
9 Reviews
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Legend of the Seeker (2008–2010)
30 March 2010
I was introduced to this show by my sister who swore it was amazing. With my growing interest, I sat down to watch the hour and a half long pilot episode. I'm not going to lie... I did not like it at first sight. But, not wanting to give up (I am extremely stubborn), I watched the next episode and that's when I first started liking what I saw. It wasn't perfect by any means but it was okay. I'm now on the second season and I can now say, completely honest, I LOVE this show. I even put off looking at the latest episode just so I have something new to watch and not have to wait until next weekend. If you're like me and have trouble with slow starts, give Legend of the Seeker a second chance, you won't regret it.
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Better Than Twilight...
21 November 2009
Firstly I have to say that, no offense to Catherine Hardwick - who, btw, did a fabulous job with Twilight - but the second installment was an improvement. I am very spoiled when it comes to special effects and I always look at them when I watch a movie and New Moon delivers is. The werewolves were amazingly done. So much work must have gone into the fine details. Even with the little screen time we get with out favorite vampires, the La Push boys fill the space nicely, but not completely, of course. Of course the movie is flawed in some ways, every one is and there is no such thing as the perfect movie. I may be a Twilight Saga fan and have been looking forward to seeing this movie for a long, long time, I can say with 100 % honesty that it is well worth your money. The acting was actually better in this movie too. I'm not saying they were acting poorly in Twilight but there was something extra now. We have Chris - the amazing director - to thank for that. I am happily awaiting Eclipse and with the way that the movies are progressing, it's probably going to be even better than New Moon. Before I finish, I would like to add one important detail; when Twilight was just about to be released, I remember seeing tones and tones of released clips and TV spots and like the fan that I am, I watched all of them and that actually destroyed how I took in the movie a little bit so this time, I only watched the two or three trailers that were released and I loved the movie all the more because of the mystery. It's not fun if you see all the good parts before. In summary; excellent movie with great special effects, romance and more action than the movie provided (and in this case, that's a good thing). So I give it 8/10 which I think is the most appropriate.
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Criminal Minds (2005– )
27 October 2009
I've just started watching this show and by the time the Pilot was done, I was hooked. The witty lines and amazingly suspense plots work together like two pieces of a puzzle. Even though I'm only on my second season, at the moment, I already call this one of my favorite shows. I literally sitting on edge as i watch and gasp at the cliffhanger. The writers always leave me craving for more and I'm really glad i don't have school anymore because I would probably have fallen asleep during ever class since I practically spend all night watching more Criminal Minds than any sane person should. To say I love the show would be putting it too lightly but it's the best word I have for now.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
First impression...
11 September 2009
Firstly I have to say that I have not read any of the books and to some that may not validate me as a good enough reviewer. But here is my opinion; From what I have seen of the teasers, the show has a lot of promise. After seeing the pilot, I stand by my point. I liked it, a lot. Some thinks that it's ridiculous to even place a mythical creature in such "normal" conditions, like school and reality, but that is one of my favorite things. I like mixing it up. Who really wants the über cliché vampire story of burned by the sun, sleeps in a coffin or turns into a bat? I sure as hell don't! Some also says that this is the "next Twilight" or something and there I have to disagree. This is nothing like Twilight. Sure there's a mysterious vampire (who, btw, is completely gorgeous!) and a girl for a heroine and the story takes place in the same "time". But that's it. Don't compare them and don't compare the books to the show. That's the reason many shows and movies "turn bad" because you analyze it so much you miss the whole point. My advice is to give the show a chance... this was only the pilot, people! Many great shows have had some "eh" responses. But think of the possibilities!
