diary for years until I was gifted the "textbook" copy, the revised critical edition, that isn't as edited, has handwriting analyses and other details. It is truly, to me, one of the most relatable stories of what happened, to be shared with a worldwide audience. Or maybe it was relatable because I was a thirteen year old girl reading something written by another teenager and could understand the intricacies of her thoughts and feelings through a similar lens. I never went through a day of what she did. I never went through a day of what Miep or Jan Gise did. But that doesn't mean I can't understand how absolutely atrocious it was. And this series shows it all from the less common lens of outside looking in. Not from inside the attic. Not from in hiding but being the people doing the hiding, and the struggle to keep up with those tasks. To have hide things outwardly to the rest of the world to try and save others. I do like how the series doesn't try to fabricate a soluble ending, but shows how several people may have caught on in some ways. Although, truly, in real life, I hope whatever person snitched for the money, or reported to their superior officer, is burning. I think everyone should watch this. But I truly wish no one had to. I do applaud all of the cast, and especially Bel Powley, Joe Cole and Liev Shreiber for their remarkable performances. And, Ashley Brooke bears such a striking resemblance to Margot it's startling, (they're shown next to eachother in the credits scene) I wish I could say I loved it, but I can't. I detested every second, and wish it wasn't real. If it had been some sort of archaic fantasy? Maybe. But this was all too real.
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Just.. no. The end ruins it even though you know.
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a prequel so you know she the end so, I thought it was actually really good until the end. If they had left out the utter dumbness of her going back in and walking through the house and not immediately dying of smoke inhalation it could have been an excellent film. She should have just screamed from the roof and either been rescued or found another way down. Not walk through a flaming home and take the time to change ribbons. Please. Everything else was almost believable. And Julia Stiles does a fantastic job in this role. All the lead up to the end was great. Talk about drawing out a new story from the story from the end (which is what prequels do..) it was excellent until the very last minute. But the very end, the reveal, was poorly done and the overdramatic stroll through the house just ruined it.
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