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Supernatural: Lucifer Rising (2009)
Season 4, Episode 22
16 May 2009
This episode was just excellent! I can honestly say that i saw non of it coming and my god it was amazing! I promise not to give anything away... It's the least to say that this episode will blow your minds away. If you are a true Supernatural fans, you will be sitting at the edge of your seat. After the episode you will be waiting and literally counting down the days till season five begins. I don't even know when that will be and I'm already thinking it must be way too long. And I saw the episode about 15 minutes ago! Supernatural is one of the best shows now on TV and just the thought of ever waiting to see more of the Winchester boys is simply horrible. I know, but we people are not really known to be patience. Of course this is simply my opinion... feel free do dismiss anything and/or everything I wrote here.
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Summerland (2004–2005)
And the show was canceled... because?
22 February 2009
This show, I have to say, is so completely fantastic! It's new and fresh and I never wanted it to end... never. I didn't see it when it first air because it didn't air here, where I live but now, spending probably 3 day watching, I find myself completely captivated. There should be more shows like these, about family and all that comes with it. Everyone living under the same roof was a good idea and loads of embarrassing moments that comes with being a teenager. as for the actors; i never was one for full house but i have watched and I will say that i think this show was actually better. but that's my opinion, feel free to hate it if you want! and Lori Laughlin does an amazing job, doing this roles, it's like it was made for her and her only. And the ones playing the kids; Jesse, Kay and Nick are absolutely fantastic and they make their roles so believable. A lot of roles that gets played now a days, and i'm not just talking about TV-shows but movies too, are not believable, so thats a nice change. I just really wish that the show should have gone further than it did and it's so sad that it didn't. And last but not least; everything about this show is great, even the slightly cheesy lines that they worked in the script. But overall... wonderful!
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18 February 2009
Our beloved friend if back with a new attitude. Jason Voorhees had been, literally, scaring the crap out of us for 3 decades now and it has been 5 years since we have seen him last and now to be completely hones; I was not disappointed. It has all the elements of a great scary movie and anyone who says that they don't get at least a little afraid out by the man in the mast it a LIAR! You can see through the movie that some of the deaths have been done before but have a little more twist now and that is just fantastic. I have read what the critics have aid about this movie and to be completely hones; screw em'! Critics never know a good horror movie even if it came an bite them in the ass, literally. They have always looked down upon great horror movies and what do they know?! 3 decades ago when the original Friday the 13th came out, it got horrible reviews and look at it now; it's a cultural classic! All I have to say is; see it! If you are a fan of the Camp Crystal Lake and Jason, watch it! You will not be disappointed!
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The Reader (2008)
16 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
At the age of 15, Michael Berg goes home from school early. As he feels ill, he stops off the road where a woman comes up and helps him get home. The two of them later begin an affair that last no longer than a summer. After about 10 years, Michael meets this woman again but under compromising circumstances, during a trial about the Nazi war crimes.

I have been meaning to watch this movie for quite some time now and one day I sat down and watched. I was not disappointed. Quite the opposite; I was surprised and it was absolutely wonderful. One of the most meaningful movies that I have ever seen. The portrayals of these characters are spectacular. I must say, although I have not read the book, I can still have a critical eye upon the movie. As many of Kate Winslet's movies; this one is strong and once again you are surprised by the choice of role she has chosen. The newest star, David Kross is absolutely superb in his role. He follows it through with such passion and emotion that it is clear that he will be a great star in the near future. The lack of media and focus on him, I think, is a shame. He was fantastic and in my opinion, he deserves and academy award as much as the rest of all other nominees .

I do recommend this movie to people. It's phenomenal and if you give it a chance, you might think so to.
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Well done
15 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I must first of all say that I am not a hard rock fan of the Terminator movies. I mean, yeah, they are okay and all and I have definitely seen worse. Beside all that, I am really impressed with this show. The fight scenes and special/visual effects are phenomenal, especially for a TV-show and the plot is rather inventive. I really am interested in the life of Sarah and John Connor after T2 because; then came Terminator 3 and all of the sudden Sarah was dead and you didn't really know how and what had happened, at least i didn't, and to have that explored is just fantastic. I do hope that they gets to continue for at least a season 3 and hopefully, many more after that.
